Monday, April 27, 2020

Reb Sha'ayle's Awesome Power

For the Yarzheit of Reb Sha'ayle

Recently someone asked me how to get rid of ants.  I remembered a story I heard about a famous rabbi whose picture, when hung in the room, would rid the house of pests, notably mice but also other kinds of vermin.  Although I have not had a chance to test this myself, I am assured that it does work. [If you're going to try this, print out the photo below and perhaps laminate it, and put it in the room where the pests are bothering you] 

Reb Shaya'la of Kerestirer [1851- 1925] was a famous chasiddic Rebbe from Hungary in the early Twentieth century. [His yarzheit is on 3 Iyar] Many make the trip to his Kever and spend Shabbos at his house in northern Hungary. His picture is believed by many to be a segulah and a amulet of protection. Many stores have his picture to keep away mice. 

The Famous Mouse Story

Affectionately known as Reb Shaya'le [Rabbi Yeshaya Steiner of Kerestir], the Kerestirer Rebbe lived around the beginning of the 20th Century. He was a very pious man and extremely humble, always referring to himself in the diminutive [Shaya'le]. He was known as a "miraculous" person. His greatest pleasure was to host a very elaborate Melave Malka, the meal that follows Shabbos, on Saturday night. Often he would have his chassidim shecht fresh chickens for his meal.
Reb Yeshaya'le Kerestirer

One motzei Shabbos, while Reb Shaya'le was eating this special melave malka meal, a chossid came to him with an urgent request. He was a man who had a warehouse full of foodstuffs and he made his living by buying and selling food. For the past number of months, his warehouse had been taken over by mice who were eating his grain and other commodities and his entire livelihood was threatened. He asked Reb Shaya'le for a blessing that the mice should leave his warehouse. 

At that time, each small town in Europe was ruled by the local church pastor. Some of the pastors were kind towards the Jews and others were very harsh. Reb Shaya'le asked the chossid if the pastor of the town he lived in was kind or harsh. The chossid replied that he was very harsh toward the Jews. Reb Shaya'le then instructed the chossid to go to his warehouse and to tell the mice, "Reb Shaya'le says to go to the estate of the pastor." The chossid followed the Rebbe's advice and instantly hundreds of mice raced out of the warehouse all heading in the direction of the pastor's estate. 

The chossid's business was saved and ever since Jews who have been plagued with this problem have used Reb Shaya'le's picture to accomplish the ridding of mice from their homes.

Source: Jewish Gen

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Moshiach is a Process.....

....and it's happening right now.

A Must Listen 

Thank you Yosef Shidler 

Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein
full lecture can be seen at Torah Anytime

...and why the shuls had to be shut down

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Amongst the many calls for help these days, this one caught my eye:

For many years, Rebbetzin Toiba Jungreis was the main breadwinner in her house. She juggled the responsibilities of caring for her growing family and paying the bills in order to allow her husband, the Tchenger rebbe of Boro Park, pursue a life of spreading Torah and of avodas Hashem.

The vicissitudes of the coronavirus, however, came down hard on the esteemed Jungreis family. The rebbetzin, the backbone of the family, was abruptly taken away on the second day of Chol Hamoed, during the worst of the pandemic. She had been suffering for awhile with the debilitating ALS disease, requiring the family to expend enormous sums for her support and medical expenses.

Her husband, Rav Asher Anshil shlita, is a quiet but strong influence on his kehillah. He has been known since his youth as a holy man, a gaon and tzaddik who is dedicated to his shiurim and yiras shamayim.

Nothing in the rebbe's life has swayed him from this single-minded focus, not even when he lost one child, and then another. When the dreaded ALS diagnosis came, he and his children mustered an extraordinary reservoir of strength to be a bulwark of support for their mother and to keep themselves strong at the same time. The household was totally restructured to ease her pain and suffering.

But now, the rebbe and his children face their biggest test yet. How will they remain a solid unit when the glue that kept them together is no longer with them? How will the rebbe raise his young children while simultaneously worrying about tuition, utility bills and other expenses? How will he marry off his children when still burdened by crushing medical debts arising from years of caring for his rebbetzin?

We must not let this latest tragedy bring him down! We cannot allow the passing of the rebbetzin undo decades of her work to build up a bayis ne'eman b'Yisroel!

You will be the family's savior!

We established a goal of raising $500,000, which askanim estimate is the amount needed to put the Jungreis family on a firm financial footing.

The rebbe is a namesake and successor to the holy Menuchas Asher of Tchenger zt"l, who was renowned for his brachos on behalf of the sick and needy. He will surely be there for those who help his descendant during his direst hour.

May all the generous donors who help the rebbe and his family overcome these challenges be blessed with all types of brachos and yeshuos.

Click here to donate [Verified Campaign, The Chesed Fund]

Social Distancing

Rabbi Shimon Kessin on Covid 19

Audio only - thank you to whichever Anonymous sent it to me

Please note, this is not Rabbi MENDEL Kessin, it is his brother Rabbi SHIMON Kessin

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Locked Up or Locked Down?

Having just read a rant by an Israeli blogger who believes the Covid19 lockdowns are sinister and have nothing to do with the disease, which is harmless...... and no worse than a normal flu.... perhaps that blogger needs to spend some time in an emergency ward in the UK.

Just checking the statistics, and although many Israelis would leave us to believe that Israel is doing very well comparatively [which it is B"H] it is not exactly beating other countries in the war against Covid19.

From the Statista statistics at April 18:

Israel comes in at number 37 on the list for example with 158 deaths, while Australia is much lower at number 53 with 69 deaths.
Burundi has the lowest amount: 1 death
USA the highest at 37,175
[although I believe China would be much higher than that, they are just not telling the truth]

So whilst some countries have a massive amount of casualties, others have relatively few.  Why?  I tend to think that countries such as Israel and Australia handled the situation very quickly and locked down before it got out of control.  Australia had advance warning, as did New Zealand [showing as 11 deaths], and certainly Israel took action very quickly.  

