I’ve never heard that before. I highly doubt there’s another big war coming up soon. Every single Jew I know here in Israel is more than emotionally and mentally burnt out and exhausted from the current war. We are expecting the Geulah to be here any moment.
David. I live in Tzefat. I have PTSD from the war since Oct 7. Many of my friends and others I know have PTSD. Hashem knows how much we are suffering here in Israel. To even think Hashem is going to bring a major world war is beyond what we could even think. We’ve sacrificed more than enough to live in the holy land and be here when Moshiach arrives. Let any other war be in the gentile countries and away from the Jewish homeland. Let us receive Moshiach today to redeem us!
Current events remind one of the Yalkut that was made famous at the time of the 1991 Gulf War: “In the year in which the Moshiach will be revealed all the nations of the world will provoke each other. The king of Persia (Iran?) will provoke the king of Arabia (Saudi Arabia?) and he will go to the King of Edom (the president of the USA?) to take counsel. And the king of Persia will threaten to destroy the entire world......" (Yalkut Shimoni Yeshay 60:499)."40 years before Moshiach ben David there will appear Moshiach ben Yosef who will be slain by the king of Persia in Jerusalem" (Pirkei Heichalos 39). "If you see a Persian horse tethered to a grave in Eretz Yisrael, look out for the coming of the Moshiach!" (Shir Hashirim Rabbah 8).Bilom in his last prophecy bewailed "Alas! Who will survive G-d's devastation? Warships will come from the ports of Kittim and lay waste Ashur (Syria/Iraq?) and Eber (Iran?), and they too will be utterly destroyed" (Bamidbar 24). Indeed, aircraft-carrier battle groups keep being attracted to the Persian Gulf and eastern Mediterranean as if by a magnet! "Damascus will cease to be a city and it will become a heap of ruins" (Yeshaya 17). Paras is depicted in Yechezkel 38 as one of the nations that will be confederate with Gog and Magog in attacking the Land of Israel. The nations each have a Heavenly representative in Shamayim - a Supernal Sar - that wage war against each other in Heaven. The Sar of Paras seems to have been reactivated in our days: "And the prince of the kingdom of Persia has been standing against me for 21 days, and behold Michael, one of the first Sars has come to help, and I remained there beside the kings of Persia. And I have come to enable you to understand what will happen to your people b'Acharis Hayomim - at the End of Days, for there is yet a vision for those days.....and now I shall return to battle with the Sar of Persia......" (Daniel 10).Yoma 10 gives opinions that Persia is destined to fall by the hands of Rome - Paras sheyipol b'yad Romi, or possibly vice versa. Until now a war between the USA and Iran would have been a no-contest. But with the United States of America, as it was, seemingly self-liquidating and possibly in terminal decline (see "The future of America at the End of Time" by R.Mendel Kessin, and "Why Civilisations Die", R.Jonathan Sacks), the 'Persians' may still be in with a chance ch"v!The parameters of Moshiach ben Yosef are considerably wider than that of Moshiach ben David. A woman can possess a bechina - an aspect of Moshiach ben Yosef e.g. Esther Queen of Persia was the Moshiach ben Yosef of her generation (Kol HaTor Bechina 8, by R.Hillel of Shklov, talmid of the Vilna Gaon). And even a non-Jew can be in the category of being a Moshiach ben Yosef e.g. the Persian king Koresh who permitted the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash: "Thus says Hashem to His Moshiach, to Koresh....." (Yeshaya 45, Kol HaTor Bechina 130)! May soon be fulfilled Hashem's promise: "For behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth, and the earlier ones shall not be remembered, neither shall they even come to mind" (Yeshaya 65)!
Ovadia Yosef Ex Rabino mayor Ovadia Yosef fue el Gran Rabino Sefardí del Estado de Israel entre los años 1973 y 1983, una de las autoridades de la ley judía más reconocidas de los últimos tiempos y la más importante e influyente del judaísmo sefaradí del siglo XX. Wikipedia Nacimiento: 23 de septiembre de 1920, Bagdad, Irak Fallecimiento: 7 de octubre de 2013, Jerusalén
notan que es exactamente 40 años antes del 7 de octubre de 2023 mashiaj ben iosef morira 40 años antes de la llegada de ben David
Ovadia Yosef Former Senior Rabbi Ovadia Yosef was the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel between 1973 and 1983, one of the most recognized authorities of Jewish law in recent times and the most important and influential of Sephardic Judaism of the 20th century. Wikipedia Born: September 23, 1920, Baghdad, Iraq Died: October 7, 2013, Jerusalem
they note that it is exactly 40 years before October 7, 2023 mashiach ben iosef will die 40 years before the arrival of ben David
In response to: I really wish there was a connection to Moshiach coming very soon with this latest news :( For Ronit:
I do see a connection to geula in R'Glatstein's shiur. R'Akiva laughed when he saw foxes on the Temple Mount because he knew if one part is happening so too the other part will as well. If Hashem gave chizuk in Mordechai's time, before the Yidden were saved from the decree, to hold over the Jews for the coming redemption, then so too in our times! It is coming very soon! These amazing signs we have had lately could be just that!
