Monday, July 31, 2023

The Transformation of Reality in the Messianic Era

New shiur from Rabbi Mendel Kessin


Anonymous said...

I don't see this shiur on I'd like to listen to it but I don't have YouTube. Any advice? Thanks.CB

Devorah said...

So the video doesn't work on my blog if you don't have You Tube? Does that mean you don't see a video at all, or it won't play?

I'm sure it will be added to the Torah Thinking site soon. It only just came out.

Anonymous said...

It's a filter, so it prevents YouTube from any website. Sometimes I can see it but not play it, and sometimes it's just a blank spot. Filters aren't perfect.

Okay, I'll just wait for them to put it on Torahthinking.

Thank you!


S. Butterfield aka bookmouse said...

Thank you, very interesting.

Rahel F Adye said...

The latest will be up on the Torahthinking website by tonight, Monday. The video is currently on Yiboneh's YouTube channel. I cannot understand why it is not accessible to some. Just go to YouTube and type in "Yiboneh" and there should be no problem.

Devorah said...

It's not accessible because SC has You Tube blocked, nothing to do with You Tube itself.

Brilliant shiur, I've been listening = if you can get thru it, he explains why so much suffering now. Wonderful knowledge.

Anonymous said...


Devorah said...

Yes I meant to type CB.

Devorah said...

This was one of the best from Rabbi Kessin. So upbeat and everything is explained. His final words were a hopeful request that we see Moshiach before Rosh HaShanah. We are definitely in the final times, having reached the Nun shar'arei tumah - the 50th gate of impurity, and the window which is closing is just millimeters away from being closed completed..... all explained by Rabbi Kessin in this shiur. It's very very exciting times we are living in.

Rina said...

Painful to even say but I didn’t listen to much of the lecture yet but your comment might have be the reason I hold back from ending my life. I’m going through tremendous pain and suffering and knowing that Moshiach HAS to be imminent might help me cope since all the pain and suffering ends when Moshiach comes.

Devorah said...

OMG Rina, I know how it feels to want to end it all... just hang in there and take one step at a time. Sometimes the fact that we continue to breathe and last the day is enough. Try and listen to the whole lecture, it will make you feel a lot better. All this suffering is so intense because we are nearly there.

Rina said...

I know but at the same time , not everyone is suffering… I see plenty of happy frum Jews out there full of energy and happiness .. and too many of them don’t even care much about Moshiach coming. I just don’t agree with anyone (not you) that says that everyone is suffering now in these last moments before Moshiach. Not everyone is suffering.

Rina said...

I am not so encouraged by rabbi kessin about holding back from ending my suffering (my life) because he strongly believes that Trump MUST come back as president to complete the tikkun of golus. That’s at least another year and a half until golus is over according to him.

Devorah said...

Yes it's true, there's a lot of people living the high life and having a great time. Most people I know don't ever think about Moshiach.

The scales are being balanced... people are getting their reward or their dose of suffering, for various reasons which we don't even know. Sometimes it's possible to see why a certain person is being rewarded. Sometimes it's not possible. We don't know why some suffer more than others..but we all knew what we were getting into before we were born and our soul chose our life in order to rectify certain things. So yes we actually chose to suffer in order to do the tikkun, or to bring Moshiach or both of those things. Many are suffering and many are alone now.

Devorah said...

Yes he talks about Trump coming back but he also says he hopes we see Moshiach by Rosh haShanah. So the two things can both happen. We don't know how the Moshiach thing is going to play out and how the world will be run, and maybe there is a role for Trump there. Moshiach is a process as well.

Anonymous said...

Rina, i have been in the same situation and actually contacted 'Maid", here in Canada, to end my life.

But something, held me back, for I had tried this once long long ago.

Hashem is there for you Rina, and will keep you Under His Wings, Amen. I will hold you up to Hashem that your pain eases. Amen.

And, yes, Devorah and Rina, i get confused when i see people just living their lives, like all is okay, even when one can clearly see, in so many things, like food prices and all other things going up in price.
Feel so sorry to see kids with their cell phones and thinking they live in such great times.

The times are changing.
This blog, has helped me so much.
God bless Devorah for this..
You are like a Light House, when normal life is being tossed around like a ship in stormy seas.
God bless you and yours, Devorah.

God bless all who are going through problems,
God bless all peoples suffering where ever they be, and whoever they be.


oh me

Devorah said...

