Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Hang on to Your Hats !

This is one photo I can share of an early map of the binary solar system very close to us now. It is just one opinion, there are others who say Nibiru is red. Napisiti, the rain bomber, is definitely green because you can see the green clouds at its base from many photos.  Atu is definitely purple. That's what gives us the amazing purple sunsets.

The positions of the planets change and a new drawing is made on the 15th of every month by Sam, but I can't share those drawings-  I think they are copyrighted.

Some say it is just one planet with seven moons and others say it is eight planets, two of which are technically moons of other planets. They are all revolving eliptically around their own sun, which is behind our sun, and behind them both is a gas giant which some call Herculbus /Immaru.  Atu has a moon and Isatum has a a yellow moon which people often see in the sky and think it is the second sun.  

There's a lot of asteroids, and weird shaped objects such as triangles, cubes and rectangles which we see as square or triangle clouds. We've never seen square or triangle clouds before. 

Photos below show how close they are.   The person who took the first photos thought it was maybe just clouds.  It is actually a couple of planets/moons.  Each planet or moon has a different colour and different cloud shapes. You can see that the browner coloured sphere has different shaped clouds to the purple sphere overlapping and above it.  We can identify them all by their colour, the shape of the clouds inside, and their location to the Sun [as per the diagrams drawn by Sam - his diagrams include the cloud shapes and colours and positions, however they are not my pictures to share on a blog, I don't have permission to do that.  They are his drawings and his story.] I know it looks surreal and unbelievable, you don't have to tell me.  I've seen a lot of photos like this, but these two are incredible.

If you look closely [or maybe don't look closely, look from further away] you can see that the area where the three dots are is a deeper blue coloured sphere and is actually separate from the others, this is the moon of one of the planets- I think - and in Sam's diagram it does have dots on it. If you look at the area about an inch-and-a-half below the three dots, it's a different colour....there is a paler more purple sphere in the base is the brownish/orange sphere.  I don't know what the dots are, that's just the way it is.  

It does take a trained eye to see these things, and some people can't see it at all.... because straight off you would just see one sphere, but actually there are three, overlapping each other, and each one has differently shaped clouds.  I'm not an expert, at first I thought this was just one planet, but then I saw someone's explanation and I realized it was more than one.  It's easier to see that in the second photo.

I think I've shown this one before: it's two planets/moons... a darker grey sphere in front of a paler grey sphere,  and underneath you can see pink lightning.

Planet cutting into our Sun

Any questions I'll do my best to answer, but I don't have too many answers, I'm just enjoying the show!


  1. I wish you would mention in this post that it’s all connected to Moshiach being very imminent!

  2. How imminent ?? I am having a weird sensation constantly. Headaches … Malka

    1. No one knows. Predictions are never a good idea. It could be a day, a week, a year, 20 years . No one knows. Let’s just hope and daven it’s today and not in 20 years.

  3. Were these pictures taken in Australia?

  4. Malky: a lot of people are having headaches, dizzy spells, feeling out of sorts.
    mg: no not in Australia. Mostly from America.

  5. I’ve noticed a lot throughout this blog, especially the last several months, that a lot of people on here are going through hardships and all types of suffering in these final days right before the Geulah.

    I was just thinking it would really be a good idea if we had some type of “support group” such as a WhatsApp group for those of us Geulah focused and need the chizzuk and support to get through anything in these final moments. Devorah, I hope you will strongly consider it. I’ve even seen people on this blog who feel so down from this golus that they don’t want to live through it anymore. There is only a lot to gain if we get a WhatsApp group going where it would be so much easier to communicate. Of course, it would not affect this blog at all and all posts would continue to only be here. It could be so important to so many of us suffering.

  6. I might be old, but i used to feel okay just a month back.
    Now i feel drained of energy, and also have dizzy spells and aches more than ever.

    Its the dizzy spells that scare me, have to becareful in the house and especially when i am in the kitchen, or in the shower.

    I do suffer from High BP, perhaps that adds to it, feel not good going to a Doctor.
    I am not a Jew, a Noahide, who follows strictly only the ONE Creator of all,

    And i do drink that energy drink, called "Boost",

    If anyone can say if its safe having this boost drink today?

    I gave become so sort of suspicious of this drink and also i notice vegetables today, are not like how they were last year.

    I would appreciate anyones help.
    I do ask HaShem to bless what i eat and drink.

    But feeling so drained of energy.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.


  7. Would Noahides be allowed to join too ?


  8. What brand is the Boost?
    There's a few different ones in different countries.

  9. Yes SC Noahides would be allowed.

  10. Deborah, Now that the group is launched is there any way you can promote or publicize it on the blog? Maybe the blog
    Profile page and at the end of each post?

  11. I'll think about where to put it on the blog, and in the meantime people can share with friends and on FB, IG or wherever they go. FB has removed their ban on my blog, as far as I know.

  12. What’s the link to your Facebook blog page?

  13. I don't have a FB page, I meant they are now allowing you to post links to my blog on FB... they stopped people doing that for about a year.

  14. Is it safe to give your personal info to Anonymous ?


  15. I don't know Moshe, I don't know who anyone here is, and I don't want people knowing who I am. I am just an anonymous Devorah. It's not so easy to start up a group unless people know who you are. Rabbi Anava has a group. But people know who he is and trust him. I would never open a WhatsApp group because I don't have the time and I don't want people to have my phone number for obvious reasons. But if someone else wants to open a group and run it, that is their avodah, and you can always leave the group if you dont' like it.