I can't understand why some people think this is all a giant conspiracy toward some evil end.  And even if it is, don't you think G-d knows what's going on and will take care of it in due process?  

Meanwhile we enter Lockdown Day Something, I've lost count.  I rarely know what day of the week it is anymore.  

Monday, April 13, 2020

These Are The Days of Moshiach

Recently, Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto, shlita, the head of the “Shuvu Israel’ institutions, and Av Beit Din of the Jewish community in Morocco, gave over another message, about what Am Yisrael can expect over the coming weeks and months.


We need to strengthen ourselves [spiritually], there will be hard times, and people will die.

After this, another period will begin, an earthquake.

A big Rabbi will die, and then there will be a war.

And after this, there will be Moshiach Tzidkaynu, our Righteous Redeemer.


Never succumb to feelings of loneliness. No matter where you are, God is close by.

Remember: Feeling distant from God is subjective, not objective; it is just your own feeling, not reality.

[Rebbe Nachman of Breslov]

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

What Do We Need To Do Now?

A few words from Rav Ephraim Kenig, Breslev Tsfat

What Do We Need To Do Now?

There is no question that we need to pay great attention to what is going on around us right now. As the Rambam writes, when things like this happen, don't say it is by chance or a rare occurrence, and then let it pass as if nothing happened. If so, the Rambam says, God will need to send an even more difficult warning to get our attention, God forbid. So what do we need to do? Right now, without delay, take a good honest look inside yourself to fix whatever you know needs repair. God knows the heart and mind of each one of us and knows if we are really learning the correct lesson from what is going on right now. Whatever we understand that we need to improve in our lives, it is important to put it into immediate action. The main thing is to fix the relationship between us and others, whether it be family or friends, or anyone else with whom we interact. Ensure there is no grudge, malice or hard feelings between you and anyone else.

Likewise, it is time to take a deeper look at our relationship with God. Regarding prayer, we are now in a situation where it is already impossible to pray with a minyan. I think the message is for anyone who has perhaps taken prayer in a minyan lightly. Thus we now face what is described in Pirkei Avot, that whoever neglects the Torah in wealth, will ultimately neglect it in poverty. We see that for all sorts of reasons, we are being told not to pray in a minyan. The advice for this is also found in the same Mishnah, that whoever fulfills the Torah in poverty, will ultimately fulfill it in wealth. (Pirkei Avot 4:9) In other words, it is time to strengthen ourselves and do whatever we previously found difficult—all of those things we avoided doing until today. Yes, fulfill them, yes, strengthen ourselves in those things we previously belittled or disparaged. Yes, be spiritually stronger and have greater focus in prayer. Then, of course, God will have compassion and give us the ability to fulfill the Torah in wealth, in many different ways: practical mitzvot, mitzvot connected to thought, and those dependent upon speech. God should bless us all with whatever we need in order to do what He desires, according to halacha. If we fulfill God's desire, He will most certainly fulfill our own holy desires as well, and we will see immediate deliverance and redemption.

How to Celebrate Pesach This Year

Apparently, we need to celebrate Pesach this year in a way that we’ve never celebrated before, at least as things appear at the moment. God can do anything, and everything can be transformed into good in a second. Nonetheless, we need to be prepared—and if we must make Pesach under certain different circumstances, so these are exactly the circumstances that God wants. As I’ve mentioned before, if it isn’t going the way you want, then want the way it is going. This means that everyone needs to see to it that they will observe Pesach this year. Ensure there is matzah and maror (the bitter herbs for the seder plate) at home, along with a joyous atmosphere and the holiday meals. Make sure to read the Passover Haggada, which leads us through every aspect of the Pesach seder—how and what to do. Of course, everyone has their own family customs, and whatever you don’t know or are unclear about, you can ask someone. Or ask other family members regarding your family traditions or anything else that you need. In this way, little by little, we will all pass through the holiday calmly and in a settled manner—exactly in the way that God wants for this moment.
We were redeemed in the month of Nisan, and the future redemption will also be in Nisan. We hope that it will be immediately, this year, as the verse says, “You are all alive today.” HaShem should bless us all with a chag kasher v’sameach, and a holiday of total freedom. Amen.

Pesach: Pink Super Moon

This is my dream...... the moon becomes pink. 

Wishing you all a Chag Kosher v'Sameach and may we see the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu speedily in our days.  
[If anything interesting turns up, I'll keep blogging until Yomtov - note: Thursday, Friday are Yomtov, followed by Shabbat, iy''H blogging resumes Sunday.]
Photo Randy Small Photography

Mysterious Shofar Sounds in Sweden

It's not a train, there are no trains near where this was filmed.  Sounds like a shofar.... in Sweden.... if you can't hear it on your PC, play it on your phone [my phone's volume is much louder and better than my computer's is, don't know about yours]

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Bibi Invokes 800 Year Old Prophecy

Jerusalem Post

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday evening announced tough new restrictions on public movement, prohibiting all travel between cities from Tuesday at 4 p.m. until Friday at 7 a.m.

A complete lockdown and increased enforcement will begin on Passover Eve from Wednesday at 6 p.m. until Thursday at 7 a.m. Citizens will be required to remain in their homes amid fears that going to someone else’s house for the Seder or during Passover’s intermediate days could lead to the spread of coronavirus.

A Couple of Links

'Coronavirus heralds the end of Globalization'
French-Israeli philosopher and sociologist Shmuel Trigano sees the pandemic as a stark reminder of the limitations of nations and humanity itself.
Very interesting, to read click here

Audio: Rabbi Akiva Tatz on why CV and other interesting facts

Monday, April 6, 2020

Positivity from Rabbi Wallerstein

Someone sent me these short clips from a Torah Anytime lecture.
Rabbi Wallerstein can say it in 60 seconds.  Standing ovation for this man.

