Monday, March 30, 2020

Fear and Loathing

There is a very good reason why I do not publish comments which are full of their writer's proposed dreadful scenarios and written in a way that is designed to promote fear and terror.  Keep your curses to yourself, we do not want them here.

Instead, I would like to present you with a guide to surviving the current times, WITHOUT fear.

Thank you to Rivka for sending me this link from the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

"In the current circumstances, as the Coronavirus pandemic sweeps the globe, we share 10 letters which provide advice and guidance on how to deal with uncertainty and worry. The overriding message is one of trust and faith in G‑d. Yes, take all appropriate measures. However, the most important thing is to recognize that there is a G‑d who actively controls everything in this world. We sincerely hope that soon this episode will be relegated to the chronicles of history and we will merit only revealed blessings!"


  1. Anonymous, unpublished, please do not send me comments any more. You say you want us all to be ''safe and well'' yet you just warn of dire consequences if you are not listened to. And then you insult me on top of it. Surely by now you understand that I don't publish the kind of comments you persist in sending me, I am not that kind of blog. There are plenty of others out there who will publish you, so please send your comments to them. I do not know you, it is not personal.

  2. we need emunah and bitachon that Hashem is with us. Let's not fear - lets speak good. Tracht gut vet zein gut!


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