Tuesday, May 7, 2024

"You Can Stay Here Until The Arrival of the Messiah"

In his memoir released in 2022, Benjamin Netanyahu shares his unforgettable encounters with the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

I went to see the Lubavitcher Rebbe. It had been more than four years since our first meeting, and I came to say good-bye. He was not happy with my decision and tried to dissuade me, while lamenting the situation in Israel.

“There are no good tidings from Israel,” the Rebbe said. “Action is key and there is no action, but maybe you can influence from here the leadership there.” 

“I intend to return to Israel and to try to influence things there,” I answered. 

The Rebbe insisted, “There is still much to influence here at the United Nations…. You know there is a Jewish mitzvah [injunction] to influence the gentiles. This is your job to do.” 

I dodged this diplomatically. 

“I haven’t forgotten our first meeting,” I said, “and I have acted as the Rebbe said, standing proud and strong. Yet I have been here for years.” 

Evidently, this length of service didn’t impress the Rebbe. “You can stay here until the arrival of the Messiah,” he said.

Source: Anash


Anonymous said...

The Rebbe knew that Netanyahu would be the last prime minister before the Geulah Shelaimah!


Devorah said...


The Rebbe knew everything. He was a true Navi.

He could read your mind. If you went to him with a problem but couldn't even get the words out, he already knew why you were there and he would give the answer without even hearing the question.

This is why I think anyone who did not personally grow up knowing the Rebbe's power, cannot possibly understand why so many still think he is the Moshiach.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know if it’s true that Israel that Rafah is the last stage of the war in gaza? I’m hearing different reports and it feels like we’re left in the dark.


Anonymous said...

See comments on All the Trouble post - Devorah

Anonymous said...

That is way too many comments (91 comments) and I don’t see any reliable source in the comments that I saw for the duration of the war.


Devorah said...

Just look at the last 5 or 6 comments there.

Anonymous said...

I just did. One comment talks about it ending whenever the 86/88 sparks of kedusha are redeemed and another comment says something about the 27th of Sivan.


Anonymous said...

I’m wondering the same. I also heard something about 6 weeks. Maybe it was on Arutz Sheva recently.


Devorah said...

New York Police have just Declare Level 3 Mobilization as Pro-Palestine Clashing Outside Met Gala Forcefully Tearing Through Barricades


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the protests will calm down a lot when all the universities across America end within a couple weeks


Anonymous said...

I’ll give it until the 27th of Sivan to see if any of these Moshiach predictions come true before I decide to end my life. It’s too much to suffer so much… and to see so much suffering in Am Yisrael.


Anonymous said...

One does have free choice if they are suffering that much. No one can judge. It would be foolish to believe that everyone that ends their life goes straight to gehenem. Let Moshiach come already.


Devorah said...

I'm not judging you, I'm saying you can't give up now that we're so close, and issue ultimatums and dates. We're almost there.

Devorah said...

Every day that you wait for Moshiach you are doing a huge mitzvah. Your efforts are not going un-noticed in Shamayim. If Hashem is afflicting you then you are special. Hashem is testing you, Hashem is testing all of us. Let's not fail now. Every day you keep breathing you are climbing higher and higher on the spiritual ladder.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. Your words and true and meaningful. That meant a lot to me. I hope today’s the big day when Moshiach comes and we never have to look back at our past suffering.


Anonymous said...

In the back of my mind, I sometimes have this doubt (probably the yatzer hara) telling me it’s possible Moshiach won’t come anytime soon and will come in 20 or 50 years from now. Then, I think for a minute and realize it’s impossible for the world to continue like this much longer, as well as impossible for the world to be fixed or improved by much without Moshiach. I find it strange when I meet other Orthodox Jews who actually believe Moshiach can come right before the year 6000. We are overdue now with a million proofs.


Devorah said...

We have all the signs. How can it be that the nevi'im foresaw everything that would happen at the end of days, and we are seeing it play out in front of our eyes. How can anyone think otherwise?

Anonymous said...

Great question and that’s why I find it so strange when people think Moshiach can come in 100 years or who knows when. Even an atheist knows that some Godly intervention is needed to save this world from serious issues like Artificial Intelligence affecting the economy, the US running out of money for social security and Medicare within 5-10 years. No one has solutions.


Devorah said...