Fear of CV May Bring our Redemption

“It's astounding in many ways how one topic can completely consume the entire planet but that's what's happening. Of course I'm talking about the coronavirus pandemic. The question is how do we understand what's going on. Is it possible to understand why Hashem is doing this?” 

Rabbi Mendel Kessin, a leading expert on the Ramchal, spoke from the isolation of his home on the inner meaning of today’s events in a profound lesson taught last week, pointing out that worldwide phenomena are not happening “coincidentally.”

Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Epitome of Sheker

Who to believe?  Every rabbi has a different scenario. 
Listen to one rabbi and have hope, listen to another and have despair.
Everyone is confused and truth is absent.

What is Sheker? שקר  Sheker is lies, deceipt.    Even the letters are out of order from their correct listing in the alef bet [ק-ר-ש].

“And that’s how Moshiach is going to be revealed. Moshiach needs to be revealed from the epitome of sheker, Moshiach and his people. They’re not going to be pulled by the sheker. The sheker wants to take everyone. The sheker says: ‘I didn’t say enough sheker. Maybe I’ll say a little bit more, maybe I’ll succeed in saying something else, a different way.’  - “The more falsehood there is, the more truth will be revealed in a clearer way”

These days you need to search very hard to find your own truth.  There is an abundance of Rabbis Impeding the Redemption.  There is an abundance of sheker.

I heard from my teacher and father-in-law, who was the chief disciple of Rebbe Yechiel Michal of Zlotchov, that once when the Baal Shem Tov was traveling on the road, he stepped into a wooded area to pray the afternoon prayer. His disciples were dumbfounded to see him hitting his head against a tree, crying and screaming. Afterward, they asked him what had happened. He explained that he had seen, with divine inspiration, that in the generations before the coming of the Moshiach there would be a multitude of rabbis, and that they would be the very ones who would impede the redemption. [Otzar Chayim]

The Solution for Corona

Rabbi Alon Anava

What is the cause for the virus and what should we be focusing on!

While the entire world is 'under attack' by the Corona Virus... Is the virus really the problem? are we over reacting? are we focusing on the the REAL problem or are we fooled...

Don't be fooled!

 And remember: Truth can only be seen by others with truth within them! He who does not have truth in his heart will always be blind to truth!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

This Will Bring Tears to Your Eyes

Shared true story from Chaya

***** if anyone would like to share this story, please attach my Zaidy's name, Moshe Ben Amrom/Moshe ben Chaya Grunwald yes that is Zaidy's actual name, same as Moshe rabbeinu, who is known for anivut, a middah that also exemplified Zaidy*****

 I want to share something that happened today. Something that if today was a normal day, could have never happened.

We were told that the funeral would be at 10 am sharp. Don't be late or we will miss it. The funerals are very minimal. And quick. Mamash a minyan and a kapittle of tehilim a kel maale rachamim and done.

The avelim came up to the aron, they begged mechila. They started the tehillim. They got to almost the end when a funeral aide walked in and took a peek in the aron. It wasn't my grandfather. We had conducted a funeral over someone else.

Everyone was shocked, horrified, dumbstruck. They sent the family out. I was in the car outside, so my sister came to tell me what had happened.

About 20 minutes later they started all over again this time with Zaidy present.

I have to admit I was so upset that this had happened to my Zaidy. The man who was loved by all. Who deserved so much kavod, who had to die alone due to a pandemic, who had to have this embarrassment of a funeral, who couldn't have a befitting burial, or shiva. This was the final insult. I was so upset, I started to laugh and cry simultaneously. I couldn't believe I was living in a time where there are so many bodies, that they mixed them up.

And then my mother called me. And she says I won't believe this story, I told her I already knew about the mixup. She said "You don't know the rest!"

The body that was brought in, it was a meis mitzvah [in Jewish law a meis mitzvah is a person that is found dead, or for whatever reason does not have family to bury him. It's the obligation of the community to bury him in a dignified way] he was dead alone in his apartment for 4 days before he was found. This man had no one there. No one to be sad, no one to say tehillim, or give him a minyan. Through a weird twist of fate, he ended up with a beautiful funeral, a minyan, something under normal circumstances he would not have had.

And then I remember my Zaidy, my Zaidy was always honored but he ran and hid from it, he never wanted the spotlight. My cousin posted that we would send people to follow him in to chupah to make sure that if they gave him a bracha he'd be there. That was part of us ensuring he got what he deserved. Even then he always thought there was someone greater than him that deserved the honor.

Well Zaidy, as usual got the last laugh. We couldn't chase him to the front of the funeral home. Even in death he gave his kavod for someone else. This is the most Zaidy like thing to ever happen.

A meis mitzvah got a funeral. I can just imagine the laugh in Zaidy's eyes as he watched this. His chesed and hachnasat orchim knew no bounds. I know in my heart my Zaidy did in death what he always did in life. Instead of my horror of earlier today I am filled with pride. As Zaidy's neshama continues to give even in death.

May Hashem heal the world quickly, so no one suffers anymore. May we celebrate smachot soon.

Haggadah Online

Suddenly realize you don't have a Haggadah at home?

Don't worry, Chabad and Breslov have you covered.

Click here for Chabad Haggadah download

Click here for Breslov Haggadah download

Is God Angry At Us?

A short message regarding the current situation from Rav Ephraim Kenig, shlita, of Breslev Tsfat

When a person goes through hard times, or any other more general type of trouble such as where we find ourselves in the world today, know the following: God is the One Who controls everything, and He knows exactly what He is doing. Not only does He know, but whatever He does, actually comes down to manifest itself in our lives, which is proof enough that it is the right reality for us at the moment.

Just don’t think that God brought this upon us because He is angry, God forbid, since the fact that He brought it shows the exact opposite. Even if God was indeed angry, the fact that He put us in this situation is already part of the tikkun—it is already repairing any anger He may have had.

