Friday, February 17, 2012

How to Deal with Addiction

The Fear of Setting Yourself Free
By: Rabbi YY Jacobson

Rage Therapy
A man visiting a bar each evening, would routinely throw glass cups at the bartender and at the people sitting around and drinking. Yet he always made sure to follow up his violence by pleading for forgiveness. “I suffer from uncontrollable rage and I am deeply ashamed of it; please forgive me for my embarrassing and unforgivable behavior,” he would always say.

Finally, the bartender made an ultimatum with the man. He could not come back to the bar unless he underwent therapy for a full year. The man consented. He did not show up at the bar any longer.

After the year finally passed, the man showed up at the bar one evening. Lo and behold he took a glass and threw it right at the bartender.

“What’s going on?” the bartender thundered.

“Well, as you have suggested, I went to therapy,” the man replied, “and now I am not embarrassed anymore.”

Animal Laws
This week's Torah portion [Mishpatim] deals with the laws of animals that damage other people's animals or property (1). Say, for example, your domesticated usually well-behaved dog goes berserk and it suddenly attacks and bites another person's or dog in a public place. Or your domesticated bull suddenly and uncharacteristically gores and kills another bull. What's the law?

For the first three incidents, says the Torah, the owner of the bull pays for only half of the damage. Since it is unusual for the bull to let lose and gore somebody, the owner of the bull was not expected to be vigilant against it. Therefore, he is not deemed completely responsible for the loss and he splits the loss with the owner of the wounded animal.

This is true only for the first three incidents. After three incidents of such aggression, it is now established that this bull (or dog) is of a destructive nature and the owner is expected to guard his animal and is fully responsible for all damages done as a result of his failure to guard it (2).

Is "Repentance" Possible?
How about reorientation?

Can a bull or any other animal that went astray, resume their original status of innocence?

Yet, says the Talmud (3). This can be achieved in two ways. Either the owner rigorously trains his animal until its disposition is transformed from an aggressor to a restful animal. Another option states the Talmud, is to sell the animal or grant it as a gift to another person. With a new owner and new patterns and schedules, the Halacha (Jewish law) assumes the animal, coming from a species that is usually domesticated and well behaved, to be nonviolent until it is proven destructive again (4).

The Psychological Dimension
We pointed out numerous times that each law of the Torah contains in addition to a concrete, physical interpretation, also a psychological and spiritual rendition. This is one of the primary functions of the Jewish mystical tradition -- Kabbalah and Chassidism -- to explain the metaphysical meaning behind each law and Mitzvah of the Torah and the Talmud.

How can we apply the above-mentioned set of laws to our personal lives?

The Mystical Animal
Each of us possesses an animal within, an earthy and mundane consciousness that seeks self-preservation and self-enhancement. In the Jewish tradition, in contrast to some other traditions, the human animal is not seen as inherently evil and destructive, only as potentially evil and destructive.

Originally, when we are born, the animal within our psyche is innocent and even cute, like a cute little puppy. Its primary goal is merely to preserve its existence, to gratify its natural quests, and to enjoy a good and comfortable life. However, if our animal consciousness is not educated, cultivated and refined, this cute innocent animal can become a self-centered beast; sometimes the beast can turn into a monster, prone to destroy itself and others in its quest for self-enhancement and self-aggrandizement. Sometimes our animal can become addicted to various things (food, drugs, nicotine, alcohol, sexuality etc.) to desperately fill a void it’s experiencing.

Many people's animals do indeed become, at one point or another, damaging forces, causing pain to themselves or to others. Yet there are two categories of damaging human animals. One who's moments of aggression are seen as unusual deviations, and one in whom these destructive patterns become common behavior.

In cases where the animal is generally moral and decent and its act of destruction is an unusual anomaly, the Torah states, we ought to be more understanding of the "owner" of the animal. Nobody is entitled to gore or bite another human being ever, yet practically speaking we need to remember that even the most gentle husband could lose himself and raise his voice in rage and even the most loving woman may, in a moment of stress, make an obnoxious comment. It is painful, mends must be made, but it’s not the end of the world.

As long as the offender acknowledges his or her wrongdoing and accepts accountability for it, understanding and forgiveness should follow.

To be human is to err. Our goal is not perfection but accountability. Life will sometimes throw a curveball your way and in the shock that follows you may lose yourself and begin to “gore.” As long as you are accountable for your actions and words, your negative behavior is considered an “anomaly,” an aberration to your natural self.

But, if the incidents of abuse and destruction persists -- for example, if a husband continuously shouts at his spouse or children, or a person in leadership position shatters the lives of people under his control, or a wife has only derision for her husband, or a person cannot control their food or sexual addiction -- this behavior should not be condoned. We are dealing with an animal whose selfish, destructive and unhealthy inclinations have become the norm.

Making mistakes is part of life. But when these mistakes become regular habits, without being controlled and stopped, they are dangerous. Now they have turned into a life style, a routine, sometimes an addiction. The owner of this kind of animal cannot excuse himself or herself by saying, “I did not realize, I did not know.” He or she must take the bull at its horns (pun intended) and control it.

But how does such an animal return to its original innocent status? How does an animal gone wild regain the trust of the people it has hurt so badly? How can you change your life around?

Two Paths to Recovery
Two roads are available.

The first is a rigorous process of self-refinement, in which the animal learns to confront and challenge its deepest fears and urges and to de-beast its abusive character.

Yet, even before you manage to work through all of the dark chambers of your wild animal, the teachings of Judaism present another alternative as well: To change the jurisdiction of the animal.

Take your animal and submit it to the higher power, to the property of G-d. Even before elevating your animal to a higher realm, surrender it to the higher reality. Take your rage, your addictions, your depression, and your fear and submit them to G-d.

From G-d’s perspective, the universe is created anew at every single moment. You, I and all of existence are being re-created at each and every moment. So right now at this moment you can put your past demons to rest and start anew. You are a fresh newborn.

Talk to your animal, and reflect together on the following truth. Yes, I know that you have a complicated past and I am not denying that; I know you believe that you are prone and addicted to all types of behavior. But right now, my dear animal, we will look to the present, and we will live in the present. You and I were just created anew. With a clean slate. So let us finally begin to live. For real.

Yes, I know it is scary to really feel that you do not have luggage from the past and that you need to take full responsibility for your future, but please let us muster our courage and view ourselves from the perspective of existing in G-d’s domain. In His world, everything is recreated each moment. We can liberate ourselves from our past and defy ominous predictions of our future, as long as we do it now.

If you are serious, your animal will listen.

The Prisoner’s Dilemma
I read this fabulous story: [click here for the full story : article by Dov Greenberg]

In the 16th century, an innocent Jew was thrown in prison by a feudal baron who gave him a life sentence. For some reason, this tyrannical baron decided to show the man a bit of mercy. He told him, “Look Jew, you’re my prisoner for life, there’s nothing that will change that. But this I will do for you: I will grant you one day of freedom a year during which you can return to your family. Do whatever you want. I don’t care which day you choose. But remember, you have only one day a year.”

The man was conflicted. Which day should he choose? Should he choose Rosh Hashanah, to hear the sounding of the shofar? Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year? Passover, to celebrate a seder? His wedding anniversary?

This prisoner, not being able to make up his mind, wrote a letter to one of the rabbinic leaders of that generation, the Radbaz, asking for his advice.

The Radbaz said the prisoner should choose the first available day. Whatever it is, grab it now, don’t wait — be it a holiday, a Shabbat, a Monday, a Wednesday.

