Friday, July 14, 2023

Two Weeks?????

First video: "What people will see with their own eyes... we've never had something like that... in our living times....not in written history.. and they're gonna realize that we live in a very different time, different world......everybody's gonna see."

Next first and third videos contain music


  1. What do you mean by “2 weeks”?

  2. You got me excited about Moshiach coming within 2 weeks. In accordance to Rabbi Hook’s prediction of this Tisha B’av being a very possible keitz.

  3. I have a lot of question marks there.

  4. Can this be a good sign that we will see Moshiach before 2 weeks from now is over?

  5. No comment. Everyone can think what they like.

  6. Incredible how they say 2 weeks exactly 2 weeks before Tisha B’av! I wish I could see these things in the sky around New York but everything in the sky looks normal here.

  7. Nothing in the sky is normal anymore

    1. Are you in New York? It looked normal today, it looked normal yesterday.

  8. Also in EY. Sky looks just the same as did 50 years ago.

  9. Anonymous unpublished... thank you for telling me but that blogger has been writing negative things about me for years. I'm not worried about anything written there, it's coming from a dark place and it's untrue. No aliens or demons here.

  10. Shavua Tov from Yerushalayim! May we greet Eliyahu HaNavi and Moshiach tonight!

    I was discussing with some family and friends over Shabbos about how we must be so close to Moshiach being revealed and bringing the Geulah and brought up the Zohar’s source that techiyas hameisim will either start by 5786 or 5790. It seems that people are skeptical because of past predictions by other great Rabbis. Can I tell them it’s a guarantee because the Zohar is the authority on all Kabbalah and any positive prediction he wrote must come true? For the most part, you don’t hear about it from many rabbanim except R’ Mendel Kessin and R’ Pinchos Winston. Either everyone else doesn’t know about it or they are skeptical even to trust the Zohar’s exciting prediction? We are in 5783, not far from the end of a motzei shemittah year. All the signs are here and Moshiach isn’t coming at the last moment in 5790 when techiyas hameisim starts. It has to be well before so the Geulah will be in complete mode for that start of techiyas hameisim by 5786-5790. Of course Techiyas Hameisim can possibly even start this year if Moshiach arrives any idea.

    I hope someone can give me some insight and encouragement on how to view the Zohar as a certainty vs. previous predictions about the Geulah that were by great Rabbanim, although not as great as the Zohar HaKadosh.

    I’m honestly very exhausted from this very long and bitter golus and just can’t wait until the Geulah arrives soon.

  11. Shavua tov. We are all tired and spiritually challenged. But to ask for a definite date is simply wrong and can cause more discouragement or worse chaz v'shalom. However, I am very interested in what the Holy Zohar has to say...
    Just keep doing good, never give up and always ask Hashem to send Moshiach.

    1. No one asked for a definitive date of Moshiach’s arrival. Yehudis only mentioned the deadline for techiyas hameisim to start by. That means Moshiach must come well before then according to the Zohar.

  12. Rav Kanievsky Z”TL said when he was alive that it is Asur to leave EY because Mashiah can be revealed any moment. Many Tsaddikim are saying the same thing now, it is forbidden to leave EY.
    We all feel here that something big is going to happen very soon.


    1. Are the tzaddikim now saying why it is assur to leave eretz yisrael? Rav Kanievsky specified that it’s because Moshiach can arrive at any moment

    2. Open your eyes and you will see that Geula by the Entrance

  13. How come they aren’t saying who the name of the Rav is and how close is he implying Moshiach is? My Hebrew is not good but I imagine he is not talking about 5 years from now, G-d forbid

  14. Our sages are saying that previous generation fixed many things and did not fix two main things are money(some one may cheat easily others) and women. We have to be honest and we must guard our eyes(men and women).The Shechina can not rest on those. Also, Hafets Haim said that everybody are saying Lashon Hara. You must search your heart and do the Heshbon to make Teshuva.


    1. You said he said we should prepare our Shabbos clothes to greet Moshiach. Is the Rav in the video saying Moshiach will be here any moment?

  15. No, he said prepare now and make Teshuva now

  16. I hope that doesn’t mean we might need 5 years of teshuva as a nation until Moshiach comes. We can’t handle the suffering of waiting that long for the Geulah. Many big tzaddikim have been saying for the last several years to be prepared for Moshiach, so it should be here by now.

  17. Devorah, why does the soundtrack on the 2nd and last video sound identical???


  18. People just choose whatever music they want, I think there is a list of the most popular ones that week, not sure. Just coincidence they both chose the same music, I didn't even notice probably because I"ve heard it before anyway.

  19. Unfortunately, many people have become yiush - given up on Mashiach - though, of course, we all want/need Him to come. This is one of many a necessary simanim (signs) primarily due to the hardships during which too many predictions of years when he was to come.

  20. I don’t want add to that but I can assure you the “Eit Ketz”, as called by Daniel in 11:35, 12:4, 9 refers to a “period of the end” not an end year. Little known is that both Rashi (Chavakuk 2:3) and Malbim (Ha’arah: Isaiah 21:12; : write this “end period” definitively started - Purim-Pesach 2003, BEH that after many years of deep contemplation of Chazal and the Zohar - concludes just after the center of the decade.
    So, please Daven, Daven, and Daven as Moshe did but 515 X that Hashem should send him even sooner


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