Showing posts sorted by date for query Kochav Yaakov. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Kochav Yaakov. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Celestial Events from Purim Onwards

Did you know there will be a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on Purim ?   Penumbral means that it will be "shadowy" - not clearly visible.

We all know about the total Solar Eclipse on April 8 but apparently a solar eclipse always occurs about two weeks before or after a lunar eclipse.  

So Purim is the hard-to-see lunar eclipse and Rosh Chodesh Nissan is the total solar eclipse.  Between those two things, we have the date of 25 Adar II where we hope to see the "devil comet" which may be the Kochav Yaakov.    Then, on first night Pesach [two weeks after the solar eclipse] we have the devil comet at perihelion [closest point to the sun].  

I am wondering what else is going to happen during all of this.  

We know there is a second sun behind our sun, and I've heard from Sam Hofman that we are going to have "separation" of the two suns at some point.  In other words, the second sun is going to emerge from behind our sun.   It would be perfect timing to have this occur while everyone's eyes are looking up at the all these events.  Wouldn't that confuse people..... a second sun emerging .... wishful thinking maybe.

Just to tie all this together, we have a timeline given by Ari Goldwag for a Nissan Geula.  

All of this is "wait and see" because there's not much more we can do at this stage.  

In the meantime, I'll show you some photos and videos that I meant to put up yesterday, but too many things were going on in my life and I didn't have time.

Images: Red Asteroid over Spencer, Tennessee last Friday night [no-one knew what they were looking at - it's so nice to be able to tell you what it actually is]

Atu's Moon

This is a video of Atu's moon which is made up of mammatus clouds.  It's being seen everywhere lately, I saw it not too long ago, it was much fainter at that time, very pale lilac colour and very beautiful.

Atu's moon on top the sun 

Atu's moon over Arizona desert

And here it is in Israel     

Atu's moon over Mumbai

And a short video of various world weather disasters, most of which we don't hear about

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

How Big Is It Going To Get?

Talking about Comet 12P Pons Brooks, which is rumoured to be the Kochav Yaakov.  I don't know... I'm expecting it to be, but part of me is also expecting the Kochav Yaakov on 25 Elul.  

Or maybe there's two stars/comets, one in Adar II and one in Elul which is why it says "the sixth month" - because the "sixth" month could be either Adar II or Elul, or perhaps both !

Here's the video - it's only 3 minutes, and he's got some pictures of some of the planets at the end.... 

Friday, February 23, 2024

Eclipse and a Planetary Line-Up

Let me be totally honest from the start.... I did not come up with this myself, I found it on a conspiracy site and investigated it, but I'm not an Astrology person, so feel free to do your own investigations and leave a comment if you find out anything important that I've missed. 

Apparently it's not an official "planetary alignment" but nevertheless all the planets will be in a straight line on the day of the Eclipse, which is April 8 - Rosh Chodesh Nissan.

You know about "birth charts".... people pay big money to Astrologers to discover things about themselves from the position of the planets on the day they were born.  Basically, you give over all your information to the Astrologer: time of birth, date of birth and city of birth, and they produce a chart of the positions of the planets corresponding to all that information and then they tell you things about yourself, and what may or may not happen in your life. [Note: Jews are above the Mazalot, our destinies are shaped by our actions, not by the stars]

So.... just now I was reading about the position of the planets on April 8 - the day of the Solar Eclipse - Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5784.  [The same day we will be able to see the Comet we believe to be the Kochav Yaakov]

A generated chart for April 8, using the city of Jerusalem as the "birth place" shows NINE PLANETS LINED UP and Pluto slightly more apart from them.   They are not "aligned" as per the official Space description of an alignment, but they are all in a straight line.  Usually, birth charts show planets all over the place.  Sometimes 4 or 5 may be aligned, but to get all of these appearing just like this is very very rare.  

The symbols are, from the base to the top: Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury, Chiron, the Sun, Lunar Node, Moon, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, Mars and then Pluto over to the right. [those other two squiggles on the other side of the circle are not relevant to this]

That chart was generated by but there are many free astro chart sites out there, and you can generate your own -  if you enter in the date of April 8 2024 [time and city don't really matter, but I used Jerusalem] you will end up with something that looks like the picture above. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Kochav Yaakov/ Comet 12P Pons-Brooks

I just happened to tune in at the right time.... this is a Live video currently being broadcast, and I tuned in right on the dot as he started to talk about the Comet.  You will need to wait until he's ended the Live broadcast, and then go to the link and fast forward to the 28 min mark to hear what he is saying.