Precisely times like these show that God is relating to us in order to fix and elevate us, so there will be no need for anger again. In other words, His anger has already passed. We are now in the phase of God’s desire, as it were, which shows that He is looking at us and our actions. This should make it easier to come to all sorts of decisions to improve ourselves, since God is waiting for us—not out of anger—but out of the desire and love that He has for us.

If you can take a swift hold of your life today and bring yourself to a better path on every level, God is waiting for you with open arms. If we can all awaken ourselves in teshuva, this awakening will most certainly ascend to Heaven and shut the mouth of the Accusing Forces. Through this, a shefa of life, health, healing and nachat will come down to us—shefa for everything we need. Amen.

Baruch Hashem

I have scanned through so much nonsense about this Covid 19 lately, and a lot of it is coming from people who should know better.  They are still researching and putting so much energy into proving that it is all one giant conspiracy to rid the world of excess and unwanted people.  I don't understand their reasoning as some of these same people claim to be orthodox Jews.

It is plainly obvious to me, and many others such as Rabbi Anava and Rabbi Kessin, just to name two..... that this is from Hashem... it is not a conspiracy or an over-reaction on the part of world governments, and it is not a Bill Gates orchestrated bio-weapon.

Hashem wants us to go home, into our houses, and stay there, at least for the first night of Pesach.  What happens after that, I cannot say.  But we will be home for Seder night, and that is the Will of Hashem. 

Then there is the fact that I had a discussion with an Israeli man a few weeks ago, and he told me that as I was living outside of Israel, I had very little chance of survival.  Lo and behold, Australia's Covid cases are lower than Israel's !   Judgment came to the world, and innocent people got caught up in it, wherever they live and whoever they are, we're all in this together. 

The only way to protect yourself and your family is to stay away from infected people.  Stay home, stay safe.  That is Hashem's Will. 

Take your vitamins, take Vitamin D if you are spending a lot of time inside, and whatever else you feel your body needs.  Eat healthy food and try to get some exercise.  Give tzedaka.  Learn Torah.  Do teshuva.  Spend this time reflecting on how to make peace in your world and reconnect with people via the internet or phone.  Check up on the elderly and the sick, just a phone call could change their day.   This is Hashem's Will for us now, and let's go with it and stop blaming Bill Gates and China. 

Meanwhile, here is Rabbi Mizrachi's latest video ''Disaster Hit Us, Where do we go from Here?'' , which I haven't yet listened to, it's still very early in the morning here and I plan to go back to bed, because I can !  Enjoy your home time, and thank G-d you have a roof over your head and everything else you need.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Guarding the Tongue

Here is a link to three shiurim by Rabbi Shimon Kessin, on Shmiras HaLashon.   Recommended listening while sitting at home.

Click here to listen

Jerusalem: Shofar Blasts at Midnight

Last night the sounds of the Shofar were heard in Jerusalem at midnight, apparently asking Hashem to heal the world from coronavirus.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Must Read

Two Geula Statements Heard Recently

When the Lubavitcher Rebbe Self Quarantined for Seder

Art Ann Kremnizer

If you're feeling nervous about spending Seder night alone, you need to read this article about the time the Lubavitcher Rebbe did exactly that.

Click here to read

''Native to the Land''

For those of us outside of Israel, we have often been ordered to return by various commenters, bloggers and rabbis - but here we see from the Vilna Gaon's Gorel that those of us who cannot return are also included, just as the Rebbe told us.

Rav Elyashiv, the Vilna Gaon’s Lottery and Coronavirus
by Josh Wander

There is a ancient Jewish tradition, that in more modern times is attributed to the Vilna Gaon, called the “Goral HaGra”.

It is a lottery which is done at times of extreme need. When divine assistance in required to answer a question of national significance. Great rabbis have passed down this tradition, which allows for a query to be made via a specific protocol and then a Chumash is opened to a random page and a Pasuk is pointed to. This verse is understood to be the answer to the query that was posed.

It was used during the Holocaust to determine in which direction the Mir Yeshiva should escape to (eventually leading them to Shanghai) and again by Rav Aryeh Levin z”l to identify the remains of the mass grave of Jews killed in the Old City of Jerusalem during the War of Independence.

There are very few rabbis alive today who are knowledgeable and qualified to conduct this ceremony. But it was performed this past week in Jerusalem by none other than Rav Aryeh Levin’s grandson and son of the famous Posek, Rav Binyamin Elyashiv Shlit”a.

Rav Binyamin Elyashiv is recognized as one of the poskim, leading Halachic deciders, in the Haredi community in Israel today.

Rav Elyashiv was asked by a American Jewish supporter of Torah institutions how they should be responding to the CoronaVirus in this time of crisis and whether they should relocate to Israel. The response received by the divine lottery was nothing less than miraculous.

The verse that was chosen came from Deuteronomy 1:8, where it states, “See, I have set the land before you; come and possess the land which the Lord swore to your forefathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them and their descendants after them.”

This led the holy rabbi to explain to his grandson that this is a revelation and a clear sign that it is time for world Jewry to make their way back to the Land of Israel. “Israel is the safest place for a Jew to be now,” the rabbi said, “We are very close to the final redemption. It will all be over very soon here.”

He also said that those who are left outside of the Land, but continue to support her, will also be recognized as being native to the land.

Fear and Loathing

There is a very good reason why I do not publish comments which are full of their writer's proposed dreadful scenarios and written in a way that is designed to promote fear and terror.  Keep your curses to yourself, we do not want them here.

Instead, I would like to present you with a guide to surviving the current times, WITHOUT fear.

