Showing posts with label Moshiach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moshiach. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Obama, Trump and the Messiah [audio]

Dov Bar-Leib joins Tamar Yonah and tells her that if Obama goes to the UN in order to ‘abstain’ on a UN Sec Council resolution recognizing and establishing a Palestine state, and he does this during the Hebrew month of Tevet [Dec/Jan] it could start the 9 month count-down to the war of Gog and Magog, and the arrival of the Moshaich.

He gives interesting possible links to past Biblical characters that he thinks could link to Obama and Trump.

Click here to listen.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Moshiach will be revealed from the Epitome of Sheker

What is Sheker? שקר  Sheker is lies, deceipt.    Even the letters are out of order from their correct listing in the alef bet [ק-ר-ש].

“And that’s how Moshiach is going to be revealed. Moshiach needs to be revealed from the epitome of sheker, Moshiach and his people. They’re not going to be pulled by the sheker. The sheker wants to take everyone. The sheker says: ‘I didn’t say enough sheker. Maybe I’ll say a little bit more, maybe I’ll succeed in saying something else, a different way.’  - “The more falsehood there is, the more truth will be revealed in a clearer way”

These days you need to search very hard to find your own truth.  There is an abundance of Rabbis Impeding the Redemption.  There is an abundance of sheker.

I heard from my teacher and father-in-law, who was the chief disciple of Rebbe Yechiel Michal of Zlotchov, that once when the Baal Shem Tov was traveling on the road, he stepped into a wooded area to pray the afternoon prayer. His disciples were dumbfounded to see him hitting his head against a tree, crying and screaming. Afterward, they asked him what had happened. He explained that he had seen, with divine inspiration, that in the generations before the coming of the Moshiach there would be a multitude of rabbis, and that they would be the very ones who would impede the redemption. [Otzar Chayim]

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

G-d Speed

Art Majcho Zmajcho

Avraham sent Eliezer to fetch Rivkah at the earliest opportunity, as soon as she had reached marriageable age.  

Eliezer's miracle - where his journey was miraculously shortened, allowing him to complete a 17 day journey in one day - thus spared Rivkah from spending an additional 17 days in an atmosphere of idol worship.

From this we can be assured of the speed with which G-d will send Moshiach, saving the Jewish people from even an additional moment in Exile.

Source: Lubavitcher Rebbe Likutei Sichos vol 1

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What Will Happen in Israel When Moshiach Comes?

Part of a series of Question's and Answers, Rabbi Anava is posed the question of what will happen in Eretz Yisroel upon Moshiach's arrival.

Monday, November 14, 2016

The Descent of a Lofty Soul - Moshiach

Art by Andreas

And they gave their father wine to drink on that night, and the elder came and lay with her father, and he did not know of her lying down or of her rising up -  וּבְקוּמָֽהּ

According to the Zohar, the dot in the הּ in the word וּבְקוּמָֽהּ [Vayera 19:33] alludes to the fact that G-d was secretly assisting this event, because Moshiach was to materialize from it [since Ruth, King David's great grand-mother, was a convert from the Moabites].  The latter event, between Lot and his younger daughter [19:35] is written without the letter vav - וּבְקֻמָֽהּ - to indicate that the union did not produce such great offspring.   Rabbi Shimon said "When the verse states that Lot ''wasn't aware'', it means he wasn't aware that Moshiach was destined to come from this union" [Zohar I 110b]

Why should the beginnings of Moshiach occur in such an undignified manner?  Ramak explains that when a very lofty soul is about to descend into the world, the forces of kelipah [“peel” or “shell”—words used by Kabbalah to describe layers of impurity] oppose the soul's descent vehemently. Sometimes, however, kelipah will consent to the soul's descent if it occurs amidst a particularly sinful act.  Thus, we find that from this undesirable act, the ancestor of Moshiach was born.