A Flood of Positive Energy
This was a marvelous reply. More important, it holds true for us as well.

Practically speaking, take your self and your animal and submit them to G-d, by submerging yourself in goodness and holiness. Fill your days and nights with meaningful and good behavior, with the study of Torah, the observance of Mitzvos, with acts of goodness and kindness and with a life of productivity and meaning, and much of the evil of the animal will wither away.

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Wake Up! An Almost Nuclear Iran!

by Yochonon Donn     [HT: Shawn]

Harav Moshe Wolfson, shlita, spoke Tuesday night in a rare mid-week assembly for his kehillah, Emunas Yisroel in Boro Park, asking bluntly why there is no greater uproar within the community over the potential for war over Iran’s nuclear ambitions. “Why are we quiet? Where is the awakening? Why is everyone so apathetic?” asked Rav Wolfson, who is also mashgiach of Yeshivah Torah Vodaath. “Everyone is busy with narishkeiten, we don’t hear the alarm? We don’t know that we have to pierce the heavens for rachamim from the Ribbono Shel Olam?” 

Rav Wolfson told the packed beis medrash of nearly 1,000 people that the potential for a war encompassing Iran, Israel, Europe and the United States over the next few weeks is a real one, and Klal Yisrael must prepare itself spiritually. “Everyone knows that there is currently a growing danger from Iran – and it is a great error for whoever does not know this,” Rav Wolfson said. “Why should a Yid not know what is happening to [other] Yidden? Everyone must know what is happening in regard to other Yidden. Everyone must know what is happening in Eretz Yisrael.” 

Rav Wolfson began talking this past Shabbos about the dangers from the Iran crisis, when he stopped and said that it was not a subject to discuss on Shabbos. He said he would continue the topic during the week. The last time he called for a special asifah during the week to discuss current events was in 1991, prior to the Gulf War. 

Rav Wolfson started his address, which was carried live by Kol Halashon, with the famous Rambam, who writes that it is a mitzvah to daven during troubled times. “If you don’t daven,” the Rambam says, “then it is a cruelty, since it will get worse.” “The leader in Iran says clearly – he repeated it this week – that he wants to kill, Rachmana litzlan, every Yid in the world, just like Haman,” Rav Wolfson said. “If he will be successful, chas v’shalom, in getting the nuclear bomb – and experts says he will have it by the summer – it will be a great danger for Klal Yisrael.” 

“A good part of the world’s Jews live in Israel, and the government there says that they will attack Iran first, before they could get the nuclear bomb. If that happens, everyone knows that that will cause a world war.” Rav Wolfson said that he heard that Harav Yosef Rosenblum, Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivah Shaarei Yosher, spoke recently about the crisis with Iran – he said that during this eis tzarah, “Hashem is judging us on every klal and on every prat.” 

Rav Wolfson quoted the Pesikta, who says that the year when Moshiach will come all nations will battle each other. The spark that will set it off, according to the Medrash, will be when the king of Paras – which is modern-day Iran – will threaten “Arabia,” presumably Saudi Arabia, such as is happening today. Arabia will go for an alliance with Edom – the culture of Edom is today’s Western world, Europe and United States. Paras will then destroy the world and the Yidden will be thrown into turmoil. Hashem will then say: “Do not fear, the time for your Geulah has come.” Rav Wolfson noted how eerily similar this Medrash is to what is occurring today. “We don’t have to be in a panic,” Rav Wolfson said, “Hashem will perform miracles for us. But efsher takeh. Maybe the time for the Geulah has arrived. We must prepare for the Geulah.” 

Rav Wolfson said that since the Holocaust, Hashem has performed great miracles for the Yidden. Eretz Yisrael, which today hosts most of the world’s Yidden and most of the Torah world, merited supernatural siyatta diShmaya during its wars. When the Palestinians shoot missiles from Gaza, they land mostly in empty areas and cause little damage. When then-Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein shot 39 Scud missiles during the Gulf War, only one Yid was killed – that man had previously received a klalah from the Chazon Ish. “This a hashgachah niflaah that is reserved only for Yidden who learn Torah, who keep the mitzvos and who will ultimately do teshuvah,” Rav Wolfson said. “Hashem wants to do nissim for us. Israel is surrounded by 300 million Arabs and we are still there; that means Hashem wants to do yeshuos. We must prepare for yeshuos.” 

But just like Eliyahu had to daven on Har Hacarmel even though Hashem had already promised to bring rain, Hashem still wants the tefillos of Klal Yisrael today, even though He had promised to bring yeshuos. In order to qualify for these miracles, Rav Wolfson said, we must strengthen in Torah, tefillah and chessed. He specifically suggested saying Tehillim 46 every day, adding that he is asking his own kehillah to have the kapitel printed out and stuck to the back of every siddur. During the Suez campaign in 1956, the Belzer Rebbe asked that people say that particular kapitel, since it is a segulah to prevent warfare. “Everyone has to be mispallel that Klal Yisrael should be saved from chevlei Moshiach, that he and his family should be saved,” he said. 

Rav Wolfson also spoke about kevias ittim for Torah, not interrupting even “if the cell phone rings.” “I heard from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, zt”l, that when a Yid sits down to learn it should be like Shabbos,” Rav Wolfson said. “That is the only time that one is pattur from work.” “In a beis medrash it is Shabbos. … If someone interrupts his learning and he picks up the phone, he brings the marketplace, he brings the office into Shabbos. He is mechallel the Shabbos.” 

But above all, Rav Wolfson said, Yidden should keep in mind that we live in momentous times, and we should prepare for the upcoming era with emunah and bitachon. “In the next couple of weeks there will be news,” Rav Wolfson said, “and with the help of Hashem, it will be good news for Yidden.”

Source: Rabbi Eli Goldsmith

Thursday, February 16, 2012

8 Guidelines for Guaranteed Digestive Health and Healing

[HT: Ilya]

Occasionally readers email me links to really interesting sites, and this is one of them:

Traditional Jewish Medicine is an approach to healing that uses Torah principles to help treat illness.

First, let me preface this study by noting a fascinating observation by the Holy Arizal, Rabbi Yitzchok Luria, OBM. The verse in Deuteronomy 8:2 states that "Man does not live by bread alone, but rather from that which eminate from the mouth of Ha-Shem" The Arizal points out that this verse teaches us that food is more than just nourishment for the body. There are also "sparks of holiness" contained in food, and when we eat food in the appropriate way, eating with focus and intention and saying a blessing on the food before eating it, the holiness in that food is unlocked and nourishes the soul. This is crucial to our overall health, because “Man does not live by bread alone." Taking this one step further, I would suggest, as we shall see shortly, that this not only applies to our souls, but our bodies as well!

Continue reading at: Traditional Jewish Medicine

The Spiritual Meaning of Snow

by Rabbi Simon Jacobson

[Snow for Israel this weekend... ]

Nothing is as it appears. What lies beneath the enchanting snowflakes floating gently from heaven to earth? From whence do these white angels originate? Is this heaven speaking to us?

Mysticism teaches that everything in the physical universe has a spiritual counterpart. Just as a teardrop is a manifestation of human emotion, and anger is an expression of repressed energy, so physical phenomena actually evolve from and are a manifestation of a spiritual reality. Thus snow is a channel of energy, it is a Divine voice speaking to us through visual imagery so that we can experience it with our bodily senses.

Meteorologists may perceive snow to be a result of pressure systems and precipitation levels; physicists will recognize the subatomic particles that create snow; but the mystic sees the cosmic energy that snow manifests and the facets of our psyche that it illuminates.

