Friday, July 28, 2023

Yellow Moon

This may appear to be two suns.  It's actually three different objects.  On the left is the yellow moon belonging to another planet.  Then we have our sun, and behind our sun is a much larger sun, which you can see from the reddish halo around our sun.

There are a lot of photos showing this yellow moon, and people think it is the second sun.  We can't even see the second sun, it's BEHIND our sun.  The other planets and their moons are orbiting around the second sun, which is why they are so close to earth right now.

Here is a photo taken yesterday in Hungary, where you can clearly see the red behind our sun.


  1. Ahh!!

    I have actually really seen this, (both posted pictures of the sun, while its beginning to set)
    Sometimes i have thought my eyes playing tricks on me..

    See also purple clouds and then clouds turning pink..this in the Prairies in Canada..

    Thanks for all you do..


  2. Yes... the amazing pinks and purples are from the planets ... it's incredible the colours that are happening. People take photos but they have no idea what they are actually photographing..... but soon everyone will know.

    1. On the news today:

      "City-size comet headed toward Earth 'grows horns' after massive volcanic eruption"

      "The exploding comet, known as 12P/Pons–Brooks, is currently approaching its closest point to Earth during its 71-year orbit through the solar system.

      An unusual volcanic comet flying toward the sun appears to have "grown horns" after it exploded, causing it to shine like a small star and shower supercold "magma" into space. It is the first time this comet has been seen erupting in almost 70 years.

      The comet, named 12P/Pons-Brooks (12P), is a cryovolcanic — or cold volcano — comet. Like all other comets, the icy object is made up of a solid nucleus, filled with a mix of ice, dust and gas, and is surrounded by a fuzzy cloud of gas called a coma, which leaks out of the comet's interior. But unlike most other comets, the gas and ice inside 12P's nucleus build up so much that the celestial object can violently explode, shooting out its frosty guts, known as cryomagma, through large cracks in the nucleus's shell.

      On July 20, multiple astronomers detected a major outburst from the comet, which suddenly became around 100 times brighter than it usually appears."

      C S

    2. Devorah, regarding this "horned star", I believe I read somewhere (maybe here, or maybe it was Rabbi Ephraim Palvanov who spoke about it) That there will appear what looks like a star "with wings" right before Moshiach's appearance.

      These "horns" look more like "wings" to me. What do you think? Do you remember or have any information on this topic?

      Also seem to remember something about a black pillar of fire from the sky to earth, which will be visible to the entire earth in conjunction with this star.

      Any information would be much appreciated..

      C S

  3. I've a dread feeling that the נרתיקא אור will not heal me nor the shor habor feast. I may well be among those relegated to the dark/painful side for eternity, excluded from any spiritual charmed circle. The latter has never even been my experience in this incarnation. I say this based on track record wherein others were helped by PEMF or EEsystem or you name it, whereas i felt nothing. After all, its been speculated that "scalar" waves most closely resemble G-dly healing waves. (Anonymous post)

  4. I don't know what scalar waves are, or any of the other things you mention.
    I'm not sure there is a 'dark painful side for eternity". Where did you get that from?
    I think that a lot of people are having extremely difficult lives and we are all doing a tikkun [correction] for something. If you are suffering, Hashem is close to you. Once you believe it, you will see it.

    1. The suffering ends as soon as a Moshiach comes. Any type of suffering.

  5. For those that see that the Geulah is about to happen or want to be more aware and would like to be a part of a supportive Geulah whatsapp group to help us get through these final moments of golus - send your phone numbers including country code to:

  6. CS the star with "wings" must be the Kochav Yaakov. Yes that comet does look like it has wings, see here, but they've enlarged the photo so much, it's easier to see it in a thumb nail size

    I don't know if that's it, or whether this is just to side-track us from everything else going on in the sky right now. There are other "winged" objects flying around, so again we have to wait and see what happens.
    I don't remember Rabbi Palvanov saying anything about it, must be a different rabbi. If anyone does remember who spoke about it, please let us know.


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