The video link is

I have typed up some of the main points he mentioned.

On April 8 the comet will be very visible as the daylight turns to darkness due to the eclipse and the comet flies through.  Astronomers are saying that this comet is doing things they have never seen before, it is developing wings and horns.

The eclipse itself will be longer than a normal eclipse, so I'm thinking that means we will have the darkness for a longer time and the comet will be visible for enough time for us all to see it.  He said the comet will be to the left and the planet Mercury will be seen at the 7 o'clock position.

He said he finds it strange that no-one is talking about this.

The video below is something I uploaded a while ago, showing the orbit of the comet. Heads up it has loud music.  21 April is two days before Pesach.   That is date of perihelion which means it is the closest to the sun at that point. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Comet 12P Pons-Brooks [a.k.a. Kochav Yaakov]


My heart started to beat very fast when I read this article, because yesterday commenter Margolis confirmed that this Comet 12P Pons-Brooks is the Kochav Yaakov and today I read this article saying it would reach perihelion [closest to the sun] two weeks after showing up near the eclipse on April 8.

April 8 is Rosh Chodesh Nissan, and two weeks later it will be Pesach.  

I don't know why it's that blue colour, it's the same blue as the object near the Sun, which causes the blue flashes around the sun.  I thought it was supposed to be red. That issue will remain a question.

I love this blue, and it's the same blue seen here:

NASA photo - blue sunset on Mars

The sky on Mars is red and its sunsets are blue, which is exactly the opposite of Earth's.

Unlike Earth's sunset, Mars' atmosphere, primarily composed of carbon dioxide, interacts with iron-rich dust, scattering red light during the day and creating a red sky. However, during twilight, the red light disperses, revealing a cool blue hue due to the dusty haze.

I just threw that Mars stuff in because the blue is the same blue, but it's not really relevant to this post. 

You can read all about the Comet 12P appearance at The Comet vs The Eclipse

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Waiting for Moshiach

Today is 21 Shevat, and in a week or so we will be entering the month of Adar 1.  The year 5784 is a leap year so there are two Adars, as we all know.   

There is a possibility that we will see the Kochav Yaakov on 25 Adar II or perhaps even 25 Adar I - as the prophecy says "the 25th day of the sixth month".  Technically Adar 1 is the sixth month, but we always celebrate the chagim in the second Adar, so if the sixth month is "Adar" then it is more likely to occur in Adar II.

But.... and there is a huge BUT here.... it may not happen that way.  

When the Torah says the "sixth month" it generally refers to Elul.   However, there is a question mark on this, as we really don't know until we get there.

We know that the Jewish year begins on the first of Tishrei—a day we observe as Rosh Hashanah, “the Head of the Year”—and ends twelve (or thirteen) months later, on the 29th of Elul. But if the head of the year is on the first of Tishrei, why does the Torah (in Leviticus 23:24) refer to Tishrei as the seventh month of the year? And why is the month of Nissan, occurring midway through the Tishrei-headed year, designated—in the very first mitzvah commanded to the Jewish people—as “the head of months, the first of the months of your year”? But like a sphere with two poles, the Jewish year has two “heads” or primary points of reference, each of which is equally its beginning. Our annual journey through time is actually two journeys—a Tishrei-to-Elul journey, and a Nissan-to-Adar journey. Every day on the Jewish calendar can be experienced on two different levels, for it simultaneously exists within these two contexts.  [Source - Chabad]

I've been blogging for a long time. I've expected Moshiach to arrive many times during all these years, and have been disappointed but I've always managed to pick myself up and remain hopeful. I'm not worried about my own feelings. I am worried about some of my readers, especially the younger ones.  This blog post is especially for YOU.  

I want to say to you: make sure you keep a part of yourself safe from disappointment.  You need to prepare yourself for the fact that things may not happen in the way we hope.  It is very important that you do this, because if you don't, you may feel as though it's all never going to happen at all and abandon your beliefs.

This is especially the case if you have a physical, financial, mental or emotional issue.  If you are depending on Moshiach to come and save you from any of these things, and then it doesn't happen as you had planned it to.... you could chas v'shalom be plunged into the depths of despair and even feel suicidal.  You MUST prepare yourself for the fact that it may not play out in the way that we are hoping it does.

This is a Geula blog... it didn't start out that way, I never intended it to be a Geula blog, but it seemed to have a life of it's own and it basically created itself.  I do not PREDICT Geula, I just blog about things that relate to Geula.   Some of those things may, or may not, happen.   