Thank you to Rivka for sending me this link from the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

"In the current circumstances, as the Coronavirus pandemic sweeps the globe, we share 10 letters which provide advice and guidance on how to deal with uncertainty and worry. The overriding message is one of trust and faith in G‑d. Yes, take all appropriate measures. However, the most important thing is to recognize that there is a G‑d who actively controls everything in this world. We sincerely hope that soon this episode will be relegated to the chronicles of history and we will merit only revealed blessings!"

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Erasing the Old World

How do you explain to a teenager that the old world order is being ERASED and DELETED, and that the final cosmic RESTART has begun? Read Rabbi David Samson's illuminating explanation on Pg 32 of this week's Jewish Press.

Navigate to page 32  ''Is Moshiach Around the Corner'' to read full version, magnify the page on the right below the page.

Video: The Reason Why the Entire World is Attacked with Coronavirus

Rabbi Alon Anava, new shiur

The Reason the Entire World is Attacked by the Coronavirus

New lecture from Rabbi Anava to be uploaded soon, I will post here when it is available.  

With almost 200 countries around the world affected with the coronavirus, don't you wonder why? what is the reason the entire world is under attack? What do we need to learn from that and is there messages from G-d we need to realize?

I hope everyone is well and STAYING INSIDE.  Wherever you are, please stay home, especially if you are older or compromised by another medical problem.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Great Awakening from Below

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz: Pesach and Covid-19 "The Great Awakening from Below"

Also see ''Coronavirus and the Coming of Moshiach''

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Corona, The Puzzle Coming Together

HT: Sherry

Fascinating and only five minutes.

Geulah, 10th Sefira of Keter/Crown, Yetziat Mitzraim, Quarantine, Baal Haturim and Rashi

Rabbi David Genish

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Acts of Goodness and Kindness

Remember the Rebbe's campaign to welcome Moshiach with acts of goodness and kindness......?

It's mind blowing to now see people trying to out-do each other with acts of goodness and kindness.  I have never seen anything like this.  Guess it takes a disaster like this....

One of the kosher bakeries here has just announced this:

More goodness and kindness is coming your way. If the current reality for you and your family involves sudden job loss/genuine financial hardship, the Bakery will be privately and confidentially helping you this Friday, Erev Shabbat. 

Here are the 'deets': 
In a set-up that is entirely discreet, you are invited to place an order with us via email with the Subject Heading 'COVID-19 ORDER'. 
This order will comprise of: ⭐️2 Large Challot of your choice ⭐️2 Mini Challah Rolls ⭐️1 Chocolate or Cinnamon Babke ⭐️1 Loaf of square wholemeal or white bread OR 1 Loaf of Sourdough bread 
When you come to pick up your order, it will simply have your name on the bag with the word 'PAID' - just like all the other orders. 
 In addition, if the person ordering is elderly and is unable to get out, delivery is free!

Synagogues are organising deliveries of food to elderly and other vulnerable people and basically everyone is being so kind and considerate it's like a new world has already started to emerge.

It's very uplifting.  Moshiach is so close.

Learning from the Past

Photo: Gordon McBryde
The coronavirus quarantine has been compared to the quarantine of the person afflicted with tzara'at - which was a disease brought about by speaking lashon hara.  Rabbi Mendel Kessin says that the word ''dever'' [plague] is related to the word ''davar'' [to speak] and we are being quarantined to stop the spread of lashon hara.  

Here is some Torah learning on tzara'at from Rabbi Pinto.

Text by Rabbi David Hanania Pinto Shlita

 “Hashem spoke to Moshe and to Aharon, saying: If a person will have on the skin of his flesh a s’eit, or a sapachat, or a baheret, and it will become a tzaraat affliction on the skin of his flesh; he shall be brought to Aharon the Kohen, or to one of his sons the Kohanim” [Vayikra 13:1-2]

A person is inflicted with tzaraat for speaking lashon hara [Arachin 15b]. The Torah relates [Bamidbar 12:1-10] how Miriam the Prophetess, the sister of Moshe Rabbeinu, was inflicted with tzaraat for speaking lashon hara about Moshe, discussing his separation from his wife, Tzipporah. Miriam did not intend to disparage her brother; nonetheless, she was punished. How much more so will a person be punished for speaking degradingly about his fellow with premeditated intentions.

The tzaraat does not immediately appear on the body of a person. First the disease afflicts the walls of his home. If the person does not awaken to do teshuvah from this ominous sign, then the disease begins to spread to his household appliances. If he still does not correct his ways, then it spreads to his clothing. Thereafter, the disease appears on his skin and flesh [Rambam, Tumat Tzaraat 16:10]. From this progression, we observe the infinite compassion of Hashem. Hashem does not hurry to punish His children. He first awakens them to teshuvah through external factors. However, if people do not pay attention to the signs that Hashem is sending them from Heaven, the tzaraat gets closer and closer. From this subject we see how Hashem is Slow to Anger, and Abundant in Kindness. He does not strike the sinner immediately, but instead, seeks to grant him the opportunity to reflect on his deeds and do teshuvah to atone for his sins.

The Rav of Ponovezh, zt”l, says that from the disease of tzaraat, one can learn an important lesson. In the beginning, only small signs of the disease appear on the walls of his house. However, if the person does not do teshuvah, he will ultimately be excommunicated and be forced to remain outside of the Camp for a long period of time until he repents completely. From this one can conclude that when a person does not make an accounting of his deeds, he will begin to deteriorate. There are times when a person transgresses in a trivial matter. However, because he does not immediately do teshuvah, he can easily become accustomed to transgressing and thus descend to the depths of corruption.

Therefore, a person should examine his deeds regularly and immediately do teshuvah for the sins he committed each day. In this way, the sins will not become strongly rooted within him, making it very difficult for him to do teshuvah.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Gog and Magog is a ''Tremendous Plague''


This was posted by R' Lazer Brody

The Times They Are a Changing

The cost of fresh fruit and vegetables is sky-rocketing.   In some cases, it has doubled and even tripled.  A bunch of celery just cost me $8.00 as opposed to around $4 a few weeks ago.  I saw on the news that inflation is running at 67% when it comes to buying fresh food.  This was prophesied to occur before Moshiach.