Source: Lubavitcher Rebbe

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump Trumps

Well done Donald Trump!  Amazing news - the man with the gematria of ''Moshiach ben David'' - has won the US Election: it must be a sign for us that the times of Moshiach are very near.  [and an update: he will be the 45th President of the US.... 45 is the gematria of Geula - thank you Yaak for that info.]  I'm sure Ivanka's davening at the Rebbe's Ohel didn't go astray either.

Rabbi Mendel Kessin called it, as you would know if you listened to his ''21st Century'' shiurim, and he also said that Trump would rebuild America.  Whether he will get a chance to do so, or Hashem has other plans, remains to be seen.  

It is an irony that stock markets around the globe took a very sharp down-turn as Trump's victory became kinda obvious.  Investors wanted a Clinton win, people are nervous, Hillary was their safer opinion.  And the polls got it totally wrong - as we know, blessing comes to that which is hidden, and Trump's popularity was ''hidden'' - seems that people gave the indication they would be voting for Hillary, but when given the privacy of their polling booth, they actually voted Trump.

And in the year 5777 Trump will be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old on his first full day in office.

It's going to be a wild ride from here on.

P.S. The date is 9 November which here in Australia we write as 9/ 11.  

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The World is Going Crazy: Preparing for Moshiach

A new video from Rabbi Yuval Ovadia: Emergency call for all Humanity.  Why the world is out of control and how to cope with it.  An important message for all nations of the world.  ''The End of Days Is Here''.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Russians Mobilizing.....

On the yarzheit of the Vilna Gaon........

''When the Russians mobilize their fleet towards Jerusalem - GET READY FOR MASHIACH!!'' - Vilna Gaon

Quoting Rabbi Alon Anava : 

Rabbi Dov Eliach the author of the book 'Hagaon' [Chapter 2 page 765/60] says that the students of the Rebbe from Brisk confirm the Vilna Gaon said it. Also Rabbi Aryeh Levin confirmed he heard directly from Rabbi Chaim Berlin who heard it directly from Rabbi Yitzchak Itzkovitch of Volozhin who heard it directly from the Vilna Gaon.

Friday, October 7, 2016

The Time Immediately Before Moshiach

A recent comment on ''Is Moshiach Really Coming'' asked for the signs that we are the final generation before Moshiach.  Here are the signs, for those who need to read them again.  

In the year King Moshiach is revealed, nations will provoke one another......... all the nations of the world are distressed and panicking. [Yalkut Shimoni Yeshiya 60]


by Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet

The time appointed by G-d for the Messianic redemption is a closely guarded secret.1 Nonetheless, we are offered many hints to recognize its proximity: when certain conditions come about, await the imminent coming of Mashiach.

Most of these conditions are quite disturbing, clearly displaying a situation of the very “bottom of the pit.”2 One major source describes the world-condition in those days as follows: increase in insolence and impudence; oppressing inflation; unbridled irresponsibility on the part of authorities; centers of learning will turn into bawdy houses; wars; many destitutes begging, with none to pity them; wisdom shall be putrid; the pious shall be despised; truth will be abandoned; the young will insult the old; family-breakup with mutual recriminations; impudent leadership.3

Other sources add: lack of scholars; succession of troubles and evil decrees; famines; mutual denunciations; epidemics of terrible diseases; poverty and scarcity; cursing and blaspheming; international confrontations nations provoking and fighting each other.4 In short, it will be a time of suffering that will make it look as if G-d were asleep. These are the birthpangs of Mashiach, bearable only in anticipation of the bliss that follows them.

“When you see a generation ever dwindling, hope for him… when you see a generation overwhelmed by many troubles as by a river, await him.”5 “When you see nations fighting each other, look toward the feet of Mashiach.”6

Little wonder that some sages expressed apprehensions about those days in terms of, “Let [Mashiach] come, but let me not see him.”7 The prevailing attitude, however, is to await his coming in spite of all, even if thereafter we shall merit no more than sitting “in the shadow of his donkey’s dung!”8

The troubles and agony of chevlei Mashiach (birthpangs of Mashiach), however, are not unavoidable:

“What is man to do to be spared the pangs of Mashiach? Let him engage in Torah and acts of loving-kindness!”9

