Wednesday, March 18, 2020

All Those Cans of Tuna

What to do when you're fed up with tuna?

Here's a recipe for an alternative to tuna sandwiches.....

Tuna Oven Baked Patties

600g (approx) canned tuna
2 large potatoes
1 onion
half tablespoon mayonnaise
Cornflake or breadcrumbs

Chop potatoes into small pieces and boil until soft. Drain. Chop onion into very small pieces and add to hot cooked potato, then mash both together. The residual heat of the potatoes will soften the onions. 

Add tuna, mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Mix together and shape into small balls, then flatten the balls with your hands. 

Dip into cornflake/bread crumbs. Place in lightly oiled oven trays,  and sprinkle with some oil, bake in oven until golden, approx 35 mins at 180. Serve with lemon slices. 

These are very fragile when they come out of the oven, allow to cool and transfer them with a wide spatula to an airtight container and leave in fridge to firm up. Alternately: use half salmon and half tuna. Freeze raw patties by placing in a ziplock bag.

As most of us are inside and isolated, share some recipes, tell us how you're coping, what it's like in your part of the world, and how you are spending your time.   

Rabbi Kessin will try to give a shiur this motzei Shabbat, from his home.  Will keep you posted.


  1. Thank you Devorah!!!! Looks yummy!!!!!
    Stay healthy!!!

  2. Here in Mexico City it’s seems as nothing happens. Commerce are open, open borders, flights coming from Italy and the rest of the world with no restrictions. Almost nobody is being tested. Government is distracting people with not important news. BH we have an incredible Jewish comunity, We were waiting after purim to give accurate information. Jewish centers and shuls are closed, kollelim open but with many precautions. Religious and comunity affiliated family’s are starting to self quarantine. Also just today schools and yeshivot closed. News report 56 cases in the country... But how can it be that just in our comunity we have 10 or more comforted cases. BH all of them fine except one that is hospitalized. We are staying home, working and studing here.

  3. Thank you so very much for this practical recipe! I'll try making this next chance i get, because corona+pesach is beyond what i can handle as of now. My mom used to add a packet of soft tofu to tuna loaf & patties, which were yummy.

    Note that at the Aish Hatorah site i've seen what looked like practical recipes within the past year or two.

    There's also what looks like an interesting recipe for Sunflower Crackers on I saw another interesting recipe for Indian Sunflower Cookies, calling for 1 1/2 c. rolled oats, 3/4 cup sunflower seeds, & so forth.

    I can offer these tips:

    i often stretch & modify store-bought dips to make them edible for myself, by just transferring to small mixing bowl,
    then adding one or two TB Mayo to taste (I like Ungars & Glicks, as less salty),
    then whisk,
    then Gradually add Turbinado (to taste),
    then whisk,
    then Gradually add water (to preference),
    then whisk.

    I also make store-bought fish-rolls edible and detoxified, by opening the parchment in order to add lots of sugar and lemon-juice all along each side, then loosely wrap the parchment back around it, and cook it in lots of water (and cook for approx. an hour longer than stated on instructions).
    ...i happen to favor sweet&sour so the above may not be for everyone.

    In general, i find that the addition of some sweetener and water help detoxify foods which often are too-spicy and too-salty.

    Also, in baking, i don't take out every bit of eggWhite from shells, since it's the Yolks which ensures they're moist enough. So if you like baked-goods which are dry, then do the opposite.

    Often things are anti-intuitive, such as in flatware. I prefer non-pointy AND thin-gauge tablespoon shaped like this:
    And here's why: In comparison to thicker-gauges, thinner-gauge-spoons can be used not just for eating foods, but actually as somewhat of a knife to easily cut aforesaid foods, and thinner-gauges also easily scrape out the bowl.
    ...On the other hand, of course, thicker-gauge is more durable, so both have their uses.

    Also some trivets can have double-use as fleishig challa-coolers as in the below or others like them. Some might even triple to air-out flatware, if you can find ones with near-spaced grids.
    Here's the double-use sample:$690$&wid=690&hei=690

  4. DrBSD: Mexico City sounds crazy. You should isolate away from all the people running around the place spreading germs.

    Here in Sydney everyone is going out of business, shops, restaurants, overseas travel is pretty much halted, incoming travellers must isolate 14 days, no visitors from China Iran etc. I am in isolation, which doesn't bother me at all, I prefer it actually. The only place I go is my daughter's house up the road. It is so quiet now, it's wonderful. The craziness persists in the supermarkets where everyone is fighting over food and toilet paper. A shop assistant was stabbed yesterday. We have online deliveries, although not as often as before this, as so many people are using that service now. You need to plan ahead. Fortunately I stockpiled weeks ago, but there are still things that need to be bought like fresh fruit and vegetables etc. The city is a ghost town, everyone is working from home if they can, schools still open but will probably close next week, and many parents keeping their children home. All synagogues closed now. This has never happened before.

  5. This Shabbat 21 March, will be the first time in the 71 year history of the State of Israel which will not have transportation, theaters, sports, restaurants, beaches and malls open on the holy Shabbat, everything is shut.

    What is the first topic of this week's Parsha? Moshe assembles all of Israel and talks to them about keeping Shabbat.

  6. The progression of COVID-19 among the various nations seems eerily reminiscent and a fulfillment of the 19th bracha of Shmoneh Esrei that was added by Chazal in Yavneh (V'Lmalshinim). First, losing hope in China, the biggest atheistic nation on earth--"minim;" then devastation of Iran, the biggest current haters of the Jewish people--"V'Chol Harisha;" then the cutting down of the Esav European nations with the most Jewish blood on their hands--first Italy (home of the Catholic Church), then France (Crusades), then Spain (1492), next in line is Germany--Esav is regarded as the "Oyev" of Yaakov. Finally, humbling of other haughty nations that do not have large amounts of Jewish blood on their hands through economic turmoil--"Zeidim." By forcing the closure of things like bars and casinos this disease seems to be a purification of the world for the coming of Mashiach. (The closure of Israel for Shabbos you noted is obviously central to this.) Indeed, the following three brachas of Shmoneh Esreh lead up to and culminate in a request for Mashiach.



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