Let us explore the spirit within the snow.

Water in all its forms is a symbol of knowledge. Descending water represents the transmission of knowledge from a higher to a lower place, the flow of information from teacher to student. On a cosmic level, rain and snow reflect different ways in which divine energy flows to us from a higher spiritual plane.

Water flowing downward thus describes G-d’s way of transmitting His energy to us and represents the conduit through which our material existence and G-d interact. The purpose of existence is to create unity between G-d and man, so that we, in our limited, material existence can become integrated and unified in an intimate and equal relationship with G-d. To achieve this neither the Divine nor the human can be compromised. Unity achieved on G-d’s terms would annihilate our identities, our existence. Can we (our egos, vanities, and needs) co-exist with G-d who is infinite, uncontained and undefined? And unity attained on our material, finite terms would compromise G-d, because He would have to limit Himself to our existence.

If water - the divine wisdom - were to flow continuously, it would totally submerge and obliterate, not allowing space for any other existence. So water flows in various measures to allow for the transmission to be internalized. Sometimes water flows as rain and sometimes it freezes to different degrees producing snow, hail or sleet, which are all metaphors for the teacher monitoring and transforming the flow into forms that the student can contain and assimilate.

Rain is a transmission that is more on Divine terms. Admittedly it falls in drops which symbolizes some level of contraction, but it flows continuously like a stream of information retaining its fluidity and it is absorbed quickly into the earth.

Ice on the other hand, is a transmission that is more on the recipient’s terms. The information has solidified into a compact state so that the student can internalize it. The flow has ceased and turned into a solid form, so the student is not overwhelmed by the continuous flow of new ideas.

Snow is an intermediary state between fluid water and solid ice. In order to appreciate the spiritual implications of this, we need to examine the properties of snow.

A snowflake needs at least two components in order to form. In addition obviously to cold air, it requires water droplets (vapor), and a nucleus. The nucleus is made up of dust, minerals or other microscopic particles in the air. A snowflake is formed when water takes shape around these microscopic particles and the cold air turns it into ice crystals. Thus snow has two components: water and earth - earth being the particles, and the water being the droplets. Earth is the material world - without any recognition of G-dliness; water is the knowledge of G-d - divine energy without any containers. Thus snow, being half heaven and half earth provides the perfect intermediary between these two worlds.

Snow consists of separate snowflakes that are actually independent properties - each comprised of about 100 ice crystals. Snowflakes cling to each other but they are not intrinsically one. In contrast, water is one unified entity. Although it consists of droplets, each drop joins with another and they become one body of water. What is the symbolism of this in the flow of knowledge?

When a teacher has to reach out to a student who is far beneath his or her level of knowledge and understanding, he or she cannot allow the water to just flow freely, it has to be dressed up in metaphors and it has to be paced. In order for the student to understand a new concept, the teacher needs to create a point of reference by using examples, anecdotes, stories, and analogies. Thus snowflakes represent the need to explain gradually, step by step, in a language that is accessible to the student.

Snow falls gently and silently, teaching us in our own process of educating others and educating ourselves, that we need gentleness. If we educate with a sledgehammer - with unceasing rain pour - it will simply submerge and destroy the crops. Even when it rains on earth, science tells us that on a higher level, the beginning process could have originated in snowflakes. So snowflakes are a symbol of that first gentle step.

Who has not been awed by the beauty of the city or countryside covered in snow? The serenity and whiteness of snow attracts us. We sense the purity of snow when we wake up in the morning and the streets, which are so often filled with grime, are all covered with a white blanket of snow. Snow is a great equalizer - no matter how big the building, or the car, whether a Lexus or a Hyundai, they’re all covered equally by the snow. Snow has the ability to cover over the impurities of life and remind us of our own purity.

So snow is heaven speaking to us - speaking to us through purity, speaking to us gently and gradually on our terms. Snow is the intermediary stage between heaven and earth; ice is a little closer to the level of earth; sleet is in between snow and ice. Thus every weather condition sends us a message and lesson - whether it’s rain, snow, ice, sleet or hail.

Ultimately, the intention is that the snow should melt and turn to water. Once the snow falls and blocks our driveways and streets, we want it to melt. In the education process the student needs to pause which requires a freezing of the water, but then at some point it has to melt and integrate into our system in order for us to grow.


The idea of educating through metaphor is further expressed through the numerical secret of snow. The gematria (numerical equivalent) of the Hebrew word sheleg [snow] is 333 [shin=300, lamed=30, gimmel=3]. It says in Kabbalah that sheleg is the gematria of three times the letter alef. When you spell out the letter alef, it is 111. [Alef, lamed, and fei is 1+30+80=111] So 111 times 3 is 333 which is sheleg.

What is the significance? The verse states, “Vayidaber Melech Shlomo shaloshes alafim moshel - King Solomon, [the wise one] spoke in 3,000 metaphors.” The number 3,000, three elefs [elef is one thousand], is snow. [The letter alef also refers to the word elef, 1,000]. So snow relates to the concept of three thousand metaphors.

What’s the relationship between the two? Sheleg, snow, is the concept of metaphor itself. The spiritual dimension of snow serves as an intermediary between Divine energy and the universe. Snow is the concept of explaining knowledge in metaphor. Its cosmic significance is this: To understand the process of how G-d created the universe, G-d could not allow the borders of divinity and spirituality to just flow ceaselessly and annihilate the boundaries of existence. G-d had to contain it, and the way He contained it is reflected in snow.

The mystique of snow is precisely because of its dual quality of heaven meeting earth, water meeting land. Next time you look at the snowflakes gently dropping from heaven, blanketing earth in its white embrace, remember that you are witnessing a kiss – the kiss of the Divine and the mundane.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Suffering and Debt

Dovid HaMelech in Sefer Tehillim [Psalms 25:18] makes the following request of Hashem: “Look at my affliction and toil and bear all my sins.”

The seventh bracha of the Amidah, “Re’ah [Na] V’anyenu” ["Look… at our afflictions"] closely parallels this passage in Tehillim, and it is, in fact, the only bracha in the Amidah where we ask Hashem to “look” at something for us.

It is said in the name of the Apter Rav that if a person is suffering, he should affirmatively acknowledge and state “may my pain and suffering be a kapara [atonement] for all of my sins”. In this way, a person acknowledges that the purpose of his suffering or affliction is not meaningless or some kind of torture, but to achieve redirection and/or atonement. With this affirmative acknowledgement, the kapara is achieved.

"Gam zu le'tova" : this too is for the best

"Zol zein a kapara" : it should be accepted as a recompense for punishment.

Rebbe Nachman said : "There are sins whose punishment is debt. One who is punished for such a sin is constantly in debt. All the merit in the world does not erase his punishment. He can do every possible good, still he must remain in debt.

These sins can even cause others to fall into debt. When such transgressions become common, there are many debtors in the world.

The remedy for this is to repent in general for all your sins. Even though you do not know what sin is causing these debts, repent in general and ask G-d to also save you from this particular sin.

If the Torah were written in order, we would know the precise reward and punishment for each commandment."

[Rebbe Nachman]

Israel Placing Ships in Position

WASHINGTON – Israel has dispatched a number of naval vessels – under cover – into the Arabian Sea, and they are moving into its northern regions, just off of Iran, a U.S. intelligence source has reported in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

The Israeli vessels have been positioned at the mouth of the Gulf of Oman, which leads to the Strait of Hormuz. Iran has threatened to shut down that gateway to the Persian Gulf if further sanctions are imposed against its sale of oil and on its central bank.