Moreover, there are also good and happy signs indicating the imminent coming of Mashiach: a good measure of prosperity;10 a renewal of Torah-study;11 and opening of the “gates of wisdom above and the wellsprings of wisdom below,”12 evidenced also by scientific and technological discoveries and advances; a manifestation and propagation of the mystical teachings of the Torah;13 and also “In the time that Mashiach will awaken, many signs and miracles will occur in the world.”14


1. Pesachim 54b; Midrash Tehilim 9:2. See Zohar Chadash, Bereishit, 8a.

2. Midrash Tehilim 45:3. See Ma’amarei Admur Hazaken-Ethalech, p. 103f.; and Besha’ah Shehik-dimu-5672, vol. I:p. 551; relating this to the principle (Midrash Tehilim 22:4; Zohar II:46a) that the darkest moments of the night are immediately before daybreak. Cf. Zohar I:170a. For this analogy see also the comment of R. Elijah, the Vilna Gaon, cited in Even Shelemah, ch. 11:5.

3. Sotah 49b

4. Sanhedrin 97a; Shir Rabba 2:29.

5. Sanhedrin 98a

6. Bereishit Rabba 42:4. Note Pesikta Rabaty 37:2 (ed. Friedmann, ch. 36)!

7. Sanhedrin 98b

8. Ibid. See also Zohar II:7aff.

9. Sanhedrin 98b

10. Sanhedrin 97a; Shir Rabba 2:29.

11. Ibid.

12. Zohar I:117a

13. Zohar I:118a. See Zohar Chadash, Tikunim, 96c; and Mayanei Hayeshu’ah, I:2. Cf. below, note 84. Note also Igeret Teyman, ch. 3, that prophecy shall be restored to Israel prior to the coming of Mashiach.

14. Zohar II:8a

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Many Evils

Art Sarah Porter

It is written, “When many evils and distresses have befallen them” [Vayelech 31:21]

The Maggid of Dubno states that towards evening, as the peddler of goods stands in the marketplace with his baskets in hand, and most of his products are already sold, he wants to return home quickly. He therefore takes his remaining pears, prunes, and other products, and mixes them together in one basket and sells them at half price, for he wants to get rid of them as quickly as possible. 

Hence the Torah states, “When many evils and distresses have befallen them” – when you see a combination of various ills descending upon Israel, it signifies that all the “products” are almost gone, and that we have reached the remainder, the “footsteps of Mashiach,” meaning that he will soon arrive.

Source: Rabbi David Hanania Pinto Shlita

Monday, September 26, 2016

Where is the Shechina Now?

Unknown Photographer

"Yeisei V'Lo Achminei" - let Moshiach come but do not let me be alive to see him [Sanhedrin 98b].

Rebbi Yochanan said that he'd give up the privilege of greeting Moshiach in order to avoid living through the terrible days of the Ikvisa D'Mishicha. With the Geula so close at hand why will they be worse than the rest of the Galus?

Rav Yehonoson Eibshitz says that since the Shechina is with us in the Galus we are protected. However at the end of the Galus when it is time for us to return to Eretz Yisroel, the Shechina will need to leave the galus and come to Eretz Yisroel to prepare and facilitate our return. During those waning days of the Galus, we will be left on our own without protection and endless tragedies will befall us. Only then will we realize how fortunate we were to have the Shechina with us.

How does Rav Yehonoson Eibshitz know that the Shechina will return to Eretz Yisroel before us?

The pasuk [Nitzavim 30:3] says, וְשָׁב וְקִבֶּצְךָ מִכָּל הָעַמִּים.  Chazal tell us that the word וְשָׁב, which means ''He will return'', proves that Hashem is with us in the Galus, or else it should say "V'Heishiv"- ''He will return us''. 

Rav Yehonoson Eibshitz says that we see from here that first וְשָׁב, Hashem will return to Eretz Yisroel.   Only after the groundwork is laid, וְקִבֶּצְךָ מִכָּל הָעַמִּים, will He bring us back from among the nations.

