Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Reason the Entire World is Attacked by the Coronavirus

New lecture from Rabbi Anava to be uploaded soon, I will post here when it is available.  

With almost 200 countries around the world affected with the coronavirus, don't you wonder why? what is the reason the entire world is under attack? What do we need to learn from that and is there messages from G-d we need to realize?

I hope everyone is well and STAYING INSIDE.  Wherever you are, please stay home, especially if you are older or compromised by another medical problem.


  1. Todah Rabbah Devorah for your words of encouragement.
    We in Australia have not felt the full brunt of Covid 19 compared to other parts of the world. My heart and prayers go out to all those that are suffering the consequences of this crisis whether through the loss of loved ones, illness or financial loss beyond measure.

    Corona = Crown = Keter.
    Keter is the top and first of the 10 sefirot/emanations of HaShem's attributes. It symbolizes HaShem's Ratzon/Will. This can be attributed to His Torah.
    The gematria of Keter is 620.
    613 mitzvot for Am Yisrael and
    7 mitzvot for Benei Noach.

    However, when HaShem's will is not adhered to then Keter is corrupted and by rearranging the letters Keter/Crown becomes Karet/Cut off.

    We should all be taking this to heart.

    Maschiach Now !!!

  2. When Moshiach comes, what will have priority - techiyat hamaysim or healing of all the sick?

    Note that Teva's hydroxychloroquine pills are soon due to arrive to the US. But until then... since hydroxychloroquine has an anti-inflammatory action, here's a thought:

    Per Michael Greger, M.D. FACLM:
    Black Cherries are proven even more anti-inflammatory than tart-cherries.
    ...I myself was helped tremendously by same, for something else.
    Also, per Dr.Greger, turmeric-curcumin is anti-inflammatory

    So whoever is feeling nervous, why not take zinc, as well as Dynamic-Health black-cherry concentrate (ONLY syrupy consistency, since Liquidy consistency indicates inferior crop), and take lots of that. Also, Celestial-Seasonings black-cherry-berry tea, Gevina cherry-yogurt and even craisins, since they're similar. Aside from that, a probiotic yogurt such as Mehadrin can only help build immunity.
    ...As for the rest of Dr.Greger - you can also take lots of turmeric. Pereg is a good brand. (You can mix it into mayonnaise, and turmeric is especially good as an ingredient in potato latkes).

  3. Note that turmeric thins the blood - always check with a doctor before you take any new meds even if they are classed as health food

  4. OK, so forget the turmeric, but i'm telling you, Devorah, that decades ago, Black Cherry proved to be literally a miracle for me (similar to the magic it does for gout and arthritis). I was in terrible desperation - beyond the scope of this blog - that's how horrific it was.

    The unhealthcare system had been sending me on agonizing goose chases, including excruciating stupid needless surgery, all to no avail. It was likewise with an alternative practitioner (advising ridiculous Pau D'Arco, Coptis, and the like).

    The problem continued for quite awhile, until by hashgacha, i had recently brought back from Israel a can of B&D high-quality cherry concentrate after an Israeli woman kindly gave me some to taste, and i loved it. I also had brought back a can of olives.

    A short while later, when my symptoms cleared up directly after opening the cans to try both the cherry & olives, i told myself "it has to be one of those which helped". It was easy enough thereafter to narrow it down to the cherry concentrate. Note it was a high-viscosity. As explained earlier, the higher the viscosity (i.e. syrupy) the better the quality of cherry, as long as it's pure with no additives.

    Given my various empirical-proof experiences, pitted against the decades of near-useless practitioners i've unfortunately dealt with, I'm ready to puke at the arrogant system (with some exceptions) and officious know-it-all's who are always at the ready to knock layperson's "anecdotes".

  5. No problem MM, I just don't want to have anyone already on medication taking anything advised on this blog, without first checking it is not contra-indicating their current medications. I doubt that black cherries could be harmful in any way, but people should always be careful with the amount of anything they ingest: there are safe limits and then there are people who may go overboard. Thanks for the info.

  6. I see, your welcome. The truth is, all these are foods that people ate for centuries. Grapefruit too is warned against, for those on blood-thinners. I myself am intolerant of citrus for other reasons, so i listen to my inner warning-bells as to what is (or not) good for me. The system has barely ever helped, yet it remains one of the last bastions of avodah zorah which most people cling to, like a golden-calf.

    By the way, the frustration which so many people have been feeling this week with respect to the unavailability of hydroxychloroquine (and its labelling as "anecdotal") is but a TINY taste of the angst myself and others have been made to endure for decades with respect to one of the most genuine remedies of all - and that's Stem-Cell Tech of all sorts - which have been deliberately, criminally suppressed all along, together with free-energy & other technologies. In fact, Dr.Comillo, Florida stem-cell doctor, has used the term criminal suppression with no less vehemence than Dr.Oz, or Dr.Zelenko, but has major-media turned her into the hero she really is?
    (To a degree it can be termed "techiyat-hameisim technology". Speak of which, i wonder if refuat cholim is slated to happen before or after techiyat-hameisim?)
    ...The same goes for the vilified Whole-Leaf Marijuana intended for pain. Worst of all, many of the worst suppressive propagandists come from within our ranks, and glibly influence the "credible temimim" who in turn join forces in "righteous tzidkut" against cannabis and opioids. When Hashem stated "kivshuha", He intended for the Earth's elements to be availed of wisely, NOT with totalitarianism!

  7. Forgive me, i got the spelling wrong in my above post. The correct spelling of the stem-cell doctor is "Dr.Comella of Florida". SO very sorry about that, especially since she's so exceptional.


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