It's always been where we believe we will be redeemed on Pesach and Gog U'Magog will take place on the Yom Tov of Sukkot, but that is not a war where we battle. That will be the war that Hashem Yisbarach wages against the nations that come up against Eretz Yisrael. That is not our war but G-D's War and there will be many of our enemies that will have to buried and will take about seven months to do so. We just have to do our bit by doing chesed and davening & Tehilim and put our total Emunah/Bitachon in HKB'H, and, thus, have nothing to fear.
I didn't really look too closely at the R Ovadia Yosef comment, but yes I don't see any 40 years there. Not sure what that comment was speaking about. This is why I shouldn't publish comments late at night, when I'm half asleep.
What are the 40 years that you are speaking of 11:11 ?
Can anyone translate what this Rav is saying? Apparently, it’s very good and about Moshiach coming very soon and he explains why his prediction of Moshiach not coming in Nisan didn’t happen.
Actually the subtitles keep going on and off, plus the Rav is doing a great deal of thinking rather than speaking. If I find out anything I will put it here.
If someone watches this video and doesn’t feel in their hearts and minds that Moshiach is about to arrive, then they probably need to do some soul searching (and if they don’t feel like crying from clips). Look at all the achdus since Oct 7, look at all the suffering in Klal Yisrael, look at the many prophecies fulfilled and signs we have. It MUST be imminent. We will not be looking back in much longer from now and still asking why we’re still in Golus. Golus is ending. Clearly, now is the time for Moshiach to show up.
This is from Zohar on parshas Bo. Notice the 70 years that defines the cycle that allows for shaking the world. The kochab of 70 years is the sign and kerub connection to the Tanin that comes in and changes it all up. Mother of Dragons close passage 41st day count of the omer. "The great crocodile/Tanin IS THE MALE LEVIATHAN THAT REMAINED ALIVE. IT IS SAID ABOUT HIM, "THAT COUCHES IN THE MIDST OF HIS STREAMS." There are nine rivers that he lies in, CORRESPONDING TO NINE SFIROT: CHOCHMAH, BINAH, DA'AT, CHESED, GVURAH, TIFERET, NETZACH, HOD AND YESOD. And there is one river whose waters are quiet. THIS IS KETER. The blessings of the waters of the Garden, WHICH IS MALCHUT OF ATZILUT, pour into it three times a year. THIS IS THE SECRET OF THE THREE COLUMNS RIGHT, LEFT AND CENTRAL, OF WHICH IT IS SAID, "THREE TIMES A YEAR SHALL ALL YOUR MALES APPEAR" (DEVARIM 16:16). If they pour in twice, MEANING ONLY TWO COLUMNS, RIGHT AND LEFT, the river is blessed, but not as much BECAUSE THE CENTRAL COLUMN IS MISSING. If only one pours in, MEANING EITHER ONLY THE RIGHT OR ONLY THE LEFT, it is not blessed by it. The nine rivers, the lower nine Sfirot, receive from the river, which is Keter.Therefore, the world shakes once in seventy years, since everything in the river shakes WHEN this great crocodile raises his fins and shakes. The whole world shudders and the earth trembles, for they are all included in this great crocodile/tanin." From Sulam translation Ashlag. There is video that discusses the Arizal connection to this parsha Bo Zohar and also using a lot of gematria connects the Kochavim to the taninim. I will post the url if anyone is interested. The guy is not a master but definetly has gotten into some good connection for our times. Gevurah shebe Hod B'H
Purple skies in the UK - Paving the way for royalty: King Moshiach Lake Colac, Australia Based on Sichos Shabbos Parshat Vayeishev 5751 L...
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
The chief of #Iranian Police Ahmad-Reza Radan has been assassinated with 7 bullets hit on his body.
He was behind the murder of hundreds of innocent civilians in #Iran in recent clashes.
[Twitter - X]
30 days to the day after attacking Israel, Raisi lierally suffered the 4 capital punishments: stoned, burned, killed and strangled, says R.Mutzafi!
I really wish there was a connection to Moshiach coming very soon with this latest news :(
Some believe Gog and Magog didn't happen yet but will be this coming soukot. What's your opinion ?