When Rav Zeira happened upon scholars who were engaged [in calculating the date of the coming of Moshiach], he told them, "I beg you, do not postpone it . . . for it has been taught, ‘Three things come when the mind is occupied otherwise: Moshiach, something that is lost, and a scorpion.' "(Sanhedrin 97a)  [Source: Do You Anticipate the Redemption?]

As we are definitely close to the time of Moshiach's arrival, were are allowed to talk about it and we are allowed to attempt to calculate the date.  However, have we reached the time where even children will be able to make the calculation????[see quote below]

The Maggid of Dubno : the Zohar even states that it is not God’s will to reveal the arrival date of the Moshiach, but when the date draws near, even children will be able to make the calculation [Bereishis 118a]

I'm just going to continue on blogging as usual, because I have asked a few people whether or not I should.....and the answer has always been to keep going.  We need to have a Moshiach consciousness. The more people who think about it and talk about it, the more it gains a Geula energy.  You need to be planting Moshiach seeds wherever you go.  Don't worry if people look at you strangely, or think you're a bit crazy..... just plant the seed and let Hashem take it from there.  You'd be surprised how these people, who never gave a thought to Moshiach previously, suddenly start thinking about it, and the next time they see you, they ask you where Moshiach is.  That happens to me all the time in real life.  But I'm just happy that they are giving some thought to a concept which they'd never acknowledged until I brought it to their attention.

....the Dark Side tries everything to prevent Moshiach's arrival, so Hashem must engineer it in such a way that catches the unholy spiritual opposition completely off guard. [Rabbi Lazer Brody - "The Seeds of Moshiach" click here to listen to "The Book of Ruth"]

As I was typing up this post and I read this,,,, On the first of Nissan, 2448 years after the creation of Adam, G‑d commanded His first mitzvah to the fledgling nation of Israel—to establish a calendar based on the monthly lunar cycle.....

I did a small calculation on my notepad: 2448 x 2 = 4896

Then I subtracted 4896 from the current year 5784.  The remaining total was 888.

I don't know if that's relevant to anything at all, but it was exciting for me to see because 8 is the number of Moshiach.  Our current world is a world of sevens, seven continents, seven seas, etc. but the world of Moshiach is the world of 8.  

Friday, January 19, 2024

Notes on Rabbi Ovadia's Interview

Now that Rabbi Yuval Ovadia has validated [in the video] everything I've been saying about  Kochav Yaakov [sometimes mistakenly called Nibiru] I would like to offer some more information about the second solar system.

Our Sun has a twin sun - [Kochav Yaakov??] We are actually part of a binary solar system - two suns.  The second sun has 8 planets/moons orbiting around it.  We are seeing the "back" of these planets [or moons] - they are facing their Sun.  This is why we are seeing huge curved shadows in the sky. These are the shadows caused by the planets.  They are orbiting horizontally between Earth and our Sun.  

Blue section is a planet

The Planet Nibiru - you can see how easily it could block the Sun

Sky cut in half, caused by shadows of planet

The second solar system became visible to us in 2009/2010 - the Hebrew year 5770. [770 is the gematria of Beit Moshiach - House of Messiah] That is also the year a lot of us expected Moshiach to come. It is the year I deleted, and then re-started my blog.  14 years have passed since then, 14 is the gematria of David, it is two x 7 year periods.  

Back in 5770 no-one outside of NASA knew about it,  except for one person - Sam Hofman - who is the same man who discovered this second solar system in 1978 when he was 16 years old. When his teacher sent his discovery to NASA, they turned up at his door and forced him to sign a 30 year non-disclosure agreement. They told him that after 2009 "it wouldn't matter".    The NDA ended in 2009, the same year the planets arrived.

Since then, Sam Hofman has been documenting this second system.  He has 14 years' worth of documentation and can prove without a doubt that we are seeing a system pass between Earth and the Sun.  At the same time, various governmental cover-ups have been taking place, such as Project Blue Beam and the daily masking of the Sun with planes drawing criss-crossing lines all over the skies.  Any anomaly in the skies is dismissed as HAARP, CERN, c-trails, geo-engineering, climate change or some other government concoction designed to prevent the truth being known, and the resulting chaos and panic which would ensue.