He also explained how we have now reached the 50th level of impurity... as I said before... and that is why we are so close... because it's over... that's as far as it can go before the window slams shut and the world actually ends. Moshiach must come and save it. Of course his explanation is much better than what I have just written, I'm just trying to get the message across, Trump is just part of the plan.

Michal said...

Hashem wants that we be b’simcha not depressed. Look at the good things Hashem gives you daily and thank Him every day. I try to do this daily and motivates me to do what G-d needs me to do. Focus on your mission in life, daven for Moshiach, and do acts of goodness and kindness. Chazak!!’

Devorah said...

He also clarifies what is actually going on in Israel with the demonstrations and the Supreme Court, and which I finally understand.
All the pieces have fallen into place for me, thank you Rabbi Kessin!

Devorah said...

Batsheva I didn't publish your comment because all it will do is confuse people. Rabbi Kessin did not say that.

Moshiach doesn't need Trump to be President. Whether or not he will be, and how it will play out, we don't know. Trump has already played a big part and he is a messianic figure... someone who features in the coming of Moshiach.
If you listen to the shiur, then hopefully you will properly understand the entire concept.

Anonymous said...

Hashem has made many promises to his jewish children. If a king decrees it must be done, it cannot be annulled. Hang in there, a wonderful future awaits us. Justice demands that we must suffer, but it cleanses our soul. Hashem is close to the broken hearted. Cry to Hashem and he will help you. He has always helped me.

Rina said...

So since Moshiach is a process , maybe I should go back to strongly considering ending my life and gehennim on earth. If Moshiach comes and there will still be pain and suffering, I won’t even be able to rejoice and finally breathe. If Moshiach comes and the pain and suffering ends from the start, then maybe I have something to live for. I don’t need Moshiach and still be in tremendous physical and emotional pain. That’s not a Geulah to me. Matan Torah had healing right away so I don’t see why Moshiach’s revelation wouldn’t heal all the pained and ill right away.

Devorah said...

Moshiach brings an end to pain and suffering.

At the moment we have only a tiny spark of Hashem's Divine Light coming thru the window, which is about to close shut.
Imagine how the world will be when that window is fully opened, and the entire world is full of the light of Hashem. Pain and suffering will be a thing of the past.

Rina said...

I’ve cried many times before. Crying doesn’t always get Hashem to end suffering. Yes, Hashem promised Moshiach but he promised it thousands of years ago. No one promised it to be very soon. It’s just good speculation based on world events.

Anonymous said...

Michal, you obviously don’t live with severe chronic pain. I’d be shocked if you do and you are often b’simcha. It’s easy to say when you are not the one going through gehennim.

Anonymous said...

Will it be 5 years after Moshiach arrives? You wrote that Moshiach is a process (once he arrives), so maybe there will still be Jewish children in cancer wards and people with chronic back pain and all types of the same illnesses and suffering out there for the first few years of yemos hamoshiach. That suffering would rob people of the pleasure of Moshiach’s revelation. You can’t enjoy something , no matter how great, if you are in a lot of pain. Get on a plane for kibbutz galiyotz with Moshiach’s arrival with severe pain? Forget about that. How can pain for Hashem’s children be combined with the era of yemos hamoshiach

Anonymous said...

Everyone says that we are in the generation of Moshiah. You are here because you are chosen to be here. Yes, the birth pangs are hard, but G-d will reward you for doing kindness. giving charity and having emunah!

Anonymous said...

Who’s everyone? It was mainly only the Lubavitcher rebbe that said it… and that was over a generation ago. He said it first around the year 1955 when he became the rebbe

Anonymous said...

Everyone is literally everyone. People from all religions, spiritualities, even athiests, think something big is happening. Do you live in our world? Are your eyes closed?

Anonymous said...

I have spoken to so many gentiles and they don’t understand why I believe something has to happen. They think the world can continue like this or that it’ll get better on its own. Don’t forget that many goyim don’t have a strong belief in G-d, and many have no belief.

Anonymous said...

Connect with Hashem, this is the greatest time in history aside from the Exodus. he is giving prophecy to ordinary people. Have you not heard this is the Great Awakening, that is why so many disclosures are coming out? We are moving into the world of light and Emet, which is perfection. We have to prepare our vessel to receive the light. The light is the healing.

Devorah said...