I’ve never heard that before. I highly doubt there’s another big war coming up soon. Every single Jew I know here in Israel is more than emotionally and mentally burnt out and exhausted from the current war. We are expecting the Geulah to be here any moment.
David. I live in Tzefat. I have PTSD from the war since Oct 7. Many of my friends and others I know have PTSD. Hashem knows how much we are suffering here in Israel. To even think Hashem is going to bring a major world war is beyond what we could even think. We’ve sacrificed more than enough to live in the holy land and be here when Moshiach arrives. Let any other war be in the gentile countries and away from the Jewish homeland. Let us receive Moshiach today to redeem us!
Gog Magog is Hashem's war, fought entirely by Him in miraculous ways. It may have started...
Quite frankly even in america we live in fear with everything thats going on
Moshiach please come today AMEN!!!
Current events remind one of the Yalkut that was made famous at the time of the 1991 Gulf War: “In the year in which the Moshiach will be revealed all the nations of the world will provoke each other. The king of Persia (Iran?) will provoke the king of Arabia (Saudi Arabia?) and he will go to the King of Edom (the president of the USA?) to take counsel. And the king of Persia will threaten to destroy the entire world......" (Yalkut Shimoni Yeshay 60:499)."40 years before Moshiach ben David there will appear Moshiach ben Yosef who will be slain by the king of Persia in Jerusalem" (Pirkei Heichalos 39). "If you see a Persian horse tethered to a grave in Eretz Yisrael, look out for the coming of the Moshiach!" (Shir Hashirim Rabbah 8).Bilom in his last prophecy bewailed "Alas! Who will survive G-d's devastation? Warships will come from the ports of Kittim and lay waste Ashur (Syria/Iraq?) and Eber (Iran?), and they too will be utterly destroyed" (Bamidbar 24). Indeed, aircraft-carrier battle groups keep being attracted to the Persian Gulf and eastern Mediterranean as if by a magnet! "Damascus will cease to be a city and it will become a heap of ruins" (Yeshaya 17). Paras is depicted in Yechezkel 38 as one of the nations that will be confederate with Gog and Magog in attacking the Land of Israel. The nations each have a Heavenly representative in Shamayim - a Supernal Sar - that wage war against each other in Heaven. The Sar of Paras seems to have been reactivated in our days: "And the prince of the kingdom of Persia has been standing against me for 21 days, and behold Michael, one of the first Sars has come to help, and I remained there beside the kings of Persia. And I have come to enable you to understand what will happen to your people b'Acharis Hayomim - at the End of Days, for there is yet a vision for those days.....and now I shall return to battle with the Sar of Persia......" (Daniel 10).Yoma 10 gives opinions that Persia is destined to fall by the hands of Rome - Paras sheyipol b'yad Romi, or possibly vice versa. Until now a war between the USA and Iran would have been a no-contest. But with the United States of America, as it was, seemingly self-liquidating and possibly in terminal decline (see "The future of America at the End of Time" by R.Mendel Kessin, and "Why Civilisations Die", R.Jonathan Sacks), the 'Persians' may still be in with a chance ch"v!The parameters of Moshiach ben Yosef are considerably wider than that of Moshiach ben David. A woman can possess a bechina - an aspect of Moshiach ben Yosef e.g. Esther Queen of Persia was the Moshiach ben Yosef of her generation (Kol HaTor Bechina 8, by R.Hillel of Shklov, talmid of the Vilna Gaon). And even a non-Jew can be in the category of being a Moshiach ben Yosef e.g. the Persian king Koresh who permitted the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash: "Thus says Hashem to His Moshiach, to Koresh....." (Yeshaya 45, Kol HaTor Bechina 130)!
May soon be fulfilled Hashem's promise: "For behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth, and the earlier ones shall not be remembered, neither shall they even come to mind" (Yeshaya 65)!
Ovadia Yosef
Ex Rabino mayor
Ovadia Yosef fue el Gran Rabino Sefardí del Estado de Israel entre los años 1973 y 1983, una de las autoridades de la ley judía más reconocidas de los últimos tiempos y la más importante e influyente del judaísmo sefaradí del siglo XX. Wikipedia
Nacimiento: 23 de septiembre de 1920, Bagdad, Irak
Fallecimiento: 7 de octubre de 2013, Jerusalén
notan que es exactamente 40 años antes del 7 de octubre de 2023
mashiaj ben iosef morira 40 años antes de la llegada de ben David
Translation from Google
Ovadia Yosef
Former Senior Rabbi
Ovadia Yosef was the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel between 1973 and 1983, one of the most recognized authorities of Jewish law in recent times and the most important and influential of Sephardic Judaism of the 20th century. Wikipedia
Born: September 23, 1920, Baghdad, Iraq
Died: October 7, 2013, Jerusalem
they note that it is exactly 40 years before October 7, 2023
mashiach ben iosef will die 40 years before the arrival of ben David
Devorah, October 7 2013 was ten years before October 7 2023, not 40 years.
