Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Mad World

If you're reading this in the comfort of your home, consider yourself extremely fortunate... that you are not fleeing the wildfires in Greece, losing your home to massive flooding in India, China, Kenya, Afghanistan, the Philippines or Pakistan, living near an active volcano or being rain-bombed and dodging hail  in Europe.  

There's an all-seeing eye in the sky, watching everything we do... even when no-one else sees, Hashem sees.  We are living through the most incredible time, but most people go about their days as if nothing special is happening, and it's business as usual.   

What do these people think is going to happen next? Do they just close their eyes to it all? 

I think they do, I think it's too hard to even think about all this chaos and they just operate on automatic. They don't have the knowledge or belief in the coming of Moshiach, and even if they learnt about it once or twice they don't feel it or expect it. Or they have Moshiach burn out.  Fed up with waiting and given up.  

So whatever is coming has to be incredible enough to wake all these people up.  I can't even begin to imagine. 


  1. Does this mean that we are FOR SURE very close to Moshiach’s arrival?

    I heard on the radio today that all the heatwave records are because of carbon emissions and that we have to cut them in half by 2030 to get back to normal temperatures.

  2. For the first part of your comment, I know as much as you do.

    The second half - I can't believe that people still believe this.

  3. You wrote that we are living through the most “incredible time”. I thought you meant because of the closeness of Moshiach’s arrival.


  4. It feels like it to me, and so many others.

    1. Could this be Kochav Yaakov?

      "A strangely-flickering star has led two of the world's most powerful telescopes to a rare and wonderful sight: A young star system, pregnant with enormous clumps of gas, on the verge of birthing a giant, Jupiter-size planet.

      Scientists discovered the stellar baby bumps around a star called V960 Mon, located roughly 5,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Monoceros (Greek for "the unicorn"). This star first caught astronomers' attention in 2014, when it suddenly brightened to more than 20 times its original luminosity and then faded over several months. Several studies suggested the presence of an invisible companion star playing gravitational tricks on V960 Mon, forcing globs of gas and dust onto the star and causing it to brighten and grow.

      Now, new observations from Chile of the star system taken with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) show that V960 Mon has not only a meddling companion star in its orbit but also a twisted system of galaxy-like spiral arms lashing out into space — which appear to be funnelling gas and dust into enormous, planet-size clumps."

      C S

  5. All this rhetoric about climate change is nonsense. It's just one part of the larger agenda--depopulation. VP Harris "misspoke" when she said "reduce population," but usually, if you make a mistake, you immediately correct it. She didn't, which proves that it's what she meant but didn't mean to say. I read recently that people were dying in Phoenix from the heat. I used to live in Arizona. We would go on vacation in Phoenix in the summer. It was 120 degrees C. That was normal. If you wanted to go horseback riding, you needed to get up at 5, eat, saddle up, and be on the trail by 6. They wouldn't let you take the horses out after 8 am. The rest of the day we spent sitting in the pool. So, (1) these temperatures not new, and (2) why are people dying? Are these the migrants and homeless sleeping on the street, or has the so-called vaccine reduced people's ability to tolerate heat?

    1. There may not be climate change, but if you’ve been reading this blog for more than the last few days, you’d know that the world is going through many heat records and intense rain storms and weather phenomenons .

  6. Yes, I've been reading. I just don't worship the science gods. Hashem is trying to wake us up. He's shaking up the world. It was not promised that He wouldn't bring a flood here and there. Look at all the places suffering. If you look harder, you'll find the reason for the cleansing.

    1. And do you think it’s very connected to Moshiach being close?

    2. Of course, but nobody knows for sure.

  7. The lost wedding ring



  8. One of my favorite Rabbi , Rabbi Wallerstein Z”TL



  9. Of course, everything that is going on now (the confusion, the chaos, the weather, etc.) is all happening now before the arrival of Moshiach tzdkeinu. This is Hashem cleansing the world, meting out the punishments. There is measure for measure everywhere where there was great slaughters of Jews and even other innocent peoples and G-Dlessness and for whatever we cannot even understand. We are now at a time where the evil doers are waging their war against G-D and His people and mankind.
    H' is in total control of everything. He is trying to wake us all up so we will do teshuvah before that Awesome and Great Day.

  10. Twice, my comment just flew away (conveniently); they don't seem to appreciate it. ha, ha.
    What I'm trying to relay here is that all this is
    part of the Geulah process.
    Everything is m'Shamayim and Hashem is in total control. He is cleansing the earth and meting out punishments. He is also giving us time to wake up and do teshuvah before that Great & Awesome Day!
    We should all appreciate these wonderful blogs which give us all the information that, otherwise, would be hard to find and to wake us up.
    Many people are getting the message but there are many so uninformed and ignorant of 'Truth' that they believe all the fake media information and, of course, there is all the omitted important information too.
    We pray that the next Tisha B'Av will be a 'feast' day and no more fasts.
    The knowledge of Hashem will fill the earth as the waters cover the seabeds.

  11. Another one here: https://spaceweather.com/
    A COMET SHAPED LIKE THE MILLENNIUM FALCON: Until a few days ago, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks looked like a perfectly ordinary comet. Then, something on its surface exploded. Now it resembles "the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy"--the Millennium Falcon:

  12. He's talking about this Millennium Falcon comet on this video
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1rX4Azz6oc at the 4:15min mark

    1. "New research warns that the collapse of air currents intertwined with the Gulf Stream could happen as soon as 2025, leaving “severe impacts on the climate in the North Atlantic region.”

      In addition to freezing temperatures brought to the northern hemisphere, the buckling would also bring erratic rain and droughts across the world, Politico reported.

      "This would lead to dramatic change in every nation’s ability to provide enough food and water for its population,” Penny Holliday, head of marine physics and ocean circulation at the UK’s National Oceanography Centre, told the outlet should there be a complete shut-off.

      The overarching current in question, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation is currently at its weakest point in 1,600 years and a new forecast anticipates it will diminish to catastrophic levels.

      “I think we should be very worried,” study author and professor Peter Ditlevsen of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark told the Guardian. “This would be a very, very large change. The AMOC has not been shut off for 12,000 years.”

      The new study, published in the peer-reviewed “Nature” added that although 2025 is the earliest estimation for the breakdown, it could come as late as 2095 as well."

      C S


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