Israel also has threatened a strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities out of concern that it is using them to develop nuclear weapons. Indeed, Iran just announced that it has achieved significant breakthroughs on a number of fronts in its nuclear enrichment program.

Source: WND

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

22 Shevat: Yarzheit Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka

Tonight is the yarzheit of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushkah Schneerson [b. 1901], wife of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The Rebbetzin passed away on the 22nd of Shevat of the year 5748 [1988].

In 1950, upon the passing of her father, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, leadership of the worldwide Chabad-Lubavitch movement passed to Chaya Mushka's husband, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory. Despite the Rebbe's initial adamant refusal to accept the mantle, it was his wife, the Rebbetzin, who, notwithstanding the great personal sacrifice this would entail, finally prevailed upon him to accept the position with all its public and private hardships.

She was steadfast: It is simply unthinkable that her father's thirty years of total self-sacrifice and accomplishment should, G-d forbid, come to naught.

An erudite and wise woman, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka carried the mantle of her revered and exalted position in a most humble and unpretentious fashion. All her life she fulfilled the ideal of the psalmist: "The entire honor of a king's daughter is within." When calling the Rebbe's office at "770," or calling for a high school girl ill in her dormitory, she always referred to herself simply as: "Mrs. Schneerson from President Street."

Gentle and courteous to everyone, the Rebbetzin saw her role as one wholly devoted to the work of her husband. Even when she relayed advice to those seeking his guidance through her, she would repeat his wording with precision, making sure that it was understood exactly as the Rebbe intended.

Painting of Chaya Mushka by Cindy Michael


Response to ''Strait of Hormuz''

This is an interesting response from a reader, to Friday's posting Gog and Magog: The Strait of Hormuz

Guest post, authored by Joe.

I have a hypothesis that I would like to propose to all that might be interested.
I repeat that it is only a hypothesis.

First of all, I want to convey my deepest respect and awe for the Chazal of yesteryear and admit in all humility that they were far more advanced in their knowledge and understanding of holy scriptures. However, they had the greatest reference book of all, "The Tanakh." Their navigation through the Neviim was profound and they often spoke and communicated in the language of the Neviim. Their understanding however was limited to the world they lived in but with their spiritual eyes they were able to project that world mindset into the future.........the Ketz.

This is the world of the Navi. Zechariah, for instance when he projects the thought of Bavel and Zion's escape therefrom in Sefer Zechariah, chapter 2, is he talking about the "Bavel " that Yehudah had just returned from or was he talking about the future "Bavel" that would encapsulate all the qualities of a superpower? This is the language of the Navi.

When considering Batzrah and Hormuz and their relationship......may I suggest for your consideration, using the above language, that seeking Batzrah in Jordan and Southern Iraq may be far removed. Considering that modern day Edom is not east of Eretz Yisrael but refers to Rome / Xtianity / the West and that Batzrah means "fortress" and the controversy relates to Zion, I propose that this refers to the West.

There are miniscule Yehudim left in Arab counties since their expulsion after the 1948 War of Independence. However, the bulk of exiled world Jewry is in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other European countries. Hence, the fortress aspect.

I formulate that whilst Islamic terrorism has been the visual face or front for aggressive attacks against Zion /Israel, the West has been flagrantly complicit in many more ways than one:

  • Who built up and armed Saddam Hussein during the Ten Year War with Iran ?
  • Who allowed Iran to become an Islamic Republic and state sponsor of terror in 1979?
  • Who let Saddam Hussein off the hook after the First Gulf War ?
  • Who built up the Mujahedin during their war against USSR ?
  • Who allowed Gaddafi to reinvent himself ?
  • Who allowed the demise of Gaddafi after he became an ally and Muslim Brotherhood to fill the void ?
  • Who allowed Yassar Arafat to project himself as a dove of peace and garner world support for a Palestinian State?
  • Who allowed the demise of Mubarak and the establishment of Muslim Brotherhood as the future government in Egypt?
  • Who allowed Iran to pursue its nuclear programme ?
  • Who put pressure on the Sharon government to instigate the Gerush from Gush Katif ?
  • Who allowed Chamas to be democratically elected in Gaza ?
  • Who allowed Hezbollah to rearm after the 2006 Levanon War ?
Who, who, who ?
Edom / Batzrah ..........and HaShem is preparing a sacrifice and slaughter.
I suggest reading the entire chapter of Ovadyah.

Yeshayahu talks about it in chapter 63 :

א מִי-זֶה בָּא מֵאֱדוֹם, חֲמוּץ בְּגָדִים מִבָּצְרָה, זֶה הָדוּר בִּלְבוּשׁוֹ, צֹעֶה בְּרֹב כֹּחוֹ; אֲנִי מְדַבֵּר בִּצְדָקָה, רַב לְהוֹשִׁיעַ. 1 'Who is this that cometh from Edom, with crimsoned garments from Bozrah? This that is glorious in his apparel, stately in the greatness of his strength?'--'I that speak in victory, mighty to save.'--
ב מַדּוּעַ אָדֹם, לִלְבוּשֶׁךָ; וּבְגָדֶיךָ, כְּדֹרֵךְ בְּגַת. 2 'Wherefore is Thine apparel red, and Thy garments like his that treadeth in the winevat?'--
ג פּוּרָה דָּרַכְתִּי לְבַדִּי, וּמֵעַמִּים אֵין-אִישׁ אִתִּי, וְאֶדְרְכֵם בְּאַפִּי, וְאֶרְמְסֵם בַּחֲמָתִי; וְיֵז נִצְחָם עַל-בְּגָדַי, וְכָל-מַלְבּוּשַׁי אֶגְאָלְתִּי. 3 'I have trodden the winepress alone, and of the peoples there was no man with Me; yea, I trod them in Mine anger, and trampled them in My fury; and their lifeblood is dashed against My garments, and I have stained all My raiment.
ד כִּי יוֹם נָקָם, בְּלִבִּי; וּשְׁנַת גְּאוּלַי, בָּאָה. 4 For the day of vengeance that was in My heart, and My year of redemption are come.

Yirmeyahu talks about it in chapters 48 and 49 :

כב הִנֵּה כַנֶּשֶׁר יַעֲלֶה וְיִדְאֶה, וְיִפְרֹשׂ כְּנָפָיו עַל-בָּצְרָה; וְהָיָה לֵב גִּבּוֹרֵי אֱדוֹם, בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא, כְּלֵב, אִשָּׁה מְצֵרָה. {פ} 22 Behold, he shall come up and swoop down as the vulture, and spread out his wings against Bozrah; and the heart of the mighty men of Edom at that day shall be as the heart of a woman in her pangs.
Amos talks about it in chapter 1

יב וְשִׁלַּחְתִּי אֵשׁ, בְּתֵימָן; וְאָכְלָה, אַרְמְנוֹת בָּצְרָה. {פ} 12 So will I send a fire upon Teman, and it shall devour the palaces of Bozrah.

And now to Hormuz. from Wikipedia :

Ahura Mazdā (also known as Ohrmazd, Ahuramazda, Hourmazd, Hormazd,Hurmuz, Aramazd and Azzandara) is the Avestan name for a divinity of the Old Iranian religion who was proclaimed the uncreated God by Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism. Ahura Mazda is described as the highest deity of worship in Zoroastrianism, along with being the first and most frequently invoked deity in the Yasna. The word Ahura means light and Mazda means wisdom. Thus Ahura Mazda is the lord of light and wisdom. Ahura Mazda is the creator and upholder of Arta (truth). Ahura Mazda is an omniscient (though not omnipotent) god, who would eventually destroy evil.