-Anim Zemiros
In response to: I really wish there was a connection to Moshiach coming very soon with this latest news :(
For Ronit:
I do see a connection to geula in R'Glatstein's shiur. R'Akiva laughed when he saw foxes on the Temple Mount because he knew if one part is happening so too the other part will as well. If Hashem gave chizuk in Mordechai's time, before the Yidden were saved from the decree, to hold over the Jews for the coming redemption, then so too in our times! It is coming very soon! These amazing signs we have had lately could be just that!
Which Sefer is this from? We will know within a few months if this prediction comes true.
It's always been where we believe we will be redeemed on Pesach and Gog U'Magog will take place on the Yom Tov of Sukkot, but that is not a war where
we battle. That will be the war that Hashem Yisbarach wages against the nations that come up against Eretz Yisrael. That is not our war but G-D's War
and there will be many of our enemies that will have to buried and will take
about seven months to do so. We just have to do our bit by doing chesed and
davening & Tehilim and put our total Emunah/Bitachon in HKB'H, and, thus, have nothing to fear.
He didn't pass away in 1983. So where is it 40 years??
Big nissim coming as we're never seen , the captives will return, big earthquake coming etc
I didn't really look too closely at the R Ovadia Yosef comment, but yes I don't see any 40 years there. Not sure what that comment was speaking about. This is why I shouldn't publish comments late at night, when I'm half asleep.
What are the 40 years that you are speaking of 11:11 ?
“Could be just that”. So you’re speculating.
Can anyone translate what this Rav is saying? Apparently, it’s very good and about Moshiach coming very soon and he explains why his prediction of Moshiach not coming in Nisan didn’t happen.
Ron, I wish you could tell me what's on that YouTube link.... I can't see it
Yosef you can get subtitles, I'm watching it now.
It doesn’t work by me. What optimism/predictions does the Rabbi share in the video?
Actually the subtitles keep going on and off, plus the Rav is doing a great deal of thinking rather than speaking.
If I find out anything I will put it here.
If someone watches this video and doesn’t feel in their hearts and minds that Moshiach is about to arrive, then they probably need to do some soul searching (and if they don’t feel like crying from clips). Look at all the achdus since Oct 7, look at all the suffering in Klal Yisrael, look at the many prophecies fulfilled and signs we have. It MUST be imminent. We will not be looking back in much longer from now and still asking why we’re still in Golus. Golus is ending. Clearly, now is the time for Moshiach to show up.
This is from Zohar on parshas Bo. Notice the 70 years that defines the cycle that allows for shaking the world. The kochab of 70 years is the sign and kerub connection to the Tanin that comes in and changes it all up. Mother of Dragons close passage 41st day count of the omer.
"The great crocodile/Tanin IS THE MALE LEVIATHAN THAT REMAINED ALIVE. IT IS SAID ABOUT HIM, "THAT COUCHES IN THE MIDST OF HIS STREAMS." There are nine rivers that he lies in, CORRESPONDING TO NINE SFIROT: CHOCHMAH, BINAH, DA'AT, CHESED, GVURAH, TIFERET, NETZACH, HOD AND YESOD. And there is one river whose waters are quiet. THIS IS KETER. The blessings of the waters of the Garden, WHICH IS MALCHUT OF ATZILUT, pour into it three times a year. THIS IS THE SECRET OF THE THREE COLUMNS RIGHT, LEFT AND CENTRAL, OF WHICH IT IS SAID, "THREE TIMES A YEAR SHALL ALL YOUR MALES APPEAR" (DEVARIM 16:16). If they pour in twice, MEANING ONLY TWO COLUMNS, RIGHT AND LEFT, the river is blessed, but not as much BECAUSE THE CENTRAL COLUMN IS MISSING. If only one pours in, MEANING EITHER ONLY THE RIGHT OR ONLY THE LEFT, it is not blessed by it. The nine rivers, the lower nine Sfirot, receive from the river, which is Keter.Therefore, the world shakes once in seventy years, since everything in the river shakes WHEN this great crocodile raises his fins and shakes. The whole world shudders and the earth trembles, for they are all included in this great crocodile/tanin." From Sulam translation Ashlag. There is video that discusses the Arizal connection to this parsha Bo Zohar and also using a lot of gematria connects the Kochavim to the taninim. I will post the url if anyone is interested. The guy is not a master but definetly has gotten into some good connection for our times. Gevurah shebe Hod B'H
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