Sunday, March 13, 2022

A Message from Russia

This was written by I.S. in Russia, I am not posting his full name because I don't want to cause anyone any problems.

It was posted to FB by D.V. and I received it from Rahel.

Most of you probably know that 8 months ago we relocated to Russia. Like everyone else, I am following the instructions on the situation in Ukraine and reading the news in Russia, USA, Europe and of course also Israel. In recent days I have received quite a few requests to explain the situation in Russia as someone who lives there in these complicated days. 

First of all, it's important for me to clarify three things: the first thing is that I do not support any of the sides regarding the war, not Putin, not Zelensky, not Russia and not Ukraine - for the simple reason that it is impossible to really know the full picture that led each of the sides to their political decisions and actions. Sea. [sic]

The second thing is that I'm against wars and definitely against innocent civilians that unfortunately get killed these days from both sides for nothing. I wish such disputes were resolved in talks around the table instead of going to war. 

The third thing is that the reason I'm writing this post is to present the story from the other side as well (again, not because I'm for or against the other side) so that people can understand a little more the considerations that led Putin to war (at least according to the data I've seen) and the current state of Russia in terms of sanctions that is not a match to the lies that I have seen that appear everywhere in the international news. 

So like that, first of all I can tell you that already a month and a half ago I saw on the news quite a few times Putin asking Ukraine not to allow NATO to enter Ukraine because this will allow an enemy country to deploy its forces right on the border of Russia. The answer Putin received time and time again is "They will only train here, it's something temporary". Because NATO is a toy of the United States and because the political situation between the United States and Russia is 'nothing' - it began to bother Putin a lot, and rightly so. Imagine that Jordan, which is on good terms with Israel , but at the same time a company of "enemy countries" will suddenly allow Syria to enter Jordan and place Syrian troops and bases along the Jordanian border with Israel.

I am sure that Israel would have gone out of control even in less time. Putin took at least a month and a half if not more. I wonder what would have happened if he had obeyed his demands and not allowed NATO forces to connect to Ukraine. It is possible that this war never happened at all. But someone decided that it was okay even if war happens, and this person must have a lot of interests behind this decision. 

Within Ukraine there is a split that has lasted for many, many years. One side wants total disengagement from the rule of government and wants a state of its own (one side supports Russia and is even happy that Russia entered Ukraine), while the other side takes an extreme approach of 'purification of Ukraine' in methods very reminiscent of the dark period of pre-WWII: neo-Nazi groups that call for the purification of the state and even banned Citizens to speak inside Ukraine in Russian language. The conflict between the two sides resulted in a fierce war in the Donbas in 2015 when western Ukraine bombed eastern Ukraine. In these bombings many civilians were killed, among them about 300 children whose memory was established the "Alley of Angels". 

When Russia entered Ukraine a little over a week ago, Putin stated that he was simply 'tired up' of the racism of the neo-Ukrainian nazi that is happening in Ukraine against those who are not Ukrainian at all and against Russians in particular, as well as the 'innocence' that Ukraine plans to allow Russian enemies to disperse along its border with Russia. And these are the reasons why he decided to enter the country. Apparently, in addition to these reasons, he has other reasons that we may find out later. 

From the moment the war started the whole world stood with Ukraine. Behind this support is a worldwide marketing propaganda that has only one goal: to present Ukraine as the "good and poor" and Russia as the "bad and cruel". 

This reminded me of what happens to us in Israel every time there is an operation in Gaza. People all over the world are protesting against cruel Israel and "horrible war crimes", waving Palestinian flags, burning flags of Israel and more. Each time anew we explain to our friends abroad that "it's not exactly like that. It's complicated. This is different from how they put it on the news. "And indeed, our story is complex. There are really no innocents on either side: both on the Israeli side and on the Hamas side. Although the media presents Ukraine as a weak and poor victim, nevertheless, it is the country that has been the most cruel to Jews in the second time, that received the views of Nazism with open arms and did nothing to eradicate this evil from its country. 

What is sad is that the one who pays a high price is always the ordinary citizen who has no desire for wars. So are hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing from Ukraine these days and so are Russian citizens who lost their jobs and businesses due to the harsh sanctions imposed by many countries in the world on Russia, kindergartens that are closed due to a terror alert and shopping centers that are all asked to go out because of a suspicious object. D. A. 

But no one talks about this - although it is citizens who are not connected to the war, most of them are also against the war and all they want is to live in peace with their Ukrainian friends. Why don't they talk about it in the media? Because it contradicts the agenda that Russia is the "bad". 

In the last two days, articles in the news began to come up: "The Iron Screen has come down on Russia", and "Facebook and YouTube were blocked to Russia". However, it seems that the world itself has dropped its own iron screen: the fake news screen. 

I can tell you from personal experience that most reported sanctions on Russia are false or leaked. I am writing you this post from my Facebook from Russia.

Swift transfer option was blocked only in 5 specific banks in all of Russia. In the rest of the banks Swift works as usual. 

Oh, yes, I also continue to pay in stores with Apple Pay! At the same time, everyone here knows well about the situation from all media outlets (Russian and world alike) and most citizens are shocked by what is happening in Ukraine. Many Russians have Ukrainian friends and they don't know how to look them in the eye. A lot of people here are sad about everything that is happening. 

While all of Europe is blocked in terms of flights to Russia, there are direct flights from Israel without problems and there are even flights from... Wait for it... U.S.A  !!! With Boeing company that refused to impose sanctions on Russia. 

On the other hand, while the media reports on the shutting down of all flights to and from Russia, it's about sanctions only on Russian airlines. Other airlines operate as usual and there are flights to and from Russia like every day of the year. 

Here's another piece of truth that I haven't seen on any news channel in the world: about 100,000 Ukrainians fled the war and crossed the border to... Wait for it... RUSSIA! 

Let's just say that when Germany turned into a Nazi in the Russian Federation and attacked the Jews, the Jews fled to the other side of the world. My family for example fled to Argentina. The last place Jews thought of as a safe place was Germany itself. 

Now, admit it's strange that such a number of Ukrainians fleeing the war to Russia, received from the Russian government 10,000 rubles at the border crossing so they could start getting settled, clothes, food and transportation from the Russian volunteers just like in the other border crossings in other countries - and no one is covering it on the news. Why? 

