Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Jerusalem: Shofar Blasts at Midnight

Last night the sounds of the Shofar were heard in Jerusalem at midnight, apparently asking Hashem to heal the world from coronavirus.


  1. Our most heartfelt prayers for a Refuo Sheleimo - A Swift Healing to all Corona Virus patients as well as to all those who need healing.


    Please Hashem - G-d, may we hear the sounding of The Shofar Shel MOSHIACH -

    We can't wait any longer!

    "Out with CORONA. In with CROWNING G-D, Master of the Universe!"

  2. Aside from Dr. Zelenko's great protocol of Hydroxychloroquine-plus-Zpack, Dr.Frank Shallenberger, states that the below protocol is good for ALL viruses. He has been relieving patients of flu, bronchitis, sinusitis & chronic-lung conditions via Nebulizers, combined with the below formula that's good for 12 months in fridge:

    100cc bag of saline, plus 5cc pharma-grade 3% hydrogen peroxide added.

    Patients attach a delivery-mask to the Nebulizer output, and add 3cc of the Mix to Nebulizer. Then they place mask over mouth & nose, and breathe in the solution until its gone.

    Its done every hour for 1st day. Then 4 to 6 times per day, until condition is resolved. For those with chronic lung conditions, they do it 2x or 3x per day indefinitely.

    In addition, i personally would go on an immunity diet of high-viscosity blackCherry concentrate cherry-juice, cherry-berry tea, xylitol-french-toast, deviled-eggs, probiotic-yogurt, Greek-Cherryogurt, peppermint-patties-with-Stash-Licorice-tea.


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