So what is the connection ?
Have a look at the map of the Persian Gulf and the "Straits" of Hormuz and you will notice a womb-shaped Gulf with the Straits of Hormuz resembling the constriction of the birth canal.

May I suggest that the constriction of child birth in delivering Mashiach will come from The True G-d of Light who upholds truth and will eradicate evil.

Batzrah /Edom / The "Fortress" West will be the recipient and the wine press of HaShem's fury since they are the cause not the effect of all of Israel's woes and HaShem requires the release of His people from the fortress.

Iran declared last Friday, the 33rd anniversary of its foundation, that the world will get a big surprise over the next couple of days.

Al Capone's Chicago bloodbath on Valentine's Day will be chicken feed compared to what is coming for the West, and I don't mean long stemmed roses, either.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Unfinished Business

Week's Energy for Parshas Mishpatim
Resetting our Moral Compass
by Rav DovBer Pinson

The Torah reading this week opens with the words; “And these are the Mishpatim /ordinances that you shall set before them.” [21:1]

'Mishpatim' are the ethical and civil laws that govern our behavior towards our fellow human beings, a social contract, as it were.

The Zohar chooses this portion, from amongst all the other Torah readings, to explore the mystery of Reincarnation.

As a rule, our souls incarnate to reach our own actualization and individuation. Each subsequent reincarnation articulates another element of our soul. Each incarnation is a completely different person with a different tikkun [correction], meant to articulate a particular element of soul that has not yet been expressed.

There is one form of reincarnation however, where the totality of who you are and were in the past will reincarnate to create a Tikkun, a rectification for a past life. It is particularly the unfinished monetary issues and unethical dealings between people that require the totality of self to return and hopefully create repair.

Our goal is to fully articulate our particular aspect of soul within our lifetime, and not require a reincarnation of our unique self.

To this end, it is of utmost importance to rectify all negative patterns of unethical behavior that we might express in our lives. In our business dealings, and all other relationships, we must be extra cautious to be moral and honest and repair any unscrupulous behaviors.

This week’s Torah reading imbues us with the energy to effect repair, or Tikkun, for interpersonal issues, particularly in regard to monetary dealings and any dishonorable financial behaviors.

Throughout the week it is important to be extra mindful when it comes to ethical dealings with others.

Try to recognize your negative patterns in regards to business/financial dealings and receive the energy of Mishpatim as an impetus to break out of these behaviors.

Rectifying these negative unethical patterns will ensure a complete tikkun in our lifetime and the ability for our soul to move forward in this life and the next without the need to ‘come back’ and try again.

Please consider sponsoring an 'Energy of the Week' teaching that reaches and inspires an audience of many thousands worldwide This is a beautiful way to honor a loved one. Contact Iyyun today for more details:


עַיִן תַּחַת עַיִן "An eye for an eye" [Mishpatim 21:24]

The term "eye for an eye" explain Chazal [Bava Kamma 84a] is not meant to be taken literally - one who causes another the loss of an eye is not punished by having to lose his own eye.  Rather, it means that the responsible party must pay the monetary value of an eye.

Chazal's interpretation of this halachah, said the Vilna Gaon, is alluded to in the words of the verse.  Why does the verse state "Ayin tachas ayin" - which literally means "an eye beneath an eye" - and not "Ayin be'ad ayin" - which means "eye for an eye"?

The Torah, explained the Gaon, is hinting to us that in order to discover the true meaning of the verse, we must look at what is "beneath" the ayin, that is the letters that follow the word "ayin" עין:

The letter ayin ע is followed by the letter pei פ
The letter yud י is followed by the letter kaf כּ
The letter nun is ן followed by the letter samech ס
These letters form the word keseph - כּסףmoney !

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Friday, February 10, 2012

Gog and Magog: The Strait of Hormuz

Received via email [Yosef Kaner] - free translation from the Hebrew 

Rav Yekutiel Fish posted an interesting quote from Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim from Luntschitz [who lived in the 16th and 17th centuries, more commonly known as the "Kli Yakar"] in his Kli Paz, indicating that the Milchemet [war of] Gog and Magog will be centered in an area he calls Hormuz...... 

In the sefer Kli Paz "The Vessel of Pure Gold" from the commentry Kli Yakar, who was a Rosh Rabbonim [head of the rabbis] in the land of Israel 400 years ago, ''that there will be a sacrifice in Basra'' [Isaiah 34] that should be in the war of Gog and Magog and that it should happen or occur in a place by Basra named Hormuz. And the Navi's words since the sacrifice to Hashem in Basra and the great slaughtering in the land of Edom and it will descend, animals with them and cattle with Abirim [the strong healthy bulls] since the day of vengeance is to G-d and the completion of years of fighting Zion.. And it says ''the animals will descend with them'' to tell you there are many kings in the remaining nations that will join with Edom to help him and the slaughtering to G-d in Basra - a country with a distance from Bavel - its name is Basra and it is next to Asher which is Assyria and Persia in between the boundary of the land of Edom - The Hormuz - and today it is under the rulership of Yishmael and blessed is the one who knows the truth of these things. However it will be there - the war in the end of days.

וְהֶרְאוּנִי דָּבָר מַבְהִיל בְּסֵפֶר 'כְּלִי פָּז' מִבַּעַל הַ'כְּלִי יָקָר' שֶׁהָיָה רֹאשׁ הָרַבָּנִים בְּאֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל לִפְנֵי כְּאַרְבַּע מֵאוֹת שָׁנָה (ישעי' לד) שֶׁהַ"זֶבַח לַה' בְּבָצְרָה" שֶׁיִּהְיֶה בְּמִלְחֶמֶת גּוֹג וּמָגוֹג יִתְרַחֵשׁ בְּמָקוֹם עַל יַד בַּצְרָה שֶׁשְּׁמוֹ הוּרְמוּז. וְנָבִיא אֶת דְּבָרָיו "כִּי זֶבַח לַה' בְּבָצְרָה וְטֶבַח גָּדוֹל בְּאֶרֶץ אֱדוֹם, וְיָרְדוּ רְאֵמִים עִמָּם וּפָרִים עִם אַבִּירִים וְגוֹ', כִּי יוֹם נָקָם לַה' שְׁנַת שִׁלּוּמִים לְרִיב צִיּוֹן". וְאָמַר "וְיָרְדוּ רְאֵמִים עִמָּם וְכוּ'', לְהַגִּיד שֶׁהַרְבֵּה מְלָכִים מִשַּׁאר הָאֻמּוֹת יִתְחַבְּרוּ עִם אֱדוֹם לְעָזְרָם. "כִּי זֶבַח לַה' בְּבָצְרָה", מְדִינָה יֵשׁ רָחוֹק מִבָּבֶל שְׁמָהּ בָּצְרָה, וְהִיא בֵּין גְּבוּל אֲשׁוּר וּפָרַס וּבֵין גְּבוּל אֶרֶץ אֱדוֹם, הוּרְמוּז, וְהִיא הַיּוֹם תַּחַת מֶמְשֶׁלֶת הַיִּשְׁמָעֵאלִים. וּבָרוּךְ הַיּוֹדֵעַ אֲמִתָּתָם שֶׁל דְּבָרִים, אוּלַי יִהְיֶה דֶּרֶךְ שָׁם הַמִּלְחָמָה בְּאַחֲרִית הַיָּמִים"

Parshat Yitro-The Origin of Yitro's Soul

[Hat tip: Joe]

Chassidut by Rabbi Herschel Reichman

Our Sages say that Yitro had seven names . The Shem MiShmuel takes an in-depth look at the names, Yeter and Yitro. Yeter was Yitro's gentile name, before he converted, and Yitro is the name he chose upon converting. Rashi explains that the name Yeter connotes that he increased the Torah with one parsha, when he advised Moshe to set up a judicial system. The Shem MiShmuel asks two questions. How does Yitro's non-Jewish name Yeter indicate that he added a parsha, when he only advised Moshe after he converted. Additionally, why did Yitro keep his original gentile name Yeter, adding just the letter vav, instead of taking a completely new Jewish name?