In 2008 Dreaming of Moshiach wrote:

Chazal in Masechet Sota wrote prophecies about the days preceding the Geulah:

 חוצפא יסגא, והיוקר יאמיר, הגפן תתן פריה, והיין ביוקר. מלכות תיהפך למינות – ואין תוכחת. בית ועד יהיה לזנות, והגליל ייחרב, והגולן יישום, ואנשי הגבול יסובבו מעיר לעיר, ולא יחוננו, וחכמת סופרים תסרח, ויראי חטא יימאסו, והאמת תהיה נעדרת. נערים פני זקנים ילבינו. זקנים יעמדו בפני קטנים. בן מנוול אב, בת קמה באמה, כלה בחמותה. אויבי איש אנשי ביתו. פני הדור כפני הכלב... הבן אינו מתבייש מאביו... !

Chutzpa will multiply - Costliness will increase - Grapevine will produce its grapes - And the wine will be expensive.... 
Costliness will increase: The rise in food prices is already causing distress among consumers in some parts of the world... Prices are soaring rapidly in many categories and rose by double-digits including eggs, chicken, fruits, vegetables, milk, butter, pasta, crackers, snacks, cookies, cakes, even cattle feed and grain for horses.

So if you are not in self isolation or mandated isolation,  and you can get yourself to the store, and battle the hoards of people queuing round the block with their trolleys, you need to have money in the bank to pay for the food you need. Seems this is the case all over the world. Those who live from paycheck to paycheck have found themselves in a tight corner.  

In Australia, one food supplier has cancelled all deliveries to regular customers and is only delivering to those who are vulnerable, and can prove it.  You need a disability or pensioner card registration and must provide your ID before they will deliver.  This solves the problem for those vulnerable people, provided they have the money to pay for their food.

Bondi Beach has been closed because many people here are ignoring the social distancing orders.  

I hope everyone out there reading this is surviving the madness.  We have more madness coming up with our preparations for Pesach.  And this year we'll all sitting alone in our homes, some with immediate family around them and some just sitting by themselves.

Meanwhile, because so many people are inside, the earth is healing itself and becoming cleaner and fresher.  The air is better, the water is cleaner.  We are on our way to a New World.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Who Am I ?

by Rabbi Aron Moss

I move fast, and news of me spreads even faster.

I grab the attention of the entire world like no one else can.

I affect you, even if you don't believe in me.

I come from one place in the world, but I reach every corner of the world.

I started with one nation, but I take over all nations and all religions.

Because of me, you will change everything you do. All of your habits and routines will be disrupted. You will have to rethink your entire day, and change all of your plans.

Families will become closer because of me. Communities will become tighter because of me.

I will make you less selfish and more sensitive. You will care for the weak and the vulnerable because you know I am coming.

I will make you turn to G-d. I will remind you what's really important.

I am mightier than your wealth, smarter than your technology.

The world has not seen anything like me before.

Because of me, things will never be the same.

But you need to wake up. There's no time to waste. You need to realise I am coming, and I'm coming now.

Who am I?

I am Moshiach.

Corona and Moshiach: Is this the End? or Fake News

Rabbi Yehoshua Zitron

Thursday, March 19, 2020

800 Year Old Prophecy

HT: Tomer Devorah

Underneath the prophecy, Rashi has written "Coro Na"

Moshiach Moshiach Moshiach

It says somewhere that when Moshiach is close, even the children will know, it will be obvious.

Some of the headlines right now are screaming ''obvious''.  [HT: My friends Rivka  and Sherry for all these headlines]

Religious leaders: Coronavirus is punishment, sign of the Messiah's coming

Is the Corona Virus preparing us for Moshiach?

Coronavirus Prophecy by Medieval Rabbi as Precursor to Moshiach

Pre Messiah Double Sabbath

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Reveal the Power of Emunah

Rabbi Alon Anava

Learn how to trust in Hashem in these difficult times.  Emunah gives you Immunity.  

We all struggle with many things that stop up from serving G-od the right way. The main obstacle is the level of our faith in G-od. In this lecture Rabbi Anava talks about how to reveal this hidden power of real strong and deep faith in G-od that will allow us to connect on a much better level to our creator.

All Those Cans of Tuna

What to do when you're fed up with tuna?

Here's a recipe for an alternative to tuna sandwiches.....

Tuna Oven Baked Patties

600g (approx) canned tuna
2 large potatoes
1 onion
half tablespoon mayonnaise
Cornflake or breadcrumbs

Chop potatoes into small pieces and boil until soft. Drain. Chop onion into very small pieces and add to hot cooked potato, then mash both together. The residual heat of the potatoes will soften the onions. 

Add tuna, mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Mix together and shape into small balls, then flatten the balls with your hands. 

Dip into cornflake/bread crumbs. Place in lightly oiled oven trays,  and sprinkle with some oil, bake in oven until golden, approx 35 mins at 180. Serve with lemon slices. 

These are very fragile when they come out of the oven, allow to cool and transfer them with a wide spatula to an airtight container and leave in fridge to firm up. Alternately: use half salmon and half tuna. Freeze raw patties by placing in a ziplock bag.

As most of us are inside and isolated, share some recipes, tell us how you're coping, what it's like in your part of the world, and how you are spending your time.   

Rabbi Kessin will try to give a shiur this motzei Shabbat, from his home.  Will keep you posted.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Various Links

For the Generation with the Face of a Dog

God is Changing our World for Redemption: Dov Bar Leib on the Tamar Yonah Show

Mashiach is Among Us and Knows He is Mashiach

The Marks of Divine Wisdom in Torah

By Erev Pesach Coronavirus will be Nullified from the World

Note to commenters: lashon hara about anyone will be deleted.