Source: Revach L'Neshama

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The True Power of Speech - Rabbi Mendel Kessin

"Cursed is he who secretly strikes his fellowman" [Ki Tavo 27:24] Rashi explains that this curse refers to one who speaks lashon hora - when someone speaks evil, he secretly "strikes" his fellowman.

Rabbi Mendel Kessin presents a two part video series on the power of speech.  I highly recommend listening to this shiur before Rosh Hashanah - you will be truly enlightened, about the way lashon hara works against you, causes you damages, and how it prevents Moshiach coming.  Listen to this, and you will understand....

Friday, September 16, 2016


One of the most interesting blog posts I read this week was the Geula Update from Rav Fish Ki Teitze which contained some fascinating insights into computers and the coming of Moshiach.  

Amongst other things, Rav Fish writes [translated by Yaak]: Going deeper to explain the connection between the kelipa of computers and the kelipa of Armilus who enclothes Mashiah: As it's known that according to the size of the kelipa, one knows the size of the holy spark inside. And the holy spark of computers is Mashiah - that is that computers came to the world at the End of Days since they are needed to be a support for Torah during the coming of Mashiah, and especially the Torah of "Remez".

So what is ''Remez''?  Remez is the different hints and allusions which are contained within the Torah. One of the methodologies the Torah employs to make these hints is gematria, the numerical value of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.  See Chabad for more on this.

It is written, “For it is not an empty thing for you” [Devarim 32:47]. The numerical value of these words is equal to that of the term ''gematriot'' (numerical values). From here the book Tosefet Beracha deduces that the gematriot of the Torah’s words are not insignificant, “For it is not an empty thing for you.” Furthermore, even without this, we see that our Sages often took gematriot into account. Finally, gematriot are among the 32 methods of interpreting the Torah listed by Rabbi Eliezer, the son of Rabbi Yossi Hagalili. [by Rabbi David Pinto Shlita]

There are several different ways of calculating the gematriot of a word or phrase, I'm not going to go into them all here but above you can see a diagram of the basic values of the Hebrew letters.

I have a lot of information here in older blog posts which you can access by clicking the labels on GEMATRIA, TORAH CODES and VILNA GAON below this post.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Torah perspective on Moshiach and the ''end of the world''.

What is the end of the world going to look like?  How do ''good deeds' bring the Redemption? Will the end be violent or peaceful?  In this video from 2011 Rabbi Simon Jacobson discusses Moshiach and the Future Redemption.


Friday, September 9, 2016

Q & A from Moshiach Video: Rabbi Alon Anava

Following on from yesterday's video on Moshiach, here are the questions and answers for this lecture.

A quote from the video ''Money is going to be worthless in a few weeks'' and at 27:20 he explains Planet X.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Do You Believe Moshiach Is Coming? - by Rabbi Alon Anava

This is a new shiur from Rabbi Alon Anava, recorded in Great Neck, although you may have heard him speak on this topic previously.
See comments for further information on this lecture.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Rabbi Kessin on Moshiach ben Yosef

This shiur by Rabbi Mendel Kessin was recorded in Israel in September 2015. Some very interesting facts about Moshiach ben Yosef, I think you'll enjoy this one.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Final Credits

Artist Unknown

Every commandment that I command you this day you shall keep to do, that you may live and multiply, and come and possess the land that the Lord swore to your forefathers. [Eikev 8:1]

The lesson that one who completes a mitzvah is credited with it [see Rashi] is particularly apt for our generation.

For according to all the signs which were given by our Sages, we are presently in the last generation of exile, which will become the first generation of redemption.

Thus, it is greatly encouraging to know that despite the fact that the Torah study and observance of mitzvot in previous generations greatly surpassed that of our more humble efforts, nevertheless one who completes a mitzvah is credited with it.  

Mashiach will come in the merit of our mitzvot, which are performed in the last moments of exile.

Based on Likutei Sichos vol 9 pp 104-5 Lubavitcher Rebbe

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Moments Before The End And Moshiach

Rabbi Mizrachi's latest shiur - all about Moshiach.  Great for beginners or anyone needing reassurance.