The midrash contrasts Esav and Yitro, who were polar opposites, in five ways. The five qualities correspond to the five senses.

1]  Esav's descendants, the Romans, committed adultery [related to the sense of touch], when they conquered Jerusalem, while Yitro gave his daughter to Moshe in marriage.

2]  Esav devoured Israel like bread, representing taste, while Yitro shared a meal of bread with Moshe.

3]   Esav did not fear Hashem. This is related to vision, because when one sees Hashem, one fears Him. Yitro recognized Hashem.

4] Esav gave up the bechora and the privilege of bringing korbanot. This corresponds to smell, as korbanot are referred to as "rei'ach necho'ach" a good fragrance. Yitro brought sacrifices to Hashem.

5] When Amalek, Esav's descendants, heard about the exodus of Egypt, they declared war against the Jews. Yitro, however, came to join them. The midrash actually contrasts them in a sixth way as well. This sixth trait utilizes the collective of all senses together. Esav represented sinat [hatred of] Yisrael while Yitro signified ahavat [ love of] Yisrael.

The gemara says that Esav was wicked from the beginning until the end of his life. We know that Hashem gave man the gift of bechira, free will. Didn't Esav have free choice? Bechira begins with man's unsullied innate personality which can be used for good or evil. Once choices are made, certain characteristics form. These characteristics then become habitual and harder to change.

Kayin was the first murderer mentioned in the Torah. He was given gevura, strength, which he could have used for the good. Instead, he perverted his personality, chose wickedness by violating the three cardinal sins, and is considered the progenitor of all evil.

Although Hashem gives us free choice, he is saddened when we sin. In spite of this, Hashem doesn't abandon man's original potential for good and wants to redeem it. This happens through reincarnation. Kayin died an evil man. One of Yitro's seven names was Keni, the identical letters that spell Kayin. Kayin's soul was reincarnated in Yitro, who inherited his good traits.

Yitro had enormous inner strength. He discovered monotheism, stood up as one man alone against an entire nation, and was shunned and blacklisted by his people. Esav received Kayin's evil middot [character traits]. He too, transgressed the three cardinal sins, was an egoist, and was jealous of his brother Yaakov. Esav was given amazing powers to rectify the evil of Kayin. But he chose not to do so and died an evil man.

Hevel embodied the trait of humbleness to an extreme. He too needed to be reincarnated because he did not live up to his potential. His humility was smothered by the evil of Kayin. Hevel was reincarnated in Moshe who was the humblest of all men. Moshe's anava [humility] did not prevent him from action. It brought him closer to Hashem.

Yitro and Moshe were none other than Kayin and Hevel reincarnated. Yeter means something more. It is the power of extraordinary courage, which brought Yitro to go against the world and join the Jews in the desert. Moshe told Yitro to keep the name Yeter, signifying admirable strength. However, he advised him to add the letter vav, which refers to Hashem, to make it Jewish.

Every one of us has a Kayin and Hevel within us. We struggle with self centeredness and weakness. Our true personality is enslaved to bad passions and habits. However, we can redeem ourselves by tapping in to the powers of Yitro and Moshe. By summoning the courage to do what's right and taking strength from Hashem, we can defeat the evil side within us.

Rabbi Elyashiv update and Torah Codes

Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv
There has been a deterioration in the condition of Maran Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita. The senior physicians overseeing the rav’s medical treatment did not have good news for family members earlier this evening, Wednesday, eve 16 Shevat 5772.

An update was received a short time ago from the rav’s spokesman, Rav Shlomo Kook, stating the rav is “stable” but doctors are particularly concerned with a systemic infection which is resulting in a high fever.

It appears that during a consultation between the attending physicians, including experts from Shaare Zedek and Sheba Medical Centers, it will not be possible to disconnect the respirator in the coming days due to the rav’s condition, his inability to breathe spontaneously. The respirator complicates efforts to remove the fluid that continues building up in the rav’s lungs. In short, the situation is critical and continued tefilos are needed.

Source: YWN

Also see: Geulah In Rav Elyashiv's Name!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Oprah Visits Hasidic Communities in NY [video]

Oprah Winfrey spent a day visiting Hasidic communities in Brooklyn, NY. At the end of the day,'s own Rabbi Motti Seligson interviewed Mrs. Winfrey about her experiences.

Visit Jewish.TV for more Jewish videos.

The Narrow Bridge

Honor is a Lie and an Illusion

"And you shall select from among the entire people, men of wealth who are G-d fearing, men of truth who despise monetary gain" [Yisro 18:21]

Why, asked the Kotzker Rebbe, did Moshe Rabbeinu appoint ''leaders of thousands, leaders of hundreds, leaders of fifty and leaders of tens''?  Was he not afraid that perhaps such an appointment might offend some of them if they would be appointed to a post of lesser status than that of their fellows?

However, answered the Kotzker, remember that the Torah describes these individuals as being ''men of truth''.  A man of truth knows that honor is a lie and an illusion. Therefore none of these individuals felt offended by seeing someone else receive a higher position than they.

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Israel embassies preparing for Iran strike?

Diplomats stationed in Israel request gas masks, prepare contingency plans in case of missile attacks; envoys fear that thousands of dual-citizenship Israelis will seek evacuation

Preparing for Iran strike? Foreign embassies in Israel have recently started to formulate contingency plans to evacuate their citizens from the Jewish State in case of a missile attack on Israel.

Senior officials in Jerusalem said that several diplomatic missions have shown great interest in preparing for various emergency situations, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Tuesday.

In the framework of the preparations for possible fallout in case of an Israeli strike on Iran, foreign diplomats stationed in Israel requested that the Foreign Ministry equip them and their family members with gas masks.

Meanwhile, the Foreign Ministry has provided foreign embassies in Israel with a list of public bomb shelters across the country, as well as an instructional pamphlet in English produced by the IDF Home Front Command.

Diplomatic officials deployed in Israel are particularly concerned about the possibility of a missile offensive on the Jewish State that would prompt thousands of Israeli citizens with foreign passports to seek evacuation from country.

A senior European diplomat said that in such case, the European Union does not have the means to undertake a massive evacuation operation within a short period of time.

Meanwhile, the Home Front Command is preparing to launch a two-day drill in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon on Wednesday. IDF forces, firefighters, police officers and Magen David Adom emergency services will be taking part in the exercise.

Source: Ynet News

Torah: The Antidote to the Yetzer Hara

The numerical value of "Bnei Yisrael" בּני ישׂראל plus the number 8 - corresponding to the words' eight letters - [an accepted method of gematria] - is equal to that of "Torah" [611]. This alludes to the fact that observance and study of Torah is the very essence of the Jewish nation and the key to its survival. In the words of R' Saadiah Gaon: "Our nation is a nation only through Torah".