The Rebbe of Rebbes

"Today, in our bitter exile, there are people who receive ruach hakodesh more easily than in the time of the prophets." [Noam Elimelech]

Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk was the student of Dov Ber of Mezerich, the brother of Meshulam Zushia of Anipoli. He was born in 1717, and died on 21 Adar in 1786.

During the lifetime of Dov Ber of Mezerich he traveled widely with his brother all over Poland to spread Hassidism. After Dov Ber's death, Rebbe Elimelech settled in Lizhensk and attained great fame, thanks to his lofty life. During his lifetime, Lizhensk was turned into a center of Polish-Galician Hassidism. There, many famous Tzadikim and Hassidic activists of Galicia were educated and obtained their inspiration during the 18th century.

Rebbe Elimelech is the author of “Noam Elimelech” [Lvov 1798], a book of commentaries on the Pentateuch. In that book, the role of a Tzadik is set out and explained, and the doctrine of Hassidism is explained in greater detail. This book was subject to an intense investigation by the opponents of Hassidism. Many of his expositions are published in his work “Darche Tzedek”, and other works.

The Melitzer Rebbe shlit'a, a direct descendant of the "Noam Elimelech", stated that Rebbe Yisroel of Ruzhin said that 500 years before Rebbe Elimelech was born, the world received abundance in his merit. Now, after his death, even more so!

It is said that Rabbi Elimelech promised anyone who would visit his grave that they would not leave this world without teshuva.

Kever of Rabbi Elimelech in Lizensk, Poland [Photo: יהונתן וואקסמאן]
Ohel of Rebbe Elimelech, Lizensk Poland [Photo: יהונתן וואקסמאן]

After Rebbe Elimelech passed away, Rebbe Reb Zisha of Hanipoli was approached by his brother’s students to be their new leader. Rabbi Zisha declined and explained his reason with a parable. “The possuk in Bereshis 2:10 states “And a river went forth from Eden to water the garden and from there it split into four paths.”

The Torah is eternal and alludes to all events above and below for all generations. Eden alludes to our holy master the Baal Shem Tov. The river was his student the holy Mezitcher Maggid. The garden refers to my brother the Rebbe Elimelech.

This then is the meaning: a river flows from Eden to water the garden, the Torah flows as water from the Baal Shem Tov by way of the Mezritcher Maggid to the Rebbe Elimelech. From there it separates into four paths: they are :

1.The Holy Rebbe the Chozeh or Seer of Lublin;
2.The Holy Rebbe Avodas Yisrael the Koznitzer Maggid;
3. The Holy Rebbe Mendel Rimanover; and
4.The Holy Ohev Yisrael the Apta Rav.

Stories of Noam Elimelech

The Light of The Rebbe’s Prayer Sash
related by the Rabbi of Madin, grandson of the Ropshitzer
Rebbe Elimelech had a custom that after the afternoon Mincha service he would converse with his close followers. He would then proceed to a special private room to pray the evening Maariv service alone in seclusion, purity and sanctity.

Rabbi Naftali Ropshitzer, a student of the Rebbe always yearned to also be in that room. He constantly wished to see the deeds of his Rebbe and how he prayed at that time. Once he stole into the room unnoticed and hid beneath the bed. The holy Rebbe entered and closed the door behind him. He took his “gartel,” the traditional sash or belt used by Hassidim for prayer and preceded to fasten it about himself.

The first time he wound the sash about his waist the whole house was filled with an awesome unbelievable light. The second time he tied the gartel winding it around, the light grew in intensity until the Ropshitzer could no longer endure it. He grew weak and found himself fainting. He called out in a loud voice.

Rebbe Elimelech heard the cries of distress coming from his student and recognized their source. “Naftali my son are you here?” the Rebbe asked. “Fortunately, you did not remain here for the third and final time I wound the gartel. If you had remained your soul would have surely left your body from the intensity of the great light. Therefore leave now.”

An unusual guest for Tea
related in the name of The Shinover Rebbe

The author of the Hasidic work Maor va’Shemesh was a student of the Rebbe Elimelech. Once he asked the Rebbe Elimelech to be allowed to serve him, thereby learning directly from his Rebbe. Rebbe Elimelech conceded and asked him for a cup of tea. After preparing the tea, the student entered the room to give it to the Rebbe. Inside he saw the awesome figure of an old man sitting beside Rebbe Elimelech. He was overcome by fear, trembling and shaking so much so that he dropped the cup spilling the tea on the floor and ran out.

Later Rebbe Elimelech saw his student and asked him why he hadn’t given him the tea he requested. He answered that he had brought it but when he saw the figure of the old man he was so frightened he spilled the tea. The Rebbe then said to him in Yiddish “Oy vey iz das kind voos ken nisht kiken dem taten in poonim arayn: Woe is to the child who cannot look his own father in the face.” That old man you saw was none other than our forefather Avraham peace be upon him!

More can be found at Jewish Gen

Monday, March 16, 2020

Midrash: Plague in ''Days of Moshiach''

HT: Yaakov Nathan

“Rebbi Yossi says: Hashem will never again bring a mabul of water, but a mabul of plague is to be brought on the idolatrous nations in the days of Moshiach.” [Yalkut Shimoni, Bereishis 8]

Message from Rav Kanievsky

The following letter was written by Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita regarding protection from the Corona Pandemic. It was translated and annotated by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the
Rav Kanievsky’s words are in boldface. 

 Rabbi Yair Hoffman’s additions are in plain type. Rabbi Hoffman’s additions are the background that is necessary to understand Rav Chaim’s words. May we all have yeshuos. YH


Adar 5780

Regarding the concern of transmission of the Corona Virus Pandemic

Everyone must be mechazek to refrain from Lashon Harah and rechilus as it states in Arachin 15b: [Why is a leper so different, that the Torah states: “He shall dwell alone; outside of the camp shall be his dwelling” (Vayikrah 13:46)? He (Rabbi Chaninah) answered: By speaking badly] he separated between a husband and wife and between one person and another; therefore he is punished with tzara’as, and the Torah says: “He shall dwell alone; outside of the camp shall be his dwelling.”

