Thursday, July 13, 2023

Temporary World

Aliyas Neshama Michoel ben Mordechai a''h

We are sent down to this world for a short period of time.  This world is temporary, it is just the entry hall to the World of Truth, Olam HaBa.  All our personal journeys are individually designed to ensure we find our way to the ultimate destination.  The tougher the journey, the greater the reward will be at the end.

"They journeyed from Kivros-hata'avah and camped in Chatzeros" [Masei 33:17]

From this verse, remarked R' Yitzchak of Vorka, we learn that for an individual to break the yetzer hara within him, he must constantly recall the fact that this world is but a temporary one intended to be utilized in preparation for the World to Come.

This is hinted in the verse: "They left Kivros-hata'avah" - how will one be able to bury [likvor] his lust [ta'avah] and subdue his yetzer hara?  By remembering that this world is no more than "Chatzeros", a yard [chatzer] in front of a house, a hallway leading to a palace."

A person who ingrains this thought in his heart, said the Rebbe, will triumph in his war against the yetzer hara.

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein


  1. Beautiful. Thank you. TC

  2. Bitahon Shiur part 7 by Rabbi Duvi.
    Comments are open there for discussions how to make Aliya to EY easily with full


  3. We have to keep in mind that this world is only a temporary world until the coming of Moshiach. Once there is techiyas hameisim soon, this world will become the olam haemes and there will not be death anymore. Just like the yatzer hara will be destroyed. We all know that time isn’t far away.

  4. Autist Binyamin saying that very soon WW3 will start and no money will help people to escape from it only Bitahon in Hashem


  5. Isn’t this world being temporary and the world of sheker just temporary until Moshiach arrives soon?

  6. “To those of us who believe in physics,” he wrote in 1955 to the family of a friend who had recently died, “this separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, if a stubborn one.” When his own turn came, a few weeks later, Einstein said, “It is time to go.”

  7. Hello Moshe at July13th,2023 at 4:27 PM

    could you please explain what the video says in English.

    Thanks in advance.


  8. Everything in this article only applies to the times of exile, when this world is not the world of truth and when there is a yatzer hara. The mission will be down here very soon with the coming of Moshiach when the world will only be filled with goodness and joy and a strong desire to serve Hashem with no more death and suffering. Techiyas Hameisim will be leaving the world in shamayim to come back down here because it will be more amazing and holy down here!

  9. I agree with the last several comments about this world meant to be the world of truth and goodness. This post seems to make some of us feel stuck in “golus mode” :(

    “The hallway leading to the palace” is really going to be down here with the bais hamikdash and Moshiach very soon. The temporary palace is Gan Eden which will be down here soon. Those holy souls in Gan Eden are waiting to come back down here to a beautiful world of Geulah! I am sure you agree, Devorah, and just meant this post as an enlightenment until the day we greet Moshiach’s arrival very soon.

  10. To Anonymous at 11:47 am: If you can feel connected to Olam HaBa now, it is easier to grasp the concept of the chiddush haolam that will make this world Olam HaBa. Olam HaBa is above time, only us in this world are in the aspect of time. It's all One, it's all Hash-m, and this post is simply talking about how to navigate Olam HaZeh with the tachlis-the goal-of Olam HaBa in mind. It's inspiring, actually.


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