Showing posts with label Glazerson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glazerson. Show all posts

Friday, August 5, 2011

Murderer of Rabbi Elazar Abu Hatzira zt"l in Torah Codes

Rabbi Glazerson shows the Torah code where the name of the murderer of Rabbi Elazar Abu Hatzira - Asher Dahan - appears, and the evil forces which are influencing so many murders in our times.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Torah Codes and Moshiach

Rabbi Glazerson shows how the discovery of the Torah Codes plays a major role before Moshiach: A code which validates the de-coders. ["Bible Code in the Secret of Kabbalah" - video]

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Audio: Obama in Bible Codes

I haven't listened to this yet: Tamar Yonah interviews Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson on Israel National Radio

What does it say in the Bible about U.S. President Obama and what he will do regarding Israel?  Is he 'The One' to fill the role of Gog in the end times stories about Gog and Magog?  Where does it show in the Bible that indeed this is what it hints to?  Who could Obama be the reincarnation of in the Bible, and where is it written about from the biblical past, about today's Flotilla ships coming to Israel.  it's all in the book called, "Obama in Torah Codes " written by (guest on the show) Rabbi M. Glazerson and Prof. R. Haralick. 
To listen to the interview: click here

Also see: Obama and the Evil at the End of Days or click on the OBAMA label below this post.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Torah Codes: Gilad Shalit encoded in the Story of Yosef

Just as we saw in the Jonathan Pollard Torah Codes , where Pollard's name is encoded in the story of Yosef, so is the name Gilad Shalit.  The codes note that one is in captivity in Edom, and one in captivity with the Yishmaelim.

Update: Also see: In the Blink of an Eye

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Moshiach's Revenge, bin Laden and the Two Pesachs

Hat tip: DK

If you watched the Bin Laden Torah Codes video, you may have wondered why the words  "cursed will be bin Laden, and the revenge will be to the Moshiach" were all encoded together in one long sentence.

The explanation is found in Lazer Beams' latest post :

".....the Zohar says that when Moshiach comes there will be 2 seven day Passovers - Pesach Mitzrayim, like we have now, and Pesach Moshiach, the Passover of Moshiach. Pesach Moshiach will start on the last day of our current Passover - Pesach Mitzrayim - and will celebrate the miracles involved in the coming of Moshiach. This is why the haftorah on the last day of Passover deals with Moshiach. Pharoah's final fall was on the last day of Passover. Bin Ladin was killed on the last day of this second Passover, the Passover of Moshiach..."

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Exile and Redemption

Source: Extracted from "Letters of Fire" by Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson [Feldheim Publ]

The Gemara tells us that the sprouting of Mashiach will occur in a lowly and fallen generation, a generation that finds itself in a situation of spiritual decay. [Sanhedrin 95,96]

This "rot" רקב will precede the "morning" בקר of redemption.  From the midst of a decadent, "rotten" generation the sprout of the seed of David will come forth.  This resembles the decay of the outer portions of a seed in the earth, enabling the inner germ to sprout and rise.

The Satan, who is identical with the primeval snake, will reveal its negative power in all its force and scope before the coming of Mashiach.  However, Mashiach will destroy the snake.  According to the Kabbalah, this is shown by the fact that the words נחשׁ (nachash - snake) and משׁיח (Mashiach) have the same numerical value: 358.

For every negative force in the universe, G-d created an equal positive force.  The counterbalancing force to the snake (358) is the Mashiach (358).  One might note that the word Mashiach משׁיח is spelled with the same letters as ישׂמח - "yismach" - "he will rejoice". 

The redemption depends upon the unveiling of all the evil in the world.  This can be explained in accordance with the Kabbalistic teaching that the forces of evil trap people in their net by mixing a little truth into their misleading ways............  this teaches us that the small amount of truth that is joined with evil gives it its power of existence; this deceptive coloration is what entraps people.  In time to come, the Holy One, Blessed is He, will reveal the hidden secrets of evil and show its true content.  The following verse in Ovadyah, referring to the downfall of Edom, alludes to the deceptive guise of truth in which evil clothes itself: "How Esav will be investigated, his hidden things revealed!"