I have created the yetzer hara [evil inclination] and I have created the Torah as its antidote" [Kiddushin 30b]

It is clear that if the Creator has created nothing but Torah as a remedy against the yetzer hara, then it is absolutely impossible for a person to be cured of this malady without this cure. Anyone who thinks to the contrary is mistaken and will realize his mistake in the end when he dies a sinner.

Who, then, would place this cure aside and take something in its stead in order to live?

Source: Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato
[Mesilas Yesharim ch. 5]

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tu'b Shevat and the Seven Species of Israel

Tomorrow [Wednesday] is the 15th Shevat, known as Tu b'Shevat - a date which  is designated as "the new year for trees". On Tu b'Shevat it is customary to eat different fruits, including some listed below, known as the seven species of Israel.

"It is a land of wheat, barley, grapes, figs and pomegranates - a land of olives and honey-dates." [Devarim 8:8]

Wheat has many therapeutic properties. It strengthens the body, improves digestion, increases blood volume, and improves circulation. It is an effective treatment for dissolving kidney stones and promotes lactation.

Bread cleanses and purifies the blood and raises body tempeature. Wheat bread strengthens the brain and sharpens mental acuity (Horayos). Our Sages tell us that "bread is the food of the heart" [Midrash Rabba 48]

Grains are in many ways superior to all other forms of vegetation. Grain is nourishing and filling, the mainstay of the human diet. The Hebrew words dagan (grain) and zan (nourishment) have the same gematria - 57. This is the origin of the time-honored custom of reciting Psalm 23 ("G-d is my Shepherd, I shall not want") before making the blessing hamotzi on bread. In Kabbalistic tradition, reciting this psalm daily is helpful for a good livelihood. It consists of 57 words, the numerical equivalent of dagan and zan. In other words, G-d is my shepherd, and I shall not want: it is He alone who provides grain and nourishment for all mankind.

Barley is mentioned in the Torah more than thirty times. It is the first of the winter grains to ripen and was used for the Omer offering brought in the Temple on Pesach. It's Hebrew name "seora" is similar to "se'ar" (hair), probably referring to its hair-like spikes.

Barley tea helps dissolve stones in the kidneys. It soothes the nerves, counteracts dizziness, and relieves the suffering of diabetics. Gargling with barley tea relieves infections of the mouth, throat and tonsils. Applied externally, it is good for open, infected wounds. Barley baths relieve swelling and rashes.

The Talmud warns that barley may cause intestinal worms. Also, because it is difficult to digest, barley should be avoided by those with gastrointestinal problems.

Fig (Te'enah)
Rich in minerals, especially iron. Current research has shown that the food value of figs is three times greater than that of bread. Figs are also high in calories.

Our ancestors found figs to be of great medicinal value. The Bible mentions dried whole figs as a cure for boils. Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra writes that "fresh or dried figs stimulate blood circulation, and thus preserve life". Our Sages said that "one gripped with a powerful hunger should be given figs to eat" because they increase the flow of blood and are rejuvenating.

Both figs and fig leaves have therapeutic properties. Ripe figs help open wounds form scabs. Figs are helpful for digestive problems. They serve as a mild laxative and are especially helpful for infections of the stomach, intestines and urinary tract. Figs are excellent for heart patients. They stimulate and refresh the body, cleanse the blood and improve circulation, give good colour to the skin, and stimulate the appetite. Fresh or dried, they are wonderful for physical debility, exhaustion and anaemia.

Blessing on figs: Borei peri ha'etz.

Date-honey (devash)
The Talmud provides a wealth of information about the cultivation, nutritional value, and halachos surrounding dates. For example, in Kesubos we find that "dates are warming, laxative, filling and strengthening". In addition, "dates eliminate depression, anxiety, intestinal disorders, and haemorrhoids".

Extremely rich in minerals and vitamins, dates help treat anaemia and general debility. They regulate the digestive tract, work wonders for heart conditions and male infertility.

Our sages tells us [Berachos 57a] that when one sees dates (tamar) in a dream, it is a sign that his sins have been eliminated (tamu).

The blessing on dates is Borei peri ha'etz.

Pomegranate (Rimmon)

Mentioned in the Song of Songs six times, and many times elsewhere in the Torah. It is likely that the famous six pointed Star of David was inspired by the "crown" of the pomegranate. When its spikes are flattened, they form the familiar star. According to a Kabbalistic interpretation, the six points of the star are composed of two superimposed triangles.

Blessing on pomegranates : Borei peri ha'etz

Blessing on pomegranate juice : Shehakol niheya bidvaro

Grapes (Anavim)
Generous daily consumption of grapes and controlled intake of wine are helpful for a multitude of problems such as infections of the throat, stomach and intestines, pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases including clogging of the cardiac arteries and angina, high blood pressure, kidney stones and infections, hepatitis, gastrointestinal diseases and hypersensitive stomach, digestive problems and lack of appetite, and chronic colds.

Wine has an astringent effect which promotes the elimination of toxins, germs, mucus, and fatty deposits on the walls of the arteries. It relieves abdominal swelling and gas, and the pain of migraines. Wine stimulates the flow of blood through the tissues and is excellent for elderly people who lack natural body heat. Wine improves eyesight and strengthens the memory. Raisins appear to be beneficial for all the internal organs especially the lungs. Eating grapes and chewing the seeds stimulates blood circulation and prevents clogging of the arteries.

Blessing on grapes: Borei peri ha'etz. Blessing on wine: Borei peri hagafen

Olive (Zayit)
Our Sages had a tradition that fresh olives cause forgetfulness, while olive oil strengthens and sharpens the memory. Massages with olive oil have been used to treat joint pains and arthritis. Children's coughs were successfully treated with olive oil and honey.

Assaf the Physician, who lived in Babylon between the eighth and ninth centuries, wrote that "olive oil soothes intestinal pains, aids the digestive process, alleviates disorders of the mouth and teeth, and is beneficial for illnesses of the head. It increases hair growth and strengthens the hair, so that it will not tear out easily." Applied to the scalp, it strengthens hair roots.

Olives are very rich in iron and vitamin A. Both olives and olive oil possess numerous healing properties. Olives stimulate and increase the appetite and olive oil lowers cholesterol levels.

The olive tree will not accept a graft from another tree, and all its shoots are its own.

Blessing on olives: Borei peri ha'etz.

Source: "Nature's Wealth" -  Rabbi Moshe Cohen Shaouli and Rabbi Yaakov Fisher - based on the teachings of the Rambam

Obama: New Sanctions on Iran

President Obama slapped new sanctions on Iran Monday, freezing all property of the Central Bank of Iran, other financial institutions, and the central government.

"These actions underscore the administration's resolve to hold the Iranian regime accountable for its failure to meet its international obligations," said a statement from the Treasury Department. "Iran now faces an unprecedented level of pressure due to intensified sanctions applied by the United States and complementary actions by many others around the world.

"The new E.O. issued today re-emphasizes this administration's message to the government of Iran -- it will face ever-increasing economic and diplomatic pressure until it addresses the international community's well-founded and well-documented concerns regarding the nature of its nuclear program."

More at: USA Today

Iran 5772 - Torah Codes

Teaching Rabbis about Abuse

If you're an orthodox woman who is a victim of domestic violence, your biggest nightmare could just end up being the rabbi you turn to for help. Unfortunately there is a tendency amongst some rabbis to defend the abusive man, and blame the woman for not being able to hold the marriage together.

This is a very real problem all over the world: many victims of domestic violence are already ashamed of their situation, they don't need to be condemned by anyone, never mind their spiritual leader. Thankfully, things are changing now, although there is still a long way to go.