There are 8 planets in this system - 7 of which are passing between Earth and the Sun.  This matches the "7 moons" mentioned by Rabbi Ovadia which belong to the Star - the Kochav Yaakov. Rabbi Ovadia also says there is a "mini solar system" approaching. One of the planets is named "Nibiru" and for some reason people have latched on to this word and call the entire system "Nibiru". 

Quoting Rabbi Ovadia: we can see throughout history that Hashem uses stars to bring about natural disasters and bring judgement to the world, most of the time he uses nature that He Himself created. This is known as "Derech haTeiva" - the way of the world.  Hashem hides himself in order for us to have free will to choose between good and bad, so the world is run according to derech hateiva.

Sun with rainbow halo - Yosemite

Sky on fire - sunrise North Iceland

Planet on top of the Sun causing shadows


Napisiti is the most obvious and it's appearance is varied due to many factors such as distances, shadows, light reflections etc.  Here are a few photos and a video which I found by accident. Drawings under photos are by Sam Hofman.


The video below is best viewed on a big screen. You do need to watch the whole video [it's very short]: Napisiti over the Sydney Harbour Bridge in December 2014, with a rain bomb at around the 1.06 mark.  Right at the end, as Napisiti moves towards us, you can even see it rotating.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

How to be Saved !

 Rabbi Yuval Ovadia spells it out in this video.

From the Zohar [from around 12:30 in the video] - note, I'm mostly quoting Rabbi Ovadia, but have changed some words and added a couple of things to clarify.  Please listen to the shiur to hear his exact words.

"A star with seven moons - a mini solar system in fact - will appear."   [To see all the posts I've done on this "mini solar system" click here]

This is the Kochav Yaakov, although Rabbi Ovadia calls it the Star of David.
Some people call it Nibiru, but there's a whole other theory that Nibiru is just a blue planet, so let's just call it the Kochav Yaakov.
The appearance of this star will be parallel to the revelation of Moshiach.

Although nothing is for sure until it happens, the rise of the jihadists around the world could lead to a war between them and the gentile nations - between Yishmael and Eisav.  Maybe Korea or China will wage war against a xtian country.  During this war, the Star shows up, causing the destruction of many places on earth.

How can we be saved?  The Prophet says anyone who will call out for salvation from the Almighty will be saved.  So many were saved during the massacre of October 7 because they called out to Hashem. These were secular Jews, not religious, and they called Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad - they just said this "Jewish Password", the first line of the Shema, and were literally saved!

He tells an amazing story of how a Jewish family were saved by this Jewish password, around the 15 minute mark, but I do suggest you listen to the entire shiur.

Monday, September 11, 2023

25th day of the Sixth Month

Today is 25 Elul, which is the predicted day for Kochav Yaakov to make it's appearance. I'm not holding my breath or anything... the actual words used by Rabbi Cordovero were "the 25th day of the sixth month".

I found this video on TikTok, couldn't understand what he was saying until Yeranen Yaakov kindly translated it for me.  Translation appears below.  Note that it is not certain that he is actually speaking about the Star mentioned in the Zohar

He is saying that the Kochav Yaakov will cause earthquakes in: 
and it will be felt in other countries as well and in Israel too, especially in the area of Har Hevron and possibly other areas - rocks to fall and will cause heavy damage and some countries will start to float in water - natural disasters in the world, especially in Mecca, where there will be an extreme heat wave with a sandstorm that is orange in color along with an earthquake.

The Kochav Yaakov will do this until the revelation of Mashiach.


And changing the subject .... further to my comments on Obama on this post, for those who have not seen the Joan Rivers' exposure of Obama/Michelle, weeks before she passed [some say she was bumped off because she exposed the President]... here is that video.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Is this the Kochav Yaakov???

There is an old post of mine called A Date with Nibiru  - well, in hindsight, it should probably have been called A Date with Kochav Yaakov.   Anyway, that was seven years ago... and in that post you can see that Rabbi Cordovero apparently drew a picture of this star, and it resembled a toy called a jack. 

Now here's a photo taken yesterday by a man called Gianluca Marvosi, which someone else posted to the sky group.... it is a photo of this red object which you can see in the first photo as seen with the naked eye, and in the second photo it has been highly enlarged... and it looks just like a jack.

I'm pretty excited about this, whether or not it turns out to be the Kochav Yaakov, I don't know... I'm just showing you, make up your own minds.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Signs in the Skies Right Now

 "The visiting star's red dust rushes over the Earth's atmosphere and changes the colour of the sky."

Is this the Kochav Yaakov?  It's red, it has a weird shape, a long tail, and it's visible.