  16. No, not definitely for me.


  17. Telegram groups keep your anonimity

  18. it's totally illogical...
    planets or satellites having such size would have tremendous magnetic influence on the earth, and way more destructive effects and would not be visible one day and the other wouldn't.
    There is also definitely a scale problem on the pictures... those meteorologic phenomenon are weird and impressive for sure, but they simply can't be planets, so close to the earth, and so small that their are not bigger than a city...
    I'm really not convinced by those pictures while being pretty sure that nibiru system may exist.

  19. Firstly they have had an effect on the earth's magnetic pole. Secondly, they operate electrically by creating the incredible lightning storms and pushing away from other planets. I can assure you the pictures are real. Most of them come from weather reporters or cloud watchers, they don't even know what they are photographing. They post it up on their FB pages and people from the Nibiru group forward them on.
    Why would I suddenly be photographing an asteroid slowly moving in the night sky, and then a few weeks later see two asteroid clouds in the sky, as I showed in one of my blog posts. These clouds are all around, people don't know what they are looking at but a lot of the time, they are looking at planets which are a darker blue than the rest of the sky. It depends on the angle we see them as to how they appear to us.

  20. אין בן דוד בא אלא בהיסח הדעת
    Maybe that's because something of mind-blowing proportions will take place prior? How else could everyone have היסח הדעת?

  21. I joined the group but I was deleted ? So I c’ant joined again

  22. Rivkie I had to re-do your comment without your phone number there. You don't want your number on blog comments, too dangerous.

    I would love to join the whatsapp group but dont have internet on my phone but do have whatsapp - just got your invite by email thnx. Rivkie

  23. Just speculating.
    On a tangent, I heard this Shiur 426 re: A.I. ban:

    But I don't care how brilliant Shiur 426 is, because they never brought up the distinct possibility that dybbuks might be attached to A.I. - thereby fooling everyone as to how "intelligent" A.I. is. Thus their star-spangled eyes IMO are misguided. Frustratingly, i wanted to get to hear more of what Rabbi Strickman =wanted= to say. And why didn't the latter at least suggest to the A.I. fans the possibility that A.I. can be considered like "doresh el hameisim" due to the aforesaid factor? And that that may account for its purported "intelligence"? If you consider that even kinesiology has long been frowned upon in the OJ world, how much more so can A.I. be a "launching pad" for dybbuks to fool the world?
    (see the following Hoffman review of kineseology, which BTW i take issue with, thus i'd be curious re: his views on A.I.

    Frankly, while aforesaid shiurim have interesting parts, I feel sick from the style, which is a flashback to the ultra-competitiveness of high-school. Like everything had to be cutting-edge cutthroat שקלא וטריא and i had to grin and bear it. No serious/dreamy relaxation was aspired to. Quite the opposite. Stuck on that torturous treadmill, I used to shrivel from incessant debates. Coast-to-Coast-AM by comparison mostly allows guests and callers to finish their thread in peace. Its =that= which is conducive to the learning process. Unfortunately some of that assertive style stuck from my past, and people get turned off that which was unwantedly woven into me back then.

  24. My WA can’t find the chat. When I enter the address in WA, I get No results.

  25. Devorah

    There is something unusual happening.

    I too have had sudden dizzy moments.
    Much less energy than usual.

    The atmosphere outside feels different, sort of 'Heavy."

    I advise all to go for an evening walk.
    Observe people.

    They are polarised. Hyped up and or aggressive, or very sullen.

    AVOID energy drinks.
    Usually full or artificial sweeteners that are bad for you.

    Just drink cups of half water/half fruit juice, that you know is Kosher.
    Take a table spoon of malt extract, or honey, once or twice a day.

  26. * Be careful with grape juice, as that must have a hechsher to be Kosher.

  27. Yes that's it London Male - "heavy" is the word. When we have had the dark days here when something seems to be blocking the sun, it does feel very oppressive.

    SC regarding your energy drink, there are some that provide nutrients and vitamins and hospitals prescribe them for people who can't eat normally. If it's something like that, then it's ok. But as LM says there are also energy drinks that contain caffeine etc, and avoid those.

    I think Menachem may have given up the Whats App chat. If you're then Memachem please confirm this or let us know what's going on.

    1. I started the group and deleted it as there were few join requests. I don’t know if Menachem started a separate group. There is no group I know of now. If anyone would like to start a Geulah group, they are more than welcome if they feel up to managing the group.

  28. Thank you both, Devorah and London Male.

    Shall take your advice.

    London Male, never ever had Grape juice ever.

    That fruit never appealed to me.

    Hashem bless you both.

  29. Yesterday the air here was "bad," but it didn't seem dusty or polluted. And yes, those "hazy?" days the air feels oppressive, sort of half way between a dust storm and tornado weather, but it's neither. In Jerusalem. TC

  30. Devorah

    Yes you are right,
    There are health drinks that are nutritious, full of vitamins and minerals.
    Soups too.

    And going to a juice bar or making a juice at home, these are healthy.
    Recipes with carrot, cucumber, mango, lime etc

    I was just worried about the more recent type of energy drinks, usually in a can, with brightly coloured advertising.
    Aimed at young people.

    And then you read the ingredients and they have large amounts of caffeine, excessive sugar, and aspartame etc.
    These drinks are the ones to avoid.


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