Anon @ 1:06 - you just said they don't have a strong belief in G-d and many have no belief.... so why are you taking their opinions seriously? That's like asking a deaf person to hear the music.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous @1)o6pm.

You are so very wrong about the 'Gentiles".

Those who you spoke with might be atheists, only Hashem knows.

There are lots of Non-Jews, you all call 'Gentiles', who believe in Gd.
They are where they are, as Gd created them as he did everything. All created by Gd.

I was Gentile too, not anymore. I follow Noahide Laws, i changed by belief system, as i was still searching for who the Real Creator is.

I do believe with all my heart, that it is Hashem who led me, step by step, with ups and downs to know who Hashem, The Only Creator is.

Also i know a lot of 'Goyim', who believe in Gd. Might not be as you would like, but Hashem, looks to the hearts and minds of every person Hashem created.

You should try to think on that.

I read Jewsish news, and there are also lots of Jews, who have left their belief, as there is so much of awful things happening in the different communities.
Spread love and understanding, perhaps Hashem is giving all humans whoever or wherever they be, to do that.
All is in Hashems Hands, and I thank Gd, i am as i am.

Goyims do lots of good things, look around and see.

Hashem bless you.

oh me

Anonymous said...

In the end, all will know the one true G-d and his name will be one.

Anonymous said...

Esav hates Yakov and that is Halacha. It seems they good to Jews but we do not their intentions how “good they really are”. It is famous Gemara that at the end of days they will claim how “good they were to Jews to build bridges , bath houses etc. but HaKadosh Baruh Hu who knows the heart of people will tell them that they really did it for themselves. They want shortcuts to get Olam Haba, without suffering and chilly life but there is no short cuts.


Anonymous said...

Biden and Trump on the same team.


Anonymous said...

For Rina, I read your comments and really feel for you. Is there anyone you can reach out to? Or alternatively, is there a way to be in touch with you, if you would like? I have been dealing with a chronic health condition for over thirteen years, and grew up in an abusive home, and am still waiting for other yeshuot for over twenty years, so I well understand, that whilst of course Hashem can give a person any yeshua at any time, some of us, as you say go through gehinnom in this world. And whilst everyone has their pikele, it is absolutely not the same.

Please let me know if I can be of any help.


Anonymous said...

It is very disheartening to see people about to give up when we are so close, no matter the struggle. G-d gives us exactly what we need and when we need it, and we should accept it and be grateful, for it is all for our ultimate good. It may seem uncompassionate to state these truths, but it is what it is. Also, to say that one is suffering more than another is just wrong. Everybody struggles in their own ways. Physical pain sucks, no doubt. But, so does other kinds of pain and suffering, such as emotional, lack of parnassa, etc. All I'm saying is that we do not know what others are going through just by looking. We just need to continue on and remember that it's nothing compared to what MbY has and is going through. And, he took that on himself. Had he not, we could not begin to imagine the pain and suffering that we would have to go through. Even with our challenges, we must remember that it could and would have been unimaginably worse. So, let's be thankful for what we have, i.e., what G-d has given us for our ultimate good.
- Hezqi

Rina said...

Yes. That might help me cope until Moshiach ends it all soon. What is your first name? Are you in Eretz Yisrael or America? Do you have an email address or something so I can reach out. Thank you a lot

Devorah said...

Moshe: I read the transcript of that lecture you posted about Biden and Trump being on the same team. I'm not convinced. Meanwhile, Trump is currently in the midst of several indictments and Biden is running the show. Moshiach should be here before Trump's troubles are over.

Devorah said...

To LL and Rina: if you want to get in touch without leaving your email address on a public website, you can leave a comment here which I will delete and put you in touch with each other.
Thank you LL for your offer.

Anonymous said...

That sounds very wrong to tell people suffering that you don’t know about that they should be grateful for their suffering. Sometimes, it’s best not to say anything if you aren’t in the other persons shoes.


Rina said...

Do you know if LL is a man or woman and which country they are in?

Devorah said...

I'm pretty sure LL is female and in Israel. She will clarify this though.

Anonymous said...

You will delete the comment after we put our personal contact info? Or it won’t get published ?

Devorah said...

Absolutely. I would never publish someone's private email address [or my own]

LondonMale said...


I am sorry that you are in pain.

But remember this about happiness.

We are commanded to feel joy.
That seems absurd when there is so much pain the world.
But we have to believe that in every moment we are working towards a better world and Mashiach.