Apart from the red star, there is the gas giant behind the sun, as well as the second sun with it's own solar system.  The planets of this solar system are rotating between the Earth and our Sun, and whilst they appear very close they are still 45 million miles away, if we believe the science of our Sun being 93 million miles away.

Hungary - sunset

Hungary - sunset

Moon with infra-red camera

Italy - sun

Corpus Christi, Texas: sun infra-red

Friday, July 21, 2023

Red Star Rising

Here's an alternate picture of the second binary system. It's very confusing having two different images... and in the absence of any real definition from people who should be telling knows who to believe anymore.  Everyone, however, is agreeing that we have a system passing very close by.

Some other exciting news is that the red star, which I call Kochav Yaakov, and other people call Nibiru [as above] is making itself visible in the night sky.

[Quoting] "Just about everybody's about to notice a different star in our Southern Hemisphere .. the tail of which will point straight down." I live on the east coast of USA in Maine . Last thursday shortly before sunrise i saw what appears to be exactly what this person described. It was rising above the eastern horizon just before the sun rose. Is it possible that what i see is what he is talking about? Its the fact that this thing i see is getting bigger all the time and that long tail pointing straight down has me a little bit mind blown. I have been watching this for a year now but just read this description of Niburu and it describes what i see in the sky.

I'll be looking up tonight, that's for sure.

Monday, June 26, 2023

New Page

Just putting this photo up to direct readers to my new page "Kochav Yaakov" which you can find

at the top of the page or by clicking here 

Pages are visible if you are using a computer -  if you are on a phone they are visible by clicking the arrow to the right of "Home" at the top of the page.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Darach Kochav M'Yaakov: The Path of the Star of Jacob

Thank you CS for this video.

This is Rabbi Yuval Ovadia [7 mins], and although it is in Hebrew, you can still see what he's showing and some of it has subtitles .....there is video of a second sun and a planet next to the sun.   There is also a  giant planet BEHIND our sun, which you can see at 2:59 in the video.... the sun is much bigger than usual and it has huge object behind it.   At 5:03 you can see the fiery comet Kochav Yaakov.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Nibiru [Kochav Yaakov]


Text copied from a reliable source, and to be honest it is making much more sense than anything else I have read to date.

In the 1950s don Carlos Muñoz Ferrada was already speaking of Nibiru, based on his calculations and astronomical observations.

He referred to Nibiru as a comet planet.

Planet, because it is an oversized celestial body, whose diameter is about 4 times the diameter of Earth.

And comet, because it follows a comet-like trajectory, passing through among the other planets in the solar system.

And because it has a tail, similar to the tail of a comet.

Only its tail is immense, stretching many millions of miles outward.

And, much like the tail of a comet, the tail is blown out by the solar wind.  So, the tail is pointing towards Earth, as Nibiru comes closer. 

If the effects of Nibiru's approach are significant, for Earth, the effects of its tail are also significant.

The tail is made up of a sequence of moons, of varying sizes, that travel through space and play, around Nibiru, since in space there is no rubble.

It is also made up of a large number of asteroids, rocks and boulders, whose gravitational and magnetic force have been collecting in its dilated trajectory through space and its passage through the Asteroid Belt.

And finally, the tail is made up of the smaller and lighter components: pebbles, sandstone, and red iron oxide powder, as well as frozen hydrocarbons.

Then the larger bodies travel in the vicinity of Nibiru, the rector body, while the lighter elements, located towards the end of the tail, are blown out by the solar wind.

Since Nibiru has a powerful magnetic field, and since in the tail there are a lot of iron-containing bodies, and iron oxide, the tail also has a considerable electromagnetic charge.

That is, it acts like a magnetic arm of Nibiru, in the distance.

Since the tail stretches many millions of kilometers outward, blown by the solar wind, it is natural that one of the first signs of Nibiru's approach to Earth is the arrival of the tail to the neighborhood of the atmosphere... Then, occasionally, Nibiru's tail licks, or wraps, into Earth's atmosphere, generating various effects.

One of those effects, from our perspective, is that you can sometimes see the Sun surrounded by a strange halo, still with blue and clear sky.   Sunlight appears to have changed color, to some extent, detail that sensitive people quickly notice.   And the sunburn also gets faster and more intense.

Occasionally you can see glowing clouds. They are effects of light that illuminate greasy elements, which have reached the atmosphere.  Product of the frozen hydrocarbons contained in the queue... It is true that meteorites falling to Earth increases dramatically.