They must further strengthen themselves in the midah of humility and to be maavir al midosav (let things slide) as the pirush haRosh on the side of the page says explicitly in the end of Horios [14a],

The Gemorah there cites a debate between Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel and the chachomim as to who is preferable – a Sinai, one who is extremely knowledgeable or an Okair Harim – One who uproots mountains, one who is extremely sharp.

The Gemara explains that this is not just theoretical. Rav Yosef was a Sinai; Rabba was one who uproots mountains. They sent a message from Bavel to Eretz Yisrael: Which takes precedence? They sent in response: Sinai is preferable, as the Master said: Everyone requires the owner of the wheat, i.e., one who is expert in the sources. And even so, Rav Yosef did not accept upon himself the appointment of head of the yeshiva. Rabba did accept it upon himself and he reigned for twenty-two years, and then Rav Yosef reigned. The Gemara relates that in all of those years that Rabba was in charge, Rav Yosef did not even call a bloodletter to his home. Rav Yosef did not assume even the slightest authority, in deference to Rabba.

The Rosh explains in the name of the Ramah that since Rav Yosef lowered himself and did not wish to lord over Rabbah, his humility protected both him and his household members that not any of them became ill all of those years that Rabbah ruled and even an expert bloodletter was not needed to be called to his home.

Whoever strengthens himself in these the merit will protect him and his family members that not one of them will be sick.

[Rav] Chaim Kanievsky

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Rabbi Anava: Coronavirus, Purim, World Events

Rabbi Alon Anava
New shiur !
''The argument in Shamayim is not whether Moshiach will come.... because He is already here.... the argument is whether He will come in a peaceful way or not...''

Parshat Bo: 12:8-9 Rashi
אל תאכלו ממנו נא: שאינו צלוי כל צורכו קוראו נא בלשון ערבי:
You shall not eat it rare: Heb. נָא Something not roasted sufficiently is called נָא in Arabic.
[The Hebrew spells Corona] - relating to eating a limb from a live animal. ]

The Twilight Zone

It's Purim, and these headlines may seem like they are a Purim joke, but I assure you they are all real.  Seems like we've entered the Twilight Zone, the zone between the world as we know it and a new world that we've never seen before.

Israel to Quarantine all Incoming Passengers
In a dramatic but expected announcement, Prime Minister Netanyahu announced on Monday evening that everyone entering Israel will be required to enter quarantine for two weeks, due to the Coronavirus threat. The obligatory quarantine policy will be in place for the next two weeks (which is approximately until two weeks before Pesach), after which the policy will presumably be reevaluated.
Link: Jewish Press
Israeli Airlines Arkia and Israir Cancelling all International Flights

The entire country of Italy is now in lockdown.  
Link: WSJ

The stock markets are a Sea of Red - perhaps that's what ''turning waters to blood'' means these days

Monday, March 9, 2020

Ani Ma'amin

It's a strange phenomenon lately, that people who know absolutely nothing about Moshiach or the End Times, are suddenly experts on the subject.  They want to either deny that there is such a thing as Moshiach, or suggest we are hundreds of years away.  I don't have the energy or the inclination to even argue with them.  These are people who are experts in their own fields, whether it be law or medicine or investment bankers..... and they have never listened to a shiur, or learned any Torah, about Moshiach, and yet they KNOW for a fact that it's all nonsense.

Last night on 60 Minutes Australia a leading public health expert warned that up to 60 per cent of the world’s population could become infected by coronavirus, killing 45 million.   That in itself is quite an End Times event, but if you add that to the other signs in the world, we are definitely almost there.

So why are so many people in denial?  I guess it's because firstly they are ignorant of the facts, and secondly they are so caught up in the lifestyle of materialism and their concept of ''normality'' that they cannot envision a world of spirituality, devoid of all things related to financial gain.  

I'm talking about people from all walks of life: the irreligious and even the religious [so called] who look at me like I'm a lunatic if I even mention the word Moshiach.   Some laugh, and some get angry, and some just don't know what to respond, they are so far away from the truth.  

How on earth can Moshiach come into a world where most people don't even believe in His coming?  Things such as the Coronavirus need to happen just to bring people to a state of despair and a search for something more than materialism.  

Northern Italy is now in lockdown.  People cannot leave their homes and they are not too happy about it.  How long until the rest of the world follows suit and we are all in lockdown?  Maybe that's not too far away.   The world is on the brink of another global financial crisis, soon toilet paper will be more valuable than money it seems.  In Australia it certainly seems to be the case already.

I am very grateful that I have a blog where people who read it understand that we are close to Moshiach, because if I had to rely on friends and family for their support, I'd be in big trouble, because most of them are clue-less.   How about all of you.... are you surrounded by non-believers and people who ridicule you?  Still ?  How long will it take for the world to wake up and see what is really happening/

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Significant Deeds

Based on Sichas Shabbos Vayakhel-Pekudei 5748 - Lubavitcher Rebbe

G-d said to Moshe: "Go down, for your people that you have brought up from the land of Egypt have become corrupt."  [Ki Tisa 32:7]

Only "three thousand men" [Ki Tisa 32:28] were actively involved in the sin of the golden calf, which was a comparatively small percentage of the Jewish population of a few million.

Nevertheless, G-d told Moshe to "go down", on which Rashi comments: "Descend from your high position. I gave you this high position only for their sake."

From this we see that a comparatively small number of Jewish people were of great significance, to the extent that they affected Moshe himself, who was not even present.

From the negative, we can also learn the positive: how significant the good deeds of even a small number of people can be for the entire Jewish population.