The dispersion of the Jewish people in the diaspora will come to an end with the redemption.  When we add an א to the word גולה (golah - "diaspora") it becomes גאולה (geulah - "redemption").  The brother of the Maharal, in his work Sefer Ha-Chayim, explains that the  א, whose numerical value is "one" (אחד- echad) symbolizes the unity (אחדות - achdut) of the Jewish people, which is an essential ingredient in transforming the diaspora (גולה) into redemption (גאולה).

Before the redemption, the forces of evil will reach their end, as it is written: "I shall cut off the horns of the wicked; the horns of the righteous will be exalted." [Tehillim 75:11]. The word קרן (keren) can mean both "horn" and "corner".  Benei Yissaschar states that this latter meaning is also intended by our verse, which would then read: "I shall cut off the corners of the wicked" [Benei Yissaschar 101a].  The word for "the wicked" is רשׁעים (resha'im); the "corners" of this word are ר and ם.  When these "corners" are "cut off", what remains are the letters of ישׁע  (yesha - "salvation"). The "corners" of the word צדיק (tzaddik) are the letters צ and ק.  Together they spell קץ (keitz - "end").  The remaining letters are די (dai - "enough"), which in reverse order spell יד (yad - "hand").  Thus, when the "corners" of the righteous are exalted, the world will merit to see the End (קץ) of Days, when the Creator of the world will say "Enough (די)!" to Israel's exile.  Then the hand (יד) of Divine providence over the entire Creation will be revealed to all.

The letters רם (ram - "exalted") have the numerical value of 240, which equals that of עמלק (Amalek), indicating the arrogant pride of that wicked nation. Amalek is the root of evil, strengthening the destructive powers among the nations by blocking the eyes of Divine providence from seeing the world.  Cutting off and removing this רם from the world will bring rescue and redemption.  When evil is removed from the world and Mashiach comes, the redeemed people "will find rejoicing and happiness; sadness and sighing will flee" [Yeshayahu 35:10].  This happiness which will arrive with the coming of the Redeemer is expressed in the word משׁיח "Mashiach", whose letters spell  ישׂמח   "he shall rejoice".

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Redemption 5771 - Torah Codes....

......but only if the Jews do teshuvah.
Rabbi Glazerson's latest Torah Code videos.

Monday, February 28, 2011

2012: More insights

Both Lazer Beams and The Cool Jew have recently published this video below about 2012. If you've already watched it, you may like to check out the other one below it, from Rabbi Matityahu Glazeson, regarding the Mayan 2012 prediction. (Note: the Glazerson video is actually part of a 9-video set, the previous five can be seen here

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The end of time (video) - "Moshiach is here"

If someone told you that Moshiach is already here, what would you think? I guess it depends who it is that is speaking, in this case it is Rabbi Glazerson, who casually remarks at the end of this video that "Moshiach is here by the way..."

Friday, January 7, 2011

Korea 5771 in Bible Codes

Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson shows where the words "Korea, atomic holocaust, Barack Obama, Seoul, war, 5771" are encoded in the Torah -

Jonathan Pollard in Torah Codes

Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson discusses the "very great soul" of Jonathan Pollard and his connection to Yosef, as shown by the Torah codes:

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Torah Codes: 5771: Atomic Threat, Bin Laden, Yemen and Geula

Yesterday a plane carrying an explosive device from Yemen, headed for the United States, was intercepted in Britain. [Full story here]

Interestingly, Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson uploaded some new videos just 4 days prior to this: some new Torah Code discoveries which show that the words Yemen, Bin Laden, and atomic are encoded together.  In Video #4 of this series, Rabbi Glazerson shows that this year, 5771, is potentially the year of Geula (Redemption).

The four videos appear below:

A longer video on this subject by Rabbi Glazerson can be seen at Torah Anytime