The tail of Nibiru is plagued with rocks and boulders, of all sizes.  Occasionally, you can see reddish sunsets, beyond the ordinary, by the play of sunlight and the refraction of light due to the effect of the Earth's gravity and its reflections through the tail of Nibiru, plagued with fine red rust dust made of iron. And sometimes red or brown dust deposits are observed over some flat surfaces, and even dust-reddish rains or snow.  But, the tail also has an electromagnetic charge, which makes it act like an extended magnetic arm of Nibiru.

And, suddenly, the rocky layers of the Earth, under pressure or traction, with their saltwater turnips inside them, become conductors of electricity... Then, occasionally, the tail 'makes land', approaching those conducting elements: it produces a random, localized, Electromagnetic Pulse effect.

Electromagnetic Pulse induces failure in nearby electrical and electronic equipment. Unexplained blackouts in power grids... Temporary, or fatal, faults in electronic, domestic and industrial systems.. Glitches in navigation systems, controls and avionics of aircraft.. Faults, interruptions and intermittencies, on radio and TV, and communication systems.. And many more.

I think we have been witnessing a lot of these phenomena, for quite some time now..That couldn't be happening if Nibiru were located beyond the Sun, (as NASA seems to be saying), as in that case the solar wind would blow the tail in the opposite direction, and not towards Earth.

These phenomena are indicators confirming to us that Nibiru is located somewhere between the Earth and the Sun... Later, at some point, abundant red dust will fall, which will colour the surface waters and communicate to them a bitter taste.   Just as happened in Egypt in the time of Ramses II.

The effects of Nibiru tail can be found in all traditions, myths and legends of the original peoples. They can be traced to the Bible (Exodus), the Vishuddhi Marga (Tibet), the Avila and Molina (Aztecans), the Kolbrin, and many others.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Nibiru / Kochav Yaakov

This is a photo I managed to grab from a video on Tik Tok.  It was a live video, no photoshop, no sun dogs [camera reflection]. There are a lot more videos out now, people are seeing it everywhere.

This photo shows the sun and the planet to the north of it.  The moon is on the other side of the sky, it is not the moon.

I know, we've been here before, but it's back.  And if you remember back in 2016 when I was blogging Niribu, Rav Sternbuch said at that time that it was too early for Nibiru.  Well here we are seven years on and hopefully we're not too early now and we are in the year of Geula.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Kochav Yaakov in Adar ??

Back in 2016 I published a blog post about ''Nibiru'' [the Star of Jacob] which was predicted by the Ramak to appear on the 25th day of the 6th month, which generally speaking is Elul.  See A Date with Nibiru

Another rabbi is saying that we will see the Kochav Yaakov in Adar this year: if you count the months beginning at Tishrei, then Adar IS the sixth month: see Major Kabalistic Leader predicts Star of Jacob as early as Adar

It seems to be that Adar is the month we have been waiting for, on so many levels.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

''Amazing Events Worldwide''

HT Sherry

Rabbi Yuval Ovadia [in english] - includes current events and Nibiru [Kochav Yaakov] and the eclipse

Friday, February 24, 2017

Trappist 1 - Nibiru - Kochav Yaakov

Yesterday NASA disclosed their discovery of  ''7 Earth Sized Planets Orbiting a Dwarf Star'' .

The planets orbit a dwarf star named Trappist-1, about 40 light-years, or 235 trillion miles, from Earth. That is quite close in cosmic terms, and by happy accident, the orientation of the orbits of the seven planets allows them to be studied in great detail.

I believe that is semi-fake news.  Those seven planets are pretty much identical to the orbs that we have been seeing in the sky for a long time now, which would make them a lot closer than 40 light years.

As far as I'm concerned, those seven planets are the ''seven moons'' orbiting Nibiru - the Kochav Yaakov - as described by Rabbi Moshe Cordovero.  

I'm not the only one who thinks this is actually the Nibiru system. ''And, strangely enough, they look like planets we have been photographing close to earth!''  See video below.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Date of Nibiru Confirmed

In the latest Ben Golden message [which is in Hebrew, but perhaps Devash or someone will eventually translate although the Zohar quote can be seen here], he quotes the Zohar [parshat Balak] which gives the date for the arrival of Nibiru - the Kochav Yaakov - as the 25th day of the sixth month - Elul.  This year that date falls on Wednesday September 28.   This information appears in the final paragraph of the conversation.

And here's an incredible video of whatever is up there.