And if Russia is the enemy - why do Ukrainians seek shelter with it? The answer is that it is much more complex than the world understands, and as we do not like to be judged easily in the world when it comes to our dispute in Israel, so maybe we should not easily judge the dispute that is now taking place between Ukraine and Russia, and certainly not give room to the baseless hatred of citizens of both countries. Sides not directly related to war This one.[sic] Give space to independent thinking and don't "swallow" everything as the real truth. 

Understand that everything they show you on the news is well planned for a certain agenda, and there is a deeper reason why the whole world is suddenly pro Ukraine and against Russia. Someone out there has planned this black propaganda campaign well and I don't think I want to know what the reason is, but something tells me that we will soon know...

Ikvot Meshicha: The Time Immediately Before Mashiach


by J. Immanuel Schochet

The time appointed by G‑d for the Messianic redemption is a closely guarded secret.1 Nonetheless, we are offered many hints to recognize its proximity: when certain conditions come about, await the imminent coming of Mashiach. 

Most of these conditions are quite disturbing, clearly displaying a situation of the very “bottom of the pit.”2 One major source describes the world-condition in those days as follows: increase in insolence and impudence; oppressing inflation; unbridled irresponsibility on the part of authorities; centers of learning will turn into bawdy houses; wars; many destitutes begging, with none to pity them; wisdom shall be putrid; the pious shall be despised; truth will be abandoned; the young will insult the old; family-breakup with mutual recriminations; impudent leadership.3 

Other sources add: lack of scholars; succession of troubles and evil decrees; famines; mutual denunciations; epidemics of terrible diseases; poverty and scarcity; cursing and blaspheming; international confrontations nations provoking and fighting each other.4 In short, it will be a time of suffering that will make it look as if G‑d were asleep. These are the birthpangs of Mashiach, bearable only in anticipation of the bliss that follows them. 

“When you see a generation ever dwindling, hope for him… when you see a generation overwhelmed by many troubles as by a river, await him.”5 “When you see nations fighting each other, look toward the feet of Mashiach.”6 

Little wonder that some sages expressed apprehensions about those days in terms of, “Let [Mashiach] come, but let me not see him.”7 The prevailing attitude, however, is to await his coming in spite of all, even if thereafter we shall merit no more than sitting “in the shadow of his donkey’s dung!”8 

The troubles and agony of chevlei Mashiach (birthpangs of Mashiach), however, are not unavoidable: 

“What is man to do to be spared the pangs of Mashiach? Let him engage in Torah and acts of loving-kindness!”9 

Moreover, there are also good and happy signs indicating the imminent coming of Mashiach: a good measure of prosperity;10 a renewal of Torah-study;11 and opening of the “gates of wisdom above and the wellsprings of wisdom below,”12 evidenced also by scientific and technological discoveries and advances; a manifestation and propagation of the mystical teachings of the Torah;13 and also “In the time that Mashiach will awaken, many signs and miracles will occur in the world.”14

Friday, March 11, 2022

Soaring Inflation

One of the many signs given that will occur in the days before Moshiach are the soaring prices, and as you can see we have sky-rocketing inflation in some places, and gradual rises in others:

Inflation around the world 
Russia: 9.2% 
United States: 7.9% 
Spain: 7.4% 
Mexico: 7.3% 
New Zealand: 5.9% 
Australia: 3.5% 
China: 0.9% 
Japan: 0.5%

Source: News

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Don't Forget to Remember

Text by Rabbi Benjy Simons

Parshas Vayikra and Zachor

If Alcohol can damage-your short-term memory? 
Imagine the damage Alcohol can do. 

There is a popular adage that goes, ‘everyone is born with a photographic memory, we just don’t bother developing the film.’ As we begin the complexities of the book of Vayikra, it is interesting to note that Rashi highlights an interesting titbit of information when it comes to how Moshe learnt Torah. He explains that in the Torah, there is often spacing and paragraphing which actually reflects not just separate ideas throughout the Torah, but also how the Torah was communicated to Moshe in that it represents a specific pause for contemplation and reflection before the following idea was transmitted. This concept has been often called ‘study breaks’ to facilitate further learning, focus and retention while preventing study fatigue. 

At the same time, the importance of reviewing that which one has learnt on a regular basis must also be emphasised . The Talmud [Sanhedrin 99a] likens reviewing learnt material to harvesting that which is planted, which the Maharsha explains enables a person to refine the information learnt and gain a level of mastery of the subject. 

The level of reviewing the subject material will often depend on how well the information was learnt in the first place. To maximise one’s memory retention it is encouraged to learn audibly [Eruvin 54a] and many move in a rhythm which too improves neural connections and offers a variety of health benefits. Music also activates both hemispheres of the brain which improves one’s recollection [Tosfos to Megillah 32a] and also is associated with creating a happier disposition which encourages learning [Chida]. 

The Yerushalmi [Berachos 5:1 54a] further encourages one to toil over one’s studies in a Shule or Beis Midrash and the importance of learning from within a book and as mentioned, taking regular intervals to ponder and digest what one has studied. The Talmud [Eruvin 54b] also advises one to chunk information or create mnemonics and acrostics to combine multiple units of information by recoding them into smaller bits of data. 

The Rambam [Laws of Studying Torah 3:12] stresses the importance of diligence and persistence in one’s learning to the extent of straining one’s body and not learning amidst physical indulgence. The Talmud [Eruvin 54a] further stresses the importance or having refined social attributes that contribute to one’s memory retention and the Chasam Sofer would urge one to write down their learning and novel ideas. 

The Gemara [Bava Basra 10b] writes that it is said in the next world that happy is the individual who reaches the next world with his learning in his hand. As we further have Parshas Zachor this week as we recall the actions of Amalek in the lead up to Purim, may we merit to always carry our learning with us and grow with our Torah studies.

If you would like to receive Rabbi Simons' weekly email on the Parsha, click here.

Worldwide Tehillim for Geula

 HT: Myrtle Rising

Please share this post. FB has banned my blog but you can copy the picture and send it to your contacts or just upload it to FB or any other social media.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Ukraine's Komarna Rebbes

This is a re-blog from 2011. Ukrainian history.  This is a familiar map to us now, back in 2011 perhaps not so familiar to most of us.

Komarno is near the city of Lviv

Source: Yitzchak Yaakov Rosenbaum HaLevi - as heard from the Komarno Rebbe Eliezer Tzvi Safrin shlita

[Interestingly, all of the previous Komarna Rebbes passed away during the time of the Omer]

After the collapse of communism in 1990, the chassidim of the Komarna dynasty travelled to search for the graves of their Rebbes which had been destroyed by the Nazis.