12 June 1994 [also known as Gimel Tamuz] - the day of the passing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt'l from this world - was the same day that the notorious OJ Simpson murdered his wife and her friend - and as nothing in this world happens randomly, there is a message there for all orthodox Jews....if they care to notice.

There is an excellent article at Ynet: A Room of Their Own  about a Shelter for abused religious women which offers help in a community that views leaving home as betrayal.

One of the main issues that the organization deals with is teaching and guiding rabbis on this issue. "It's important to give the rabbis the tools. Many times an abused woman will go to a rabbi, and it is important to let the rabbis know what the options are and give them the tools to support these women," Korma says.

In order to approach rabbis in the ultra-Orthodox communities, the organization produced a movie and special pamphlet, wherein it gathered all the Halachic (religious law) sources forbidding violence against women. In N.'s case, the rabbi she went to tried to convince her she was imagining things. "Sometimes I almost believed him, maybe I'm not ok, maybe I'm wrong, and maybe my 'tzadik' husband doesn't treat me that way..." she says.

N. has some advice to women in her situation. "Don't be silent; don't turn a blind eye. During the engagement period, if there is something wrong, speak up. After marriage don't let the snowball effect of violence grow bigger. Turn to the right people or it will just get worse. The damage to the children, living under terrorist rule, is tremendous'' she says.

To read the article click here 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Australia: Queensland Floods could continue for weeks

RECORD-breaking floods have sparked a disaster declaration in Queensland's southwest, with the premier warning the region has entered dangerous new territory.

More at:


Pay no attention to any feelings of discouragement that may plague you.

Do not listen to the criticism of the forces of evil, for they reproach you only in order to dishearten you and to distance you from that little bit of good which you are trying to hold on to.

Do not listen to them, and do not let them sway you. Listen only to criticism and rebuke that draws you closer to God, not that pushes you away, God forbid.

Letter of Reb Noson of Breslov

'Iran can destroy Israel in 9 minutes'

Iranian blogger urges Tehran to exploit West's inaction to 'wipe out Israel' by 2014; lays out strategy.

An Iranian blogger on Saturday urged Tehran not to delay an attack on Israel, claiming that the Islamic Republic could destroy the Jewish state in "less than nine minutes."

Alireza Forghani, a computer engineer, wrote in his essay that Tehran should exploit the West's dawdling over a strike on Iran to "wipe out Israel" by 2014 – that is, before President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's term runs out. The post was widely covered in the Iranian media on Saturday.

Source: Ynet News

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Power in Your Hands

The Hebrew word for hand is "yad" which has a gematria value of 14. Each hand has five fingers, which together contain 14 bones - four of the fingers each have three bones, and the thumb has two, bringing the total to 14.

The number of Hebrew letters found in the first verse of the Torah is 28. The Hebrew word for strength is ko'ach, also numerically equal to 28. Since each hand has 14 bones, both hands together contain 28 bones, representing the ko'ach of G-d.

Based on this, Rebbe Nachman teaches that every person has within himself the ability to arouse the power of Creation with his hands (i.e. his prayers). He taught that some people make motions with their hands during their prayers to help them intensity their concentration. Doing so is very beneficial. This is the intention of the Zohar [Tikuney Zohar #21] when it speaks of "hands that write secrets". Hand movements during prayers can actually inscribe secrets on High [Rabbi Nachman's Wisdom #75]

The five fingers allude to another kind of revelation: The Talmud speaks of Fifty Gates of Binah [Understanding], the 50th Gate being the level which was revealed by G-d in order to bring about the Exodus. This is the very same level that will be revealed at the time of the coming of Moshiach. It is this level that is alluded to in the five fingers of each hand.

Rebbe Nachman taught:

Each hand has five fingers. When two hands clap against one another, the five fingers of the right hand meet with those of the left hand, and vice versa. When right hand meets left, "five meeting five", makes a total of 25, and in the reverse meeting, when the left hand meets the right, it brings the total to 50. This "fifty" corresponds to the 50th Level which is the source of salvation. Therefore, clapping our hands during our prayers arouses the power of salvation and hastens the Redemption.

Source: "Anatomy of the Soul" - Chaim Kramer
from the writings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

Iran warns world of ''Coming Great Event''

Amid crippling sanctions over its nuclear weapons program, Iran is continuing to prepare itself for war against the West, and now is warning of a coming great event.

“In light of the realization of the divine promise by almighty God, the Zionists and the Great Satan (America) will soon be defeated,” Ayatollah Khamenei, the Iranian supreme leader, is warning.

Khamenei, speaking to hundreds of youths from more than 70 countries attending a world conference on the Arab Spring just days ago, told a cheering crowd in Tehran that “Allah’s promises will be delivered and Islam will be victorious.”

The countries represented included Bahrain, Egypt, Libya, Palestine and Tunisia, all of which have been involved in the Arab Spring.

In his remarks, Khamenei advised the youths to remain vigilant, stating that the Islamic awakening in the region has delivered several blows to the enemies of Islam and that all Muslims, despite their own historical and social differences, remain united in opposing the “evil hegemony of the Zionists and the Americans.”

Khamenei then claimed the current century as the century of Islam and promised that human history is on the verge of a great event and that soon the world will realize the power of Allah.

Many clerics in Iran have stated that Khamenei is the deputy of the last Islamic messiah on earth and that obedience to him is necessary for the final glorification of Islam.

Khamenei has been heard to say that the coming of the last Islamic Messiah, the Shiites’ 12th Imam Mahdi, is near and that specific actions need to be taken to protect the Islamic regime for upcoming events.

Mahdi, according to Shiite belief, will reappear at the time of Armageddon. Selected forces within the Revolutionary Guards and Basij reportedly have been trained under a task force called “Soldiers of Imam Mahdi” and they will bear the responsibility of security and protecting the regime against uprisings. Many in the Guards and Basij have been told that the 12th Imam is on earth, facilitated the victory of Hezbollah over Israel in the 2006 war and soon will announce publicly his presence after the needed environment is created.

Source and more at:

Friday, February 3, 2012

Yehei Sheloma Rabba Min Shemayah

''Yehei sheloma rabba min Shemayah" which is Aramaic for "May there be abundant peace from Heaven''.

Performed by The Chevra


written by Rabbi Aron Moss [Nefesh]

Question of the Week:
My Jewishness is making it harder for me to find love. The more I get involved in Jewish life, the less options I have for girls to date. To be honest, it is making me hesitate before becoming more observant. What should I do, take on more Judaism and limit my options, or keep my options open and put the Jewish thing on hold?

It depends what you are looking for. If you are just after a partner, any partner that suits, then it is a simple numbers game, and the more options in front of you the better chances you have. If you have a wider pool of potential partners, the odds are higher that you will be successful in your search. In this equation, the vaguer you are about yourself, the more potential partners you will find.

But that's only if you are merely looking for a partner. If you are looking for your soulmate it's another story entirely.

Your soulmate is the other half of your soul, the missing part of your very being. You can only recognise your soulmate if you first get to know your own soul. When you know where you are going in life, when you are clear on your own identity, when you know who you really are, then and only then are you equipped to identify the other half of your soul.

Some people have it backwards. They think that when it comes to describing whom you're looking for, you need a long and detailed list of specifications, but when it comes to describing who you are, you are better off being blurry and general. The opposite is true. Know yourself and your own soul. Explore your Jewish identity and become comfortable with it. You are not limiting your options, you are refining your search.