There is joy in this world. So if someone is happy, they are feeling that joy.

Not everyone you see looking happy is living a life without suffering and pain.
People show on the outside in public what they want others to see.
You don't know what is happening on the inside or behind closed doors.

Perhaps contact Reb Dov from the End of Days blog that is highlighted by this site?
He lives with chronic pain, he may have some suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Chaim, that's not what I mean. No matter how much pain we may be going though, it's not proper to look at other people and think that they have it easy. That is almost always not the case. It is also not proper to think that we know better than G-d. I am sorry if I offended anyone or seem insensitive. Suicide is a very serious matter, obviously. It reminds me of what Yyov's wife said to him when he was suffering. That is not the answer. One would only come back to finish with the added weight of that sin or spend time in gehennom. It is truly not an answer. I hope that everybody here can hold on for just a little longer. Refuah shelamah to everyone.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of pain, I would also like to say to anyone who has been struggling with Covid symptoms, that when I got Covid, I basically lost the use of my arms. This went on for almost a year. Excruciating pain. It did fade away, then I got Covid again. I was told by my Doctor that I had too many platelets (unrelated to Covid), and that I should give blood. So, I did. I told them to take as much blood and plasma as they could. The pain faded away within a few days. Just in case anyone is suffering from the same symptoms. FYI, I'm unvaxxed.


Anonymous said...

For those who say to be 'happy', even when one is in pain, ( just wondering if they would smile with excruciating pain, if they had that physical pain),

I am happy that i am just Noahide, (do Noahides also follow 'smile and be happy' if your in physical pain?) I don't know.

I do feel pain as i suffer from arthritus, and other ailments, which i can bear sometimes, with a pain tablet.

But, i feel pain when I read of others suffering, when i see people struggling to get something to eat.
when i read of many poor people all over the world, having lost homes in floods, no one really helping them.
There are lots of stories of suffering peoples, animal, birds, fish dying in polluted oceans, and i cry, i hurt really hurt for them.

Never could i feel happy.

Perhaps, Gd, does not mind that me crying. as i am just noahide, goyim, just a nobody. whatever anyone thinks of those not from the Chosen people.

In the end, i weep and hurt for the suffering people, animals and birds.
I cannot be happy.

Yes i do hold them up in prayers to Hashem. I may not know who they are personally, but Hashem knows them. Amen.

Rina, hope you feel better soon.

Also anyone suffering from ailments, and other things. Gd please Help them. Amen.

oh my

Anonymous said...

You sound like you shouldn’t be commenting about this topic.


Anonymous said...

Yes, you are probably correct. I'm somewhat autistic and I have a difficult time reading the room. So sorry.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear so many of you are suffering. I am in Ir David now, and in about 2 hours after the tour will be at the Kotel BH. Today is 15 Av and all the gates are open in Shammaim . Pray to Hashem to heal you and submit your names if you wish your name and mothers name and I bli neder will pray for you . The only problem , I have 10% battery left and will try to turn off my phone now and will open it at the Kotel.


Anonymous said...

Please try focused prayer. It's an amazing tool of dealing with the most extreme and desperate of circumstances. Believe me, I speak from personal experience and a time, many years ago, when I too was close to ending my life, out of unbearable suffering.

Focused prayer isn't easy to do, but it will suffuse you with serenity and a quiet happiness and feeling of satisfaction and well-being.

Even 10-15 minutes of Focused prayer will have these results. The more you do it, the more it will become your refuge, and you will gladly run to your place of calm in the midst of the storm.


Anonymous said...

Rina et al, I got a psychiatric evaluation regarding a year of pain and anxiety that had been experiencing. It helped. I was in a hospital for 2 and half weeks and I'm on a very effective medication. I wouldn't say I'm 100% cured but I'm much better and can cope. I urge anyone, particularly Rina, to get a psyche eval as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

I am also suffering . Ora

Anonymous said...

Because my battery was dead and I did not get any names I prayed for all Am Israel to be healed and had Kavana for all readers from this beautiful blog. I hope it will help. I wish you all Refua Shelema BH.


LondonMale said...

Thank you Moshe.

Anonymous said...

For Rina, I am female, and B"D live in Israel. I gave my email address to Devorah if you would like to be in touch. Please note that I am not a mental health professional. My only 'credentials' are my life experience. And I only shared them given the seriousness of the situation. I also just want to say, that whilst what I wrote is correct regarding my suffering, B"D I have also experienced many chasadim from Hashem and open miracles. These acutely divergent experiences are deeply humbling.

Could we please first and foremost show genuine compassion to someone who is reaching out in pain?


Anonymous said...

My sister killed herself. MY heart felt like it was breaking. G-d doesn't want people to do it and that is enough reason not to. We are trying to encourage her to stay in the fight, not give up.

Anonymous said...

How is “G-d not wanting people to do it” enough reason not to? That sounds very judgmental. If you were in severe chronic pain or had a late stage terminal illness (example), how do you know how you would think and react to your suffering?


Devorah said...

People are making bets that there won't be a US election in 2024... all the lies and deceit will be exposed by then, there may be rioting and Martial law.
Unless Moshiach comes to clean it all up first.

Anonymous said...

Either Moshiach comes any day now (most likely) or it’s Trump vs. Kamala or Gavin Newsom and the democrats steal the election. I don’t believe Trump is going to become president again. It’s too long to wait until then and Trump already did what Hashem needed. All the democrats corruption is already completely exposed. Moshiach is ready or about to be ready.


Anonymous said...

I've seen a lot of genuine compassion in the comments on this blog.

Everybody experiences suffering. Each person's suffering is tailor-made for him. Each person's suffering IS suffering, regardless of the nisayon. Maybe it's a nisayon that you think is much easier than your nisayon. Only Hash-m knows how each person suffers.

Some times people reach out with advice that has helped them in their suffering and are misunderstood by others as judging.

I think it's safe to say that all the people commenting here want what's good for the other people commenting here. TC

Anonymous said...

Wow, I see there's been major action here, while i've been crazy busy.

Now on the topic of suffering, it has been my experience that in real life, I do best with those who are mostly a clean slate (rather than with those who've already had some harsh experiences). The reason for that, is because often, those with harsh lives think their own pain is among the worst, thus they can't relate to other sufferers who may have even more baggage to deal with. Because no two pain-permutations are identical.

You know how it says "tatzileni.......m'choloyim ra'im umimikrim ra'im"? Well, in my experience, mikrim ra'im (negative interactions with others) has mostly happened =because= of my choloyim ra'im. In other words, people who are healthy and self-sufficient, with good mazal and supportive environment, have the luxury of being much less at the mercy of others, and in a much better position to be warm and relaxed with others.

Anonymous said...

A person can be judgmental in their comments here and still want good for everyone here. I don’t think anyone has any doubts that we all want the best for each other in these final difficulties right before the Geulah Shelaimah


Anonymous said...

"I think it's safe to say that all the people commenting here want what's good for the other people commenting here. TC"


Your absolutely right.

May Hashem help and bless all those going through different pains. Amen

oh me

Yehudis said...

I still can’t believe Rabbi Kessin believes that Trump has to come back as president again in order for Moshiach to arrive. There are so many prophecies about Edom (America) collapsing right before Moshiach and we see that has been fulfilled. Whatever “teshuva” edom does could have been done during the trump presidency or at any point since America took in a massive amount of Jews many decades ago. It doesn’t make sense to me to believe Trump is going back into the White House and will end all immorality and corruption. It’s too late for that to be fixed by anyone except Moshiach Tzidkeinu. Also, I don’t even believe the world can continue this way until the next presidential term. I’d bet much more on Moshiach coming now than, G-d forbid, a year and a half+ from now.

Devorah said...

Yehudis: HE NEVER SAID THAT. He didnt' say Trump has to come back as president in order for Moshiach to arrive.

If you had listened to the entire lecture, you would have clearly heard him say at the end that he hopes Moshiach arrives before this Rosh Hashanah.

Yehudis said...

I did hear him say that at the end. I listened to the entire lecture. I heard him talk a lot about the usual Edom doing teshuva and the satan doing everything to prevent Trump from coming back as president since he (Trump) will be the one to finish the teshuva of Edom. I do know he said “let’s hope Moshiach arrives before Rosh Hashana”. At the same time, he does have a belief that Trump has a job to finish for Edom doing teshuva but it would seem that the Rabbi is admitting that he doesn’t know for sure since he said Moshiach can definitely come before Rosh Hashana. Of course, Moshiach could have also come 30 years ago. It’s what we have to believe every day, and A LOT more reason to believe he’s coming now.