They arrived in Komarno [Ukraine] and asked many people where they could locate the part of town where the Jews had lived. Here they found an old farmer and questioned him regarding the whereabouts of any Jewish graves.

The farmer had no idea, he couldn't help them at all.... but the chassidim continued to question him and ask him if he could think of anything that could help them....... suddenly the farmer remembered that there is a certain paddock, about a mile from the town of Komarno, where they take the cows and sheep to graze. The animals would always stop at a certain point and refuse to go any further. They would only eat the grass on one side of the paddock.

Ohel of Komarna Rebbes
The farmer took the chassidim to the paddock and showed them the area that the cattle refused to graze in. The chassidim began to gently dig at the grass and discovered the graves of their Rebbes. Although the headstones had been destroyed by the Nazis, the graves were lying untouched beneath the grass.


A visitor to the ohel reported a newly-lit candle burning in the corner. He wondered who had been there and left it - he went outside and asked the children playing there who it was who had just visited and left the candle. The children said that no-one had been there at all, and that he was the first visitor that day.

Pirkei Avot [ch.2] states: "Weigh the loss from a mitzvah against its reward." This is an admonition to the leaders of the community, said Komarno Rebbe Eliezer Zvi Safrin [1830-1898] zatz'l, that they should be willing to sacrifice their personal spiritual gain in order to raise the level of others. Even if a person must interrupt his own learning or growth in order to engage in kiruv (bringing others closer), this loss is insignificant compared to the rewards.

Rav Safrin -- known as the "Sar Bet Hazohar" [Master of the Zohar]: Regarding this the Zohar [II:128b] says that if one helps another overcome his yetzer hara, it is as if he has created a new person. Moreover, there is no greater honor to Hashem than this, the Zohar says. If one holds the hand of a rasha and tries to lead the rasha on a new path, he accomplishes three things: he helps to crush the yetzer hara, he brings honor to G-d, and he causes the world to endure. Such a person will merit to see children and grandchildren, and about him it says "Mighty in the land will his offspring be, a generation of the upright who shall be blessed." [Zekan Beto]

Monday, March 7, 2022

Purification Requires Agitation and Confusion

Rebbe Nachman explains how a person is purified.  So too, the world, which is being purified, also requires agitation and confusion.

from the writings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan

When one begins to attach to a great tzadik and truly serve G-d, he is often filled with great confusion and evil thoughts.

The evil was always there, but only now it is surfacing.

A pot of water may seem perfectly clear. But when it is placed on a fire and begins to boil, all its impurities are brought to the surface. One must stand by and constantly remove these impurities.

The original purity is merely an illusion. With a little heat the impurity surfaces. But when these impurities are removed, the water is truly pure and clear.

The same is true of a person. Before he begins serving G-d, good and evil are completely mixed together within him. The impurities are so closely united with the good that they cannot be recognized.

But then this person comes close to a true Tzadik and begins to burn with great feeling toward G-d. He is touched with the heat of purification, and all the evil and impurities come to the surface. Here again one must stand by and constantly remove the dirt and impurities as they appear. In the end the person is truly pure and clear.

Purification requires this period of agitation and confusion.

In the beginning a person is totally immersed in the material. He then begins to come close to G-d.

It would seem possible to remove this dirt and impurity at once. But his mind is completely intermingled with this mire. Were it to be removed immediately, his mind would be drawn out with it.

Therefore, one must be purified little by little, in gradual stages.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Ukraine's Moshiach Hint

I just noticed that the colours of the Ukranian flag are the same colours as the Moshiach flag.


It's all coming together: We are heading for the Coronation of Melech HaMoshiach
may it come speedily!

The Rebbe's Eerie Prediction

On 23 Adar 1, 5752 -  30 years to the day of the invasion of Ukraine - 23 Adar 1 5782 - the Lubavitcher Rebbe spoke about an ingathering of the exiles, saying that there still remain one or two nations where the Yidden have to flee in a way that is “farbunden mit sakonah”. [laden with danger]

If you understand Yiddish you can hear what the Rebbe said by clicking here

Friday, March 4, 2022

Russia is Gog? and Ukraine is....?

HT: Yosef

It is brought in the sefer “Tzfiras Chen” by the mekubal R’ Noach Gad Weintraub that Russia is Gog u-Magog. In another sefer, “Hadras Chen”, he says that the Ukraine derives its name from “Ekron”, one of the five cities of the Plishtim (Philistines), and that the people themselves descend from Plishtim who migrated there. Regarding “Ekron”, the verse states that in the days of Moshiach “Ekron will be uprooted.” [Tzafanya 2:4]

Australia's Biblical Rain Bomb

          My early morning Shabbat shopping rewarded me with a rainbow in the carpark.

It's been raining here for so long, it feels like 40 days and 40 nights [it hasn't been, but it does feel like it].  

It's being called a "Rain Bomb" and over half a million people on the east coast of Australia have had to flee their homes.  

Whilst Australia is known as the "land of droughts and flooding rains", we've ever seen anything like this before.  Biblical times, to be sure.

It's still coming down, and no end in sight yet.  

Photos can be seen here - and although the Daily Mail is not exactly my news outlet of choice, they do publish a lot of photos.

Between the rain bomb and the Ukraine crisis, everyone's forgotten about Covid, apart from our PM who has a dose of it and thankfully has been temporarily removed from speaking his usual nonsense. Perfect timing to shut him up before he aggravates Putin so much that Russia will attack us as well.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Zelensky Tweets Holocaust 2.0

HT: Yosef

"Russia has launched a missile attack on the territory where the Babyn Yar memorial complex is located. These villains are killing Holocaust victims for the second time." [Source: JPost]

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Monday, February 28, 2022


 מִשְׁכַּן הָעֵדֻת "The Dwelling of the Testimony" [Pekudei 38:21]

Why, asked the Malbim {R' Meir Leibush Malbim} is the Mishkan referred to as the "Dwelling of Testimony?"

In the pesukim that follow, answered the Malbim, the Torah gives us an accounting of the vast amounts of gold, silver and other materials that were used in the construction of the Mishkan.  It records how much was donated toward the Mishkan's construction and how much was put to use.

