Showing posts with label Glazerson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glazerson. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hidden Secrets in Torah

Extracted from ''Letters of Fire'' by Rabbi M. Glazerson

The Torah has a revealed [nigleh] and a hidden [nistar] aspect.  One who looks at it in a superficial manner deals only with the revealed aspect.  However, if one deeply contemplates the Divinely-given Torah, one begins to discover the secrets hidden beneath the revealed aspect.

The root  סכה can mean either ''to cover'' or ''to see''.  In his works Kad Ha-Kemach and Sidduro shel Shabbat, Rabbeinu Bachyei mentions the dual meaning of the root  סכה, and relates it to a verse in Mishlei:  ''An utterance spoken in the right context is like golden apples in silver coverings''.  The word for coverings is maskiot, which comes from the root שׁכה.  Since the letters שׁ and ס are interchangeable this root is equivalent to סכה.  The silver coverings, says Rabbeinu Bachyei, have small holes in them, through which one can see סכה the golden apples within.

The ''golden apples'' within the coverings symbolize the secrets of the Torah, while the ''silver coverings'' symbolize the revealed aspect.  Only by means of the ''coverings'' - the revealed Torah - can man glimpse the ''golden apples'' within; for the secrets of the Torah are deeper than the ocean and wider than all the world, and man's intellect would not be able to grasp them at all without the aid of the revealed Torah.

Thus the covering - סכה - is what makes the seeing - סכה - possible.  Similarly, the משׁל mashal [fable or simile] or סמל [semel - symbol] is like a שׂמלה [simlah - garment].  On the one hand, it covers the inner content, but on the other hand it enables one to view and understand it.

If a person is lazy and does not exert himself in his studies, he will not see the inner meaning and will be left only with the outer ''covering'' - סכה.   His Torah study will be full of unresolved questions and apparent contradictions.  But one who labors indefatigably will discern - סכה - the truth hidden within the Torah.  Labor [עמל - amal] leads to revelation of the inner secrets of both the person who studies and of the Torah which is studied.  Thus, the letters following עמל in the alphabet are  פנם [penim ''inner''].

פ follows ע
נ follows מ
ם follows ל

The Torah's outer cover, its revealed meaning, enables one to see its inner light.  This may be compared to tinted glasses which are necessary in order to gaze at the sun.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

US State Department Refuses to Say Jerusalem is Israel's Capital - Updated: with Torah Codes

[HT: Miguel]

Last week’s United States Supreme Court decision declared that a lower court must deal with a complaint by a Jerusalem resident that the State Department has refused to write “Jerusalem, Israel” on his passport.

A court decision in the plaintiff’s favor would force a major policy change, but what apparently prompted the question to the State Department was its altering an official communication that originally referred to Israel and Jerusalem as separate entities. “The first media note was issued in error, without appropriate clearances,” Nuland tried to explain.

 The Clinton, Reagan and Obama administrations have used a Congressional waiver to avoid carrying out a law that declares that the embassy be in Jerusalem. The waiver allows the president to declare that carrying out the law would create a national security problem, although it never has been explained how American security would be threatened by moving the embassy.


 Also see: Is Israeli Capital in Tel Aviv?

And a timely Torah code video from Rabbi Glazerson: ''Jerusalem is the Heart of Israel''

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Sacrifice of Yonatan - Toulouse Terror Attack - Torah Codes

Rabbi Jonathan Sandler HY"D, 30, and his two young sons, Gavriel, 3, and Aryeh, 6, were gunned down at the Ozar Hatorah School in the northeast of the city of Toulouse shortly after 8am local time. The fourth victim was Miriam Monsonego, 8, daughter of the school's head teacher.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Global March to Jerusalem: Updated: with Torah Codes

What is the Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ)?

GMJ, scheduled for March 30, 2012, is an anti-Israel publicity stunt that aims to have a million people marching on Israel’s borders from all the surrounding countries – Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt – with the aim of reaching Jerusalem. Concurrently, demonstrations are planned in the Palestinian-administrated territories and against Israel’s diplomatic missions in major cities throughout the world.

Who is organizing GMJ?

The organizers of GMJ are made up of members of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, far-left extremist groups and are backed by the Iranian government.

What are the objectives of GMJ?

Official statements of the organizers of GMJ attempt to portray the movement as a peaceful protest aimed at highlighting the so-called “Judaization of Jerusalem”.

More at: Algemeiner

Terror in France: Torah Codes

from Rabbi Glazerson

In relation to the terror attack at a Toulouse school: see Toulouse: Rabbi Yonatan Sandler and his Children among the Dead

Also see: Terror in Toulouse for some amazing gematrias

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Cruel Bashar al-Assad of Syria - Torah Codes

Officials from more than 60 nations met Friday, calling on Syria's President Bashar al-Assad to step down and for the government to stop killing its people. That would allow humanitarian supplies to be delivered and evacuations to begin in Homs, which has seen heavy fighting.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Rabbi Elyashiv update and Torah Codes

Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv
There has been a deterioration in the condition of Maran Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita. The senior physicians overseeing the rav’s medical treatment did not have good news for family members earlier this evening, Wednesday, eve 16 Shevat 5772.

An update was received a short time ago from the rav’s spokesman, Rav Shlomo Kook, stating the rav is “stable” but doctors are particularly concerned with a systemic infection which is resulting in a high fever.

It appears that during a consultation between the attending physicians, including experts from Shaare Zedek and Sheba Medical Centers, it will not be possible to disconnect the respirator in the coming days due to the rav’s condition, his inability to breathe spontaneously. The respirator complicates efforts to remove the fluid that continues building up in the rav’s lungs. In short, the situation is critical and continued tefilos are needed.

Source: YWN

Also see: Geulah In Rav Elyashiv's Name!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Of Doctors, Fish and Moshiach

Talmud Sanhedrin 98a "Mashiach ben Dovid will not arrive until someone seeks a fish for a sick person and cannot find one."

Rabbi Glazerson shows the Torah Codes relating to the above passage in Talmud Sanhedrin 98a, connecting it to the current doctors' strike in Israel, the suffering of the sick, and the imminent coming of Moshiach iy'"H...... including the signs of the present time where situations are quickly changing, clearly showing us that "before the world of truth can come, the world of lies must disappear....." [Rav Kook]

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

25 Elul: Abu Mazen, Netanyhu, United Nations - Torah Codes

We found in the Zohar (Balak 212b) that in the beginning of the process of the coming of Mashiah, the day of the 25th of Elul - which is the first day of the creation of the world - will fall out on a Shabbat. And in 5771, the 25th of Elul falls out on Shabbat.... [Sept 24]

And on Friday, the Palestinians are expected to announce their state in the UN at a time when it's already Shabbat in the Land of Israel. The implication of this announcement is a declaration of war. All these things are not simple at all when Turkey and Egypt are already in a state of declaration of war. In addition, I heard that Gedolei Yisrael, Maranan VeRabanan, Hagaon Rav Elyashiv Shlit"a, Hagaon Rav Shteinman Shlit"a, and Hagaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlit"a expressed to those close to them that they are very very concerned about the upcoming Shabbat. [extracted from Yeranen Yaakov's Geula update from Rav Fish]

Rabbi Glazerson finds the relevant words and names encoded in last week's parsha Ki Tavo 28:52 :
"And they will besiege you in all your cities, until your high and fortified walls in which you trust come down, throughout all your land. And they will besiege you in all your cities throughout all your land, which the Lord, your God, has given you."