Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Rabbi Kessin's Words on the Virus

A brief synopsis of Rabbi Kessin's words towards the end of the shiur Purim Masks and Corona Virus

Antisemitism = isolation of the Jews.

G-d said you want to isolate the Jews, I'll isolate  you, you want to call the Jews a plague, I'll put a plague on you, you want to throw the Jews out of your country/economy, I'll destroy your economy.

It is a purification of the world before Moshiach comes and it is widespread because anti semitism is widespread.

Once judgement happens it will affect everybody who is connected, and the problem is that when there is a plague in the world everyone is judged, even if you are innocent, as you may have sins that have not yet been dealt with, you have been caught up in the world's judgment.  Once the satan has permission to do this, everyone is judged, including the Jews.

The two greatest nations in terms of the instability of the world are China and Iran and  both of those nations are suffering the worst.  Also Italy due to a punishment for xtianity and their persecution of the Jews.   Just like the bubonic plague which also came from China, and destroyed half of Europe, due to the crusades where they killed the Jews.  

The whole planet is being judged, it is a dangerous and frightening time. Whoever is found guilty is destroyed.  We are very close to Moshiach and G-d is no longer going to tolerate the cruelty and immorality that is going on.

If you don't speak lashon hara, you will not arouse the judgement.  If you don't speak lashon hara, you cannot be judged.  This is an unbelievable protection against the plague. 


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