The Mishkan itself was the best evidence that there was absolutely no dishonesty in relation to the Mishkan's construction, and that every last donation was accounted for and put to use.  For it is inconceivable that the Divine Presence would ever dwell in a place that was tainted with corruption.  If any of the donations had been misappropriated, the Divine Presence would never have rested there.

[Source: Rabbi Y. Bronstein]

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Expect the Unexpected

Something to bear in mind as we watch current events:

The months of Adar are considered to have the power of “venahafoch hu”, turn things around.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Please Support Emergency Food Supplies Ukraine


Please join the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine to deliver over 30,000 packages of emergency food supplies and essential needs across 180 Communities in Ukraine.

Friday, February 25, 2022

Let Moshiach Come


Let [Moshiach] come, but let me not see him. [Sanhedrin 98b] 

The Sages knew that before the arrival of Moshiach, the world would be in a state which they did not want to be part of.  We are the generation who have chosen to be here, to live through the terrible times and greet Moshiach Tzidkeinu.  We all chose to be here, and here we are, as we sit and watch the terrible invasion of the Ukraine by the evil Putin.

But.... Putin is only doing Hashem's Will, as the hearts of the leaders of the world are in the Hands of Hashem.

Our hearts go out to the people of the Ukraine at this time.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Putin and the Jews, and Moshiach

HT: Sherry

This short video below is Rabbi Berel Lazar, Chief Rabbi of Russia, speaking about Moshiach. "Through the Eyes of Moshiach: Who Needs The Ideal World?"

You may also be interested to see this video: The Enigma of Putin and the Jews, where Rabbi Lazar is interviewed on the topic.  [sound is quite low, so if your computer volume is not loud enough -  like mine - try watching it on another device.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

How Hashem Activates the Redemption

 Latest shiur from Rabbi Mendel Kessin


A Hint in the Numbers?

It's already Tuesday here in Australia.  Today's date is 22.02.2022 [21 Adar A]

We are in the 3,333rd year from Yetzias Mitzrayim.

All these recurring numbers, and each set adds up to 12. 

Twelve represents totality, wholeness, and the completion of God’s purpose. There are 12 tribes of Israel, 12 months in the year, and 12 houses of the zodiac [Genesis 27:20, 25:16; Exodus 24:4, 25:27; Ezekiel 43:16;Yoma 75b, 77b; Taanit 25a; Hullin 95].  [Source]

Our generation has all the signs of the generation before Moshiach.  The war of Gog u Magog appears to be starting.  Maybe these numbers are a hint that this year will see the completion of God's purpose.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and insights.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Chevlei Moshiach and the Double Adar

As we all know, we have a double Adar this year.  We are being told that Russia is set to invade Ukraine on Wednesday [15th of Adar I].  In regular years, the 15th of Adar is Shushan Purim, the festival that celebrates -- in Jerusalem and other ancient walled cities -- the salvation of the Jewish people from Haman's evil decree in the year 3405 from creation (356 BCE). In a leap year -- which has two Adars -- Shushan Purim is observed in Adar II, and the 15th of Adar I is designated as Shushan Purim Kattan, the "Minor Shushan Purim." [Source: Chabad]

Normally, the Jewish calendar year has 12 lunar months and every few years (7 in each cycle of 19 years) we have a “pregnant/intercalated year” (שָׁנָה מְעֻבֶּרֶת) with 13 months. In these years, the first Adar is the intercalated month (חֹדֶשׁ הָעִבּוּר)—the month of ibbur—the 13th month that is added to the year, while the Second Adar is the original Adar that we have every year, which is why Purim waits patiently until we celebrate it during the Second Adar. [Source Inner]

How appropriate that we have the chevlei Moshiach [birthpangs of Moshiach] during a pregnant year !

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Vilna Gaon: "Arrival of Moshiach is Close"

"When the ships of the kingdom of Russia cross the Dardanelles you [Israel] should dress in Shabbat clothes because this means the arrival of the Moshiach is close." - Vilna Gaon - This quote is said over  in the name of Rav Chaim of Volozhin who received it from the Vilna Gaon.

Link to Daf Ditty Shabbes 118 for more on this.

The first part of a Russian Navy amphibious landing ship force, which can carry troops, tanks and supplies, has entered the Dardanelles, connecting the Mediterranean to the Black Sea. This is significant, representing a point of no return in their controversial voyage towards the Black Sea and Ukraine.

Source: Naval News

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Esther Pollard's Revelation about the Final Redemption

 Thank you Hadassa for sending this.

Esther's Last Words


HT: Mashiach is Coming

[Jonathan] Pollard said that Esther’s last words had “completely changed my life.” He said that “she was dying and her eyes were closed. She opened her eyes and I was holding her hand and…I don’t know where she was, she was just looking up. She said in a very small voice that ‘My neshama volunteered to come back for two missions. One of them was to bring you home and the other one was to bring you home as a Jew and not as a goy.’ She said the first mission was the easiest one of all….I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She added that the hardest mission was to make sure you returned home as a Jew. She said that ‘now I have accomplished my missions I can go home’- and then she died.”

Source: VIN

Friday, February 4, 2022

The Signature of G-d


Rabbi Yaron Reuven and the BeEzrat HaShem Inc. Team have been working closely with Yosef Sebag, the Physicist, Electrical Engineer, Talmid Chacham and Founder of DafYomiReview to put this film together in a simple-to-understand format.  I hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

How to Deal with Obnoxious People

This is one of the best articles ever written [my opinion]. Everyone really needs to read, or re-read this... it may even change your life.  

by Rabbi Y. Y. Jacobson

Seeing the Other as Your Mirror

The Bite
“Can I ask you a question?" the first snake says.
"You and your dumb questions!” replies the second. “What is it this time?"
"Do you know whether or not we are venomous?" asked the first snake.
"What difference should that make to us?!" said the second.
"It makes all the difference in the world to me," said the first snake. "I just bit my lip!"

The Cloak
This week's Torah portion, Noach, presents the tale of Noah, a man who watches an entire world consumed in a devastating flood. Only a handful of people survive the disaster. What is the first thing Noah does as he emerges into an empty and desolate world, charged with the mission to rebuild civilization?

"Noah, the man of the earth," relates the Torah (1), "embarked on a new project: He planted a vineyard. He drank of the wine and became drunk and uncovered himself in his tent.

“Ham [one of Noah’s sons], the father of Canaan, saw his father’s nakedness and told his two brothers outside.

“Shem and Japheth [the other two sons of Noah) took a cloak, laid it upon both their shoulders, and they walked backward, and covered their father’s nakedness; their faces were turned backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness.”

The Questions
This is an intriguing tale. But let us focus in on two aspects of this episode, among many others discussed in biblical commentary.

First, the Torah is not merely a book of historical tales and episodes. By identifying itself by the name Torah, which means “teaching,” the Torah defines its own genre and aim: It will inform us what happened in the past only when events that occurred then have a bearing on what we need to know today; when they can teach us how we ought to live our lives (2). What can we learn from this episode about Noah and his sons?

Second, anybody even slightly familiar with the Torah is aware of its unique conciseness. Complete sagas -- rich, complex and profound -- are often depicted in a few short verses. Each word in the Bible literally contains a myriad of interpretations in the realm of law, history, psychology, philosophy and mysticism.

For sages and rabbis over the past 3,300 years, it was clear that there is nary a superfluous word or letter in the Bible, and large sections of the Talmud are based on this premise. If a verse is lyrically repetitive, if two words are used where one would suffice or a longer word is used when a shorter word would suffice, there is a message here—a new concept, another law (3).

Yet this story about the behavior of Noah’s sons is replete with redundancy. Let us re-read the story: “Shem and Japheth took a cloak, laid it upon both their shoulders, and they walked backward, and covered their father’s nakedness; their faces were turned backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness.” Now, once the Bible states that “they walked backward,” why does it repeat in the same sentence that “their faces were turned backward”? If you walk backward, obviously your face is turned backward.

The next question: Once the Torah tells us that they walked backward, and that their faces were turned backward, why does the Bible feel the need to conclude with the obvious: “They saw not their father’s nakedness”? Certainly, if you are walking backward and your face is turned backward, you cannot see that which lies behind you!

The great 11th century French biblical commentator, Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, known as Rashi, addresses the first question (4). His answer is simple: Though the two sons entered Noah’s tent backward, ultimately, when they approached their naked father, they needed to turn their bodies around to cover him. So at that point their bodies were facing Noah, but they still turned their faces backward so as not to view Noah’s nakedness.

Yet the second question still irks us: Why does the Torah feel compelled to conclude with the obvious statement that “they saw not their father’s nakedness”? Wouldn't that be totally clear without this addition?

The Contrast
One could comfortably suggest that the Torah is employing here a symmetrical style. First it states that “Ham saw his father’s nakedness.” Then it concludes that “Sham and Japheth… saw not their father’s nakedness.”

Stylistically, this makes sense: Ham saw. Shem and Japheth saw not. Yet it is still superfluous. By stating that they walked backward and their faces were turned backward, it is clear that they did not see their father’s nakedness.

Upon deeper reflection, however, we come to realize that this clearly stated contrast between the brothers – Ham saw; Shem and Japheth saw not – captures the essence of the story. The difference between the brothers, the Torah is attempting to indicate, was not merely behavioral in the sense that Ham saw Noah’s nakedness and went to tell others about it, while his brothers went to cover Noah without gazing at his nudity. Rather, their behavioral differences stemmed from deeper psychological and emotional patterns: Ham saw; Shem and Japheth saw not. Their emotional perceptions of their father’s intoxication and exposure differed profoundly.

“A reading of Genesis suggests how it was that psychoanalysis began as a predominantly Jewish discipline. Long before Freud, the authors of ancient Israel had already begun to explore the uncharted realm of the human mind and heart; they saw this struggle with the emotions as the theater of the religious quest.” (5) This story with Noah and his children can serve as one more example of the psychoanalytical constructs that pervade all of Genesis.

The Mirror
To understand all of this, let us analyze an intriguing observation made in the 1700s by one of the greatest masters of Jewish spirituality and psychology: Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov (1698-1760), founder of the Chassidic movement.

Said the Baal Shem Tov (6):

"Your fellow human being is your mirror. If your own face is clean, the image you perceive will also be flawless. But should you look at your fellow human being and see a blemish, it is your own imperfection that you are encountering; you are being shown what it is that you must correct within yourself. Therefore it follows, that a complete tzaddik (righteous person) does not see any evil in any person.”

Now, this is a difficult concept to grasp and it sounds impractical. Say, for example, I invest money with you, and you turn around and betray my innocence. You lie to my face, deny our original business deal and cause me tremendous financial loss. Is the Baal Shem Tov suggesting that if I were truly virtuous, I would not perceive you as a liar and a thief? Why not? Can't an innocent person call a spade a spade, and a thief a thief?

What if I see somebody abusing his or her children? If I see him for who he really is – a criminal abuser – and I call him such, does that mean that I, too, am guilty of this abominable crime? That is ludicrous. And how about if I observe somebody engaging in an immoral disgusting act; does it mean that I have committed the same sin? Is the Baal Shem Tov suggesting that righteousness must go hand-in-hand with naiveté and denial of reality?

His observation, in fact, seems to stand against a fundamental principle of Judaism: that each of us has the duty to confront immoral behavior and to stand up to evil acts. In the words of the Bible (7), “You shall reprove and admonish your fellow man [when you encounter him or her behaving wrongfully].” But according to the Baal Shem Tov, when you encounter negativity in another person, you should actually see yourself as the source of the problem, because if you were pure and flawless, you surely would not have seen the dirt in this person. So instead of rebuking him, you should actually rebuke yourself?

On a personal note, I must share with you that I was privileged for many years to see and hear a great tzaddik, a true man of G-d, a passionate lover of humanity and an individual who cherished and internalized every teaching of the Baal Shem Tov. Yet I personally heard him numerous times admonishing wrong behavior. He reproached different individuals -- if it were in public, never with a name -- when he encountered them lying, gossiping, spreading hate, employing immoral violence, etc. Why did this tzaddik, a faithful disciple of the Baal Shem Tov, not say to himself that the negative behavior he was encountering in others was essentially a mirror of his own? If he were clean, he would not see it. So why rebuke them for his personal problem?

And how about the Baal Shem Tov himself? Many Chassidic tales relate how the Baal Shem Tov confronted various people for moral shortcomings and negative traits. How did the Baal Shem Tov, a tzaddik of extraordinary proportions, see all of this evil in others?

Two Ways of Seeing Negativity

Clearly, the Baal Shem Tov’s words must be understood in a subtler fashion. He was not attempting to poison us with the modern day, sophisticated, open-mindedness pontificated in our universities and magazines that butchering human beings is not evil. This great Jewish thinker would not reform the fundamental Jewish teaching to see evil and obliterate it. As with all of his Chassidic teachings, he was merely exposing the inner soul behind the biblical instruction, “You shall reprove and admonish your fellow man.”

What the Baal Shem Tov meant was this. There are two ways in which you can observe negativity in another person: 1) as a descriptive quality defining that individual; and 2) as a reality that calls for a particular response from you.

An illustration:

David and Sol both catch Sam saying a blatant lie, or cheating. Yet, emotionally, their response is different.

David’s emotional response:

This Sam is a miserable liar, a lowly piece of dirt, an obnoxious creep. I used to think Sam was a decent fellow. Now I discovered the truth: He is the scum of the earth.

For the next few days, David is obsessed with the thought of what a low-life Sam really is. He may keep it to himself or, more likely, verbalize it to others, yet his heart is deeply infatuated with hate, vengeance and evil descriptions of Sam.

Sol’s emotional response:

What Sam did was really not good; it was wrong, unfair. It upsets me strongly. Now, what should I do about it? Should I confront him directly and speak to him about it? What would be the best way of going about that? Should I instead avoid confrontation but use far more caution in dealing with him? Is it my responsibility to warn other people about the risks of dealing with him?

Both people, David and Sol, observed the same behavior in Sam. None of them was naive about what transpired. Yet David is consumed with how horrible Sam is, while Sol focuses on how Sam’s behavior should effect his own. Why the difference?

A Tale of Two Husbands

Here is another illustration.

Two husbands, Chaim and Moshe, both love having guests over for dinner. They are social animals (or so they claim), and enjoy schmoozing and hanging out with people. Both of their wives, whom we shall give the same name of Sarah, loathe having guests in their homes. Once, during a conversation about this, they share with their husbands how deeply insecure they feel in the presence of guests. They are worried that the house is not clean enough, that there is not enough food, that they won't be able to “perform perfectly” and will come across as failures. They are too self-conscious when guests come.

Both husbands hear the same story coming from their wives, but they respond emotionally in two very different ways.

Chaim's response (internally):

Why is Sarah such an insecure person? Why can't she ever get her life together? She must be really messed up and require endless therapy. Couldn't I have married a woman who is emotionally stable? Why did I have to end up with such an insecure kvetch who is frightened by a few stupid guests who have their own set of psychological problems?

Moshe’s response (internally):

Sarah's struggle with insecurity is painful, and, truthfully speaking, it makes my life harder. Now, what can I do to help her and myself? Perhaps I can help her get to the bottom of her fears? Maybe I can get her somebody good to speak to? Maybe I should complement her more often on her achievements? Maybe I need to hire extra help in the home? Maybe she is just extra irritable now because she lost her job, and things might get better soon?

Here again, Chaim and Moshe both observed an identical situation, or flaw. None of them denied the reality of the condition, yet their emotional responses differed drastically. While Chaim became obsessed with his wife's weaknesses and failures, Moshe focused on how her issues affected him and what he could do to remedy the situation. Why the difference?

Chaim, just like his wife, also suffers from insecurity. He, too, is trying to impress his guests and is fearful of how they will view him. It is just that his way of dealing with his insecurity is by inviting guests, rather than by avoiding them. Both he and his wife are incapable of dealing with visitors in a natural, healthy fashion. He responds in one direction; she responds in the opposite direction. Both are uncomfortable with themselves.

So when Chaim encounters Sarah's fear it brings to the fore his own awkwardness with guests. Instead of confronting his own fears, he resorts to “wife bashing” in order to deflect his own shortcomings. What Chaim is really upset about is not Sarah's insecurity, but his own.

Moshe, on the other hand, is confident with himself, so his wife's fears do not consume him. When he observes his wife's insecurity, he does not become entangled in her emotional web and need not resort to mentally writing a critical biography of her. Her struggles are not his, so he instinctively focuses on how to help resolve the situation.

The same is true concerning David and Sol. David is so obsessed with telling and retelling himself and others how low Sam is because something in Sam reminded him of himself. His hate toward Sam is a form of hate toward a part of himself that he never confronted and resolved.

Sol, on the other hand, never lies and never cheats, and he is completely secure and content with his honest lifestyle. He loves it and cherishes it. So when he encounters Sam’s misdeeds, he focuses on what he can and ought to do about it. He feels no need to tell himself over and over again how bad Sam is. Why would he be emotionally obsessed with describing another person's nature? Why would another person's negative profile occupy his own mind unless it was lodging there all along?

Depends What You See

This, more or less, is what the Baal Shem Tov meant when he stated that your fellow human being is your mirror. If your own face is clean, the image you perceive will also be flawless. But should you look at your fellow human being and see a blemish, it is your own imperfection that you are encountering; you are being shown what you must correct within yourself.

In other words, if you observe a blemish in another human being and find yourself caught up in that person's problems rather than in your own appropriate response to them, you might be struggling with a similar blemish. It is time to take a good look in the mirror and confront your own issues.

However, if you encounter a negative quality or negative behavior in another person, and you do not “see” his negativity per se and don’t find yourself enwrapped in defining how horrible and evil he is, but rather, you see in his negativity a call to take appropriate action to stop the behavior or to defend yourself and others from it, then you are pure. That person's problem is really not your problem.

How to Rebuke?

This, incidentally, is the reason for the redundant terms in the above mentioned biblical mitzvah: “You shall reprove and admonish your fellow man.” Why the redundant terms “reprove and admonish”?

The Chassidic masters explain it thus: Before you admonish your fellow human being, you must first reprove yourself. You must first make sure that you are not rebuking him or her because you yourself suffer from a similar flaw. If you are admonishing them as a way of repressing or deflecting from your own shortcomings, the rebuke will usually be counter-productive. They will sense that you are not trying to help them but attempting to protect yourself.

Only after you reprove yourself, dealing with your own similar flaws, should you proceed to speak to your fellow human beings and help them confront their own shortcomings.

Pointing the Finger

Now we can understand the dramatic difference between Noah’s son Ham, and the other two sons, Shem and Japheth. Their respective actions stemmed from differing emotional responses. And it is this difference that the Torah is attempting to capture when it states that “Ham saw his father nakedness,” while Shem and Japheth “saw not their father’s nakedness.”

Ham himself struggled with immodest passions and shameful trends. So when he observed his father in a shameful, degenerate condition – he actually “saw” his father’s nakedness. He saw his father as drunk and naked. Noah was a mirror for Ham.

Shem and Japheth, on the other hand, were more refined inside. It was not only that they walked backward so as to avoid the physical sight of their nude father. Rather, in their own mental experience, "they saw not their father’s nakedness." When they heard from their brother about what had transpired with their father, they did not “see” in the message a description of how lowly their father fell. Rather, what they saw in the experience was their own responsibility to maintain the ethos of moral modesty: to go and cover Noah with a cloak. Shem and Japheth did not get entangled in their father’s problem, because they were liberated from it. They focused instead on their duty to their father and to G-d at this painful moment.

So here is the timeless lesson of this Torah episode: When you point a finger at someone else, you must remember that simultaneously you are pointing three fingers at yourself (8).

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1) Genesis 9:20-23.

2) See Zohar vol. 3 53b. Radak and Gur Aryeh in the opening of Genesis.

3) The Chumash ("Five Books of Moses") contains 79,976 words and 304,805 letters. The Talmud states that Rabbi Akiva would derive "mounds upon mounds of laws from the serif of a letter" in Torah (Menachos 29b).

4) Rashi to Genesis 9:23. See Toras Moshe of the Alshich who addresses the second question as well.

5) Karen Armstrong, “In the Beginning, A New Interpretation of Genesis” (New York, 1996) p. 8. Unfortunately, the author reduces the Bible to the limitations of her imagination, thus stripping Genesis from the infinite divine depth flowing through its pages. Yet the author makes many great points in her analysis of Genesis tales.

6) Quoted by his great disciple and one of the great Chassidic masters, Rabbi Nachum of Tcheranbil (d. in 1810), in his Chassidic work Maor Einayim Parshas Chukas. Cf. Toldos Yaakov Yosef (by the oldest and greatest student of the Baal Shem Tov, Rabbi Yaakov Yosef of Pulnah), end of Parshas Trumah. See also Sefer Hasichos Summer 5740 (by the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yizchak Schneerson) p. 83.

7) Leviticus 19:17.

8) This essay is based on an address delivered by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Shabbas Parshas Noach 5726, October 30, 1965. Published in Likkutei Sichos vol. 10 pp. 24-29. My thanks to Rabbi Yohel Kahn who clarified some elements of the above address. My thanks also to Shmuel Levin for his editorial assistance.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Secret of Anti Semitism and Its Remedy

New shiur from Rabbi Mendel Kessin 

EXCERPT: "We now realize how important it is, how much history is determined, by what we say and how we feel about Jews. Now, especially, in the month of Adar, the month of the mazal---fortune of Yosef, really Mashiach ben Yosef. One of the sins he did was to have spoken loshon ha’ra against his brothers. Therefore, he was punished. By condemning his brothers, he was condemned. This is an auspicious time, therefore, to focus on shmiras ha’loshon.

"I want to mention one last thing: the Torah is not a document, a book, about historical events. If you understand that, you can absorb the essential message the Torah lays down. Even though it describes historic events, it lays down the principles that move history, what that movement is based on. Look how much is based on just three words, 'rav ya’aved tzair,' or its alternate pronunciation and meaning, 'rav ya’avod tzair'! Torah is the guidebook to the profound dynamics of history."

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Your Table is Your Altar

by Rabbi David Hanania Pinto shlita

The purpose of the Altars, explains the Kli Yakar, was to atone for man's sins. Offering an animal on the Altar of Burnt-Offerings brings atonement to the sinner's body. And the Gold Altar atoned for the soul, through the smoke that rose from the Ketoret. 

The Gemara [Berachot 55a] asks on the verse [Yechezkel 41] which begins, "The Altar was of wood, three cubits tall" but concludes by saying, "He said to me, 'This is the Table that is before Hashem.'" Why does it begin with Altar and end with Table? To tell you that as long as the Beit Hamikdash stood, the Altar atoned for Bnei Yisrael, but nowadays man's table atones for him. 

The table in one's home is something lofty, for it is comparable to the Altar that atones for one's sins. If a person observes all the laws including proper conduct that apply when sitting down to eat, if he is particular about the kashrut of his food, eats politely and with derech eretz as is appropriate for a Jewish person, recites all the blessings slowly and with concentration – this kind of table atones for his sins. It is written in the sefer Reishit Chochma [Sha'ar Hakedusha 28], that Hashem sends two angels to a person's table to see how he behaves when he eats… 

The tzaddik Rabbi Aharon Rata zt"l authored a special sefer on this topic called Shulchan Tahor. He quotes (essay Eitzot Ha'achila) in the name of a tzaddik, that if a person merits, even once a week or month, eating for the sake of Heaven, he thereby elevates all the other meals that were not for the sake of Heaven. 

Some advice which can enable one's eating to be considered as an offering is to not snatch and wolf down the food, and when enjoying the flavor of the food, one should leave some over and not satiate oneself with the delicious food. 

The Ra'avad writes on this topic: When a person stops eating while he still has much enjoyment from the food, and does so for the sake of Hashem, it is considered as a complete fast. [This fast is called Ta'anit HaRa'avad]

Chazal also refer to a meal as לחם, bread. The Chida zt"l says this is because לחם is derived from the word מלחמה, war. Eating stimulates a war between the side of impurity and the side of purity. Fortunate is the person who intensifies his side of holiness and ensures his table is pure before Hashem.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Meat and Milk: Gevurah and Chessed

"You shall not cook a kid in its mother's milk." [Mishpatim 23:19]

Ramban writes that it is prohibited to eat meat cooked in milk, since it is an act of moral insensitivity.  Rashi points out that not only are we forbidden to eat milk and meat together, but even cooking the mixture is forbidden.  This renders the prohibition of milk and meat unique in that even the preparation of the prohibited mixture is also prohibited by the Torah.

From this we can learn how far we must take care to refrain from being morally insensitive.

According to the Kabbalah, milk and meat may not be mixed as this would cause the negative interaction of opposing spiritual forces.  Meat is a physical manifestation of the Divine power of Gevurah (severity), as suggested by the red color of meat.  Milk has its spiritual roots in the Divine power of Chesed (kindness), indicated by its white color. Being that these two powers have an opposite effect, they must not be mixed.

Bachaye writes that in the Messianic Era, it will become permissible to eat meat that was cooked with milk. This is because, in the spiritual realms, the mixing of Chesed and Gevurah is not counterproductive.  Each Divine power works in harmony with the other, since both powers respect the fact that they emanate from the One God.

In the physical world, this harmony does not persevere, since physical things feel their own existence as paramount, and will not coalesce to a higher purpose.  Therefore, the mixing of meat and milk in the physical world is forbidden for it will result in a "corruption" of the spiritual forces that they embody.

However, in the Messianic Era, we are promised that G-d will be felt tangibly within the physical world.  Therefore, it will become possible to mix Chesed and Gevurah - through cooking milk and meat - even in the physical world.

Source: Based on Likutei Sichos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Gutnick Chumash

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Eye Opener

עַיִן תַּחַת עַיִן "An eye for an eye" [Mishpatim 21:24]

The term "eye for an eye" explain Chazal [Bava Kamma 84a] is not meant to be taken literally - one who causes another the loss of an eye is not punished by having to lose his own eye.  Rather, it means that the responsible party must pay the monetary value of an eye.

Chazal's interpretation of this halachah, said the Vilna Gaon, is alluded to in the words of the verse.  Why does the verse state "Ayin tachas ayin" - which literally means "an eye beneath an eye" - and not "Ayin be'ad ayin" - which means "eye for an eye"?

The Torah, explained the Gaon, is hinting to us that in order to discover the true meaning of the verse, we must look at what is "beneath" the ayin, that is the letters that follow the word "ayin" עין:

The letter ayin ע is followed by the letter pei פ
The letter yud י is followed by the letter kaf כּ
The letter nun is ן followed by the letter samech ס
These letters form the word keseph - כּסףmoney !

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Monday, January 24, 2022

Gaslighting and Geneivat Da'at

The term 'gaslighting' is used a lot these days.  The word originates from the 1944 movie 'Gaslight' in which a husband slowly manipulates his young wife into believing she is insane. 

Around the same time I was reading about gaslighting in an un-related book, one of my neighbours decided to gaslight me.  

She's done it before, and I had tried to ignore it and give her the benefit of the doubt that she's just stupid, but when she did it again.... AND I just happened to be reading a paragraph about it in a novel I'd randomly picked up to read....I decided that word was worth a bit of attention.

Gaslighting is actually geneivat da'at - theft of the mind.  It is the worst sin of all.... and you can read about it here.  Don't put up with it from anybody.  Walk away from them, don't argue with them, just move on.  

I think my lesson has finally been learnt B"H.

Friday, January 21, 2022

The Origin of Yitro's Soul

Chassidut by Rabbi Herschel Reichman

Our Sages say that Yitro had seven names. The Shem MiShmuel takes an in-depth look at the names, Yeter and Yitro. Yeter was Yitro's gentile name, before he converted, and Yitro is the name he chose upon converting. Rashi explains that the name Yeter connotes that he increased the Torah with one parsha, when he advised Moshe to set up a judicial system. The Shem MiShmuel asks two questions. How does Yitro's non-Jewish name Yeter indicate that he added a parsha, when he only advised Moshe after he converted. Additionally, why did Yitro keep his original gentile name Yeter, adding just the letter vav, instead of taking a completely new Jewish name?

The midrash contrasts Esav and Yitro, who were polar opposites, in five ways. The five qualities correspond to the five senses.

1]  Esav's descendants, the Romans, committed adultery [related to the sense of touch], when they conquered Jerusalem, while Yitro gave his daughter to Moshe in marriage.

2]  Esav devoured Israel like bread, representing taste, while Yitro shared a meal of bread with Moshe.

3]   Esav did not fear Hashem. This is related to vision, because when one sees Hashem, one fears Him. Yitro recognized Hashem.

4] Esav gave up the bechora and the privilege of bringing korbanot. This corresponds to smell, as korbanot are referred to as "rei'ach necho'ach" a good fragrance. Yitro brought sacrifices to Hashem.

5] When Amalek, Esav's descendants, heard about the exodus of Egypt, they declared war against the Jews. Yitro, however, came to join them. The midrash actually contrasts them in a sixth way as well. This sixth trait utilizes the collective of all senses together. Esav represented sinat [hatred of] Yisrael while Yitro signified ahavat [ love of] Yisrael.

The gemara says that Esav was wicked from the beginning until the end of his life. We know that Hashem gave man the gift of bechira, free will. Didn't Esav have free choice? Bechira begins with man's unsullied innate personality which can be used for good or evil. Once choices are made, certain characteristics form. These characteristics then become habitual and harder to change.

Kayin was the first murderer mentioned in the Torah. He was given gevura, strength, which he could have used for the good. Instead, he perverted his personality, chose wickedness by violating the three cardinal sins, and is considered the progenitor of all evil.

Although Hashem gives us free choice, he is saddened when we sin. In spite of this, Hashem doesn't abandon man's original potential for good and wants to redeem it. This happens through reincarnation. Kayin died an evil man. One of Yitro's seven names was Keni, the identical letters that spell Kayin. Kayin's soul was reincarnated in Yitro, who inherited his good traits.

Yitro had enormous inner strength. He discovered monotheism, stood up as one man alone against an entire nation, and was shunned and blacklisted by his people. Esav received Kayin's evil middot [character traits]. He too, transgressed the three cardinal sins, was an egoist, and was jealous of his brother Yaakov. Esav was given amazing powers to rectify the evil of Kayin. But he chose not to do so and died an evil man.

Hevel embodied the trait of humbleness to an extreme. He too needed to be reincarnated because he did not live up to his potential. His humility was smothered by the evil of Kayin. Hevel was reincarnated in Moshe who was the humblest of all men. Moshe's anava [humility] did not prevent him from action. It brought him closer to Hashem.

Yitro and Moshe were none other than Kayin and Hevel reincarnated. Yeter means something more. It is the power of extraordinary courage, which brought Yitro to go against the world and join the Jews in the desert. Moshe told Yitro to keep the name Yeter, signifying admirable strength. However, he advised him to add the letter vav, which refers to Hashem, to make it Jewish.

Every one of us has a Kayin and Hevel within us. We struggle with self centeredness and weakness. Our true personality is enslaved to bad passions and habits. However, we can redeem ourselves by tapping in to the powers of Yitro and Moshe. By summoning the courage to do what's right and taking strength from Hashem, we can defeat the evil side within us.