In fact, Eliezer, you have the same obligation as the Rebbe told Netanyahu: "You can stay here until the arrival of the Messiah”

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, grammatically, wouldn't the rebbe's comment to Netanyahu mean "you can stay [in America] until the arrival of Messiah"? It was a dialogue where Netanyahu was saying he would return to Israel and the rebbe was urging him to exert influence from the US.
What does this have to do with him being the last prime minister before mashiach?

Devorah said...

That's a very good point Steven.

The Rebbe never said anything for fun. Everything he said had meanings [plural] and was meant to be thought about and pondered, and there was always a deeper meaning to be found.

Fact is, Bibi is the PM of Israel now, and we ARE expecting Moshiach.

Anonymous said...

I want to quote something i read on Torah Sweets, forwarded to me by a friend in England. I am not familar with Torah Sweets, nor the Rabbi quoted, but it was such a chizuk for me I have to share. Life seems to be one giant challenge for everyone around the world. So we need to take this opportunity to encourage one another. "If you lose out in the short run to get a mitzvah, you will gain eternally. The Torah (Vayikra 18:5) says that " you shall do mitzvot that you will live by." The Gemara talks about the fact that one should never do mitzvot in a way that would endanger his life. ( cont'd)

Anonymous said...

Continued comment : Rashi brings another explanation to this pasuk. "That you will live by" refers to the eternal life of Olam Haba. When we do mitzvot, we rack up eternal "reward points." This can help us through hard times; when it is tough to do Mitzvot, we should realize that we'll get exponentially greater rewards when we do the Mitzvot.

Anonymous said...

I’m not sure if any of you are aware, but there’s a video on YouTube of a very big Mekubal putting up a mezuzah at Netanyahu’s office in the Knesset (maybe about 30 years ago) and he told Netanyahu (it’s on video) that Moshiach will take over.


Anonymous said...

As i hang on to my emuna and bitachon, as tough as it is right now, personally and nationally, I just remind myself that Hashem is God, I am commanded to believe and trust in Him and I am "racking up eternal reward points" by doing this as best as I can. This had been helping me through these tough times. I remind myself and Him of His mercy. May He help us all to be strong in our bitachon. He is our strength and shield. Avigail

Devorah said...

Shai: I found it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbHj3NczldY

He's confirming the same thing the Rebbe said. Slightly different words.
I always wondered where that phrase came from "you will hand the keys to Moshiach".


Anonymous said...

I forgot the reference! That quote was from Rabbi Menachem Lomner, quoted in Torah Sweets, Vol 14, Issue 16 and sent to me by Necumelle, may she receive a giant blessing. Avigail

Anonymous said...

It was a bracha from a very great Mekubal. It’s obviously coming true! Moshiach won’t need the keys and won’t be working in the Knesset but he literally meant that Netanyahu will give over rule over Eretz Yisrael to Moshiach!


Anonymous said...

Can you put up the video on a new post about Netanyahu giving over power to Moshiach? IT’S INCREDIBLE how that Mekubal saw it and how we see it coming true now!


Devorah said...

Done, Elisheva, good idea.

Devorah said...

Also see:



Anonymous said...

One of many things that I love about the Lubavicher Rebbe was that he said that klal yisrael will be throughout chutz la’aretz until Moshiach arrives. Which is proven in this video. I don’t fall for some of the silliness on other Geulah blogs that try to tell the Jews in America and worldwide to run to Israel. We all know it says that Moshiach will gather every Jew from every corner of the world. If one can move to Eretz Yisrael then great and they should go for it. If they can’t, they should be comforted in knowing they will be there very soon with Moshiach’s arrival.


Anonymous said...

Isn't there a reference in the Gemorah (don't remember where) that Hashem holds the "keys" to 3 things only in His own "hands?" To childbirth, Techiat HaMeitim, and Moshiach..


Devorah said...

CS see https://shiratdevorah.blogspot.com/2018/02/the-three-keys.html

Eduardo said...

The Rebbe said also something like Bibi was mean to the last job: here is what he said: רבי מליובאוויטש: "אני עדיין בתחילת המלאכה שלי."
נתניהו: "אני יודע."
הרבי מליובאוויטש: "גם אתה בתחילת התפקיד האחרון." https://youtu.be/TlzxHvnNiEE?si=DSR6SEvw3hUVXT2o

Devorah said...

The Real Bibi - in 60 seconds