Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Your Special Mission

While Jewish law obligates each person to observe all the mitzvot, there is always at least one particular mitzvah to which one's soul is drawn more strongly.  According to Chassidic thought, this concept is hinted to by the fact that the Land was apportioned ''by means of a lottery'' [Pinchas 26:55] suggesting that one's primary mission in life, one's spiritual ''inheritance'' has been pre-allotted to him on High, and one has no choice in the matter.

The reason why a person's soul has a particular affinity to its ''special mitzvah'' is because each soul is a ''spark'' of the general soul which Adam possessed; and corresponding to its original ''location'' within Adam's soul, it will have a distinct spiritual path of its own.  Consequently, through observing his ''special mitzvah'' the person will become spiritually fulfilled, which will give him additional enthusiasm in the observance of all the other mitzvot as well.

How can a person discover what ''his special mitzvah'' is?  There is no simple solution.  However, being that a person's mission in life is centered around his ''special mitzvah'', it follows that his ''evil inclination'' will oppose this mitzvah strongly, which may give a person a clue as to what it is. Furthermore, Divine Providence will inevitably lead a person to circumstances which are conducive to the observance of his ''special mitzvah''.  [So if one is wealthy, for example, his special mitzvah is quite possibly to give charity.]

In addition to all the above, every person in a given generation will have a ''special mitzvah'' by virtue of the times in which he lives.  And in our times, this is the obligation to promote knowledge, belief and yearning for the coming of Moshiach, since our souls have, by Divine Providence, been placed here in the last generation of Exile.

Source: Lubavitcher Rebbe - based on Likutei Sichos vol 2 p.346, Sefer Hama'amorim 5706 p.240, Sefer HaSichos 5752 vol 1 p.97


  1. This is from a comment by Dov Bar Leib at End of Days blog

    The auto accident in France which is leading to the collapse of Rifat or Tsarfat as a Yafetic nation of popularity seekers and prostitution was on the 27th of June (the 8th or 9th of Tamuz), the approximate date when Louis IXth of France burnt 24 cartloads of Talmuds on Friday Erev Parshat Chukat in 1242 (5002) or 1244 (5004ce). For some reason that year is in dispute. In 5002, Erev Shabbat Parshat Chukat was on the 6th of Tamuz. In 5004, Erev Shabbat Chukat was on the 9th of Tamuz. Both the Talmud and now France, le'havdil, are going up in flames on the same Hebrew date.

  2. Mida Kineged Mida....the world has a lot to answer for, for what they did to our people. I am not a vicious person by nature, I don't like to see suffering, its always terrible. But I do feel strongly about justice, its my mazal, the scales. So its with a profound sense of relief almost when I see these correlations that the Boreh Haoalom will not allow injustice to prevail and that every deed must be accounted for. I think it also speaks to something personal with my life that whatever personal travails I have, they arent just needless, senseless suffering...I am correcting something that I needed to that Hashem loves me enough to make sure my debt is balanced out and beezrat Hashem I can enter the next tekufa with grace and mercy.

  3. I like the way you think CSF. I feel the same way. I see Hashem